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The Dark Secret of the CEO by Sofia de Orellana

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62
After a thorough tour of the building, the girls say goodbye to Gerard and agree to meet at the house in a couple of hours.
-Take care – Gerard tells her at the entrance of Finnick and Abbot, taking her by the waist and leaving a kiss full of desire and
possession, right in front of the noses of several onlookers -. Talk to Evangeline so she can take care of Charlize in the
afternoon, I want to kidnap you so we can talk in peace.
– I think it’s perfect... and don’t think I didn’t realize that kiss is to mark me as one of your acquisitions – he tells her, feigning
annoyance –
-You do not like? I can try...
-Shhh... I like it, you just have to measure yourself, but I like that you want to tell everyone that you and I are something, that you
want to take care of me. I’m sure one day I’ll get used to it.
He kisses her again, then says goodbye to Charlize with a kiss on her head and a hug. (This will be daily updtaed at
www.jar.com) The girls go to the car under the protection of George and the watchful eye of Gerard, he stands there
watching as the vehicle goes around a corner and enters the building another time.
He shoots Johny a dirty look, who buries himself in his desk and gets into the elevator. As soon as the doors open, he goes into
his office, where Dan is sitting there smiling and waiting for him.
-You don’t know how happy it makes me to see you like this, with that silly smile and surrounded by your beauties – Gerard sits

smiling and says radiantly –
– Better yet, that woman is tremendous. She got upset because I scared away a vulture, saying that she can do it alone and now
she told me that she liked it that way... Dan I’m in love.
“Enough to ask him...?” – Dan waves his hands for Gerard to finish the question –
-From here I’m going to the jewelry store – his friend can’t help but open his eyes wide in surprise —
– Are you at least sure that she does love you?
-He hasn’t told me in words – he shrugs to downplay it, because for him it doesn’t matter. He’s sure that her love for now is
enough and that at least Luz does feel a lot for him, but last night she told me love and it came out so... natural.

-Are you crazy. I’d tell you to wait until she at least tells you that she loves you...-Dan sits back in the chair and looks into his
eyes-. Did you talk to her last night?
-Eehh... no – he says smiling to him when remembering what they did -. But today we will... talk!
-And to. .. do I have to worry? -she asks raising an eyebrow- (This will be daily updated at www.jar.com). I’m not
offering you condoms, because they don’t need them, but make sure you slow down, lest I do something to the baby.
-I have it under control – he tells him amused, but the change in expression tells Dan that they will talk about something more
serious -. Now tell me, anything else?
– Alpha is already waiting for your orders.
– Perfect, as soon as I know something today, we’ll look for that unhappy man.
Siguen hablando un poco más, acuerdan ciertos cambios al retorno de Gerard y luego de eso, se despide de Dan, quien no deja

de decirle que le dé tregua a Luz. Se va con rumbo a la joyería, pensando en la recomendación de Dan... pero no la del sexo,
sino esa de esperar a que ella le diga que lo ama.
Al llegar a la tienda, una chica rubia con perfecta dentadura le da la bienvenida y le pregunta en qué puede ayudarlo.
-Estoy buscando un anillo de compromiso.
– Tenemos unos modelos nuevos que llegaron hace unos días, de todo tipo – la chica lo guía a la vitrina y le señala los anillos
que mencionó -.
Gerard ve los más variados diseños, pero hay uno que le llama particularmente la atención, es un sol con un bello rubí en el
centro, hecho de oro blanco. Lo toma y se da cuenta que es muy delicado, realmente una hermosura, el anillo perfecto para su
Lucecita. Ella es su sol propio, llegó para darle calor, iluminarlo y ayudarlo a crecer más en todos sentidos.
-Este es, me lo llevo.
La chica lo coloca en una fina caja de terciopelo azul oscuro y le desea suerte al futuro novio. (This will be daily updtaed at
www.jar.com)Se sube al auto con las ganas de pedirle en ese mismo instante a Luz que sea su esposa, por él se casaría
al día siguiente, sin embargo, hay algo que se le viene a la mente y que es muy importante.
-No estará realmente feliz ese día si sus padres no están presentes.

So he begins to think what would be the best way to reunite Luz with her parents. For that he needs the help of Matías , because
he is more aware of the situation.
For now, getting home is the most important thing, he just wants to see his women, hug her and give them his love.
But after that, it’s time to relive that night that has tormented him so much. She just has to avoid yelling at him to forgive him, that
it was he who hurt her and the father of her child, because that would advance many things and ruin the investigation that he and
Dan are carrying out against that mobster. It only remains to wait a little longer, until he has evidence and more pieces of a
puzzle that only becomes more difficult, but that he hopes to solve soon to see the image of his happy family ... at least that of
his women and his baby .