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The Contract Marriage by Winter Love

Chapter 337
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Chapter 337 Investigate The Matter

"Okay, okay. Take it. In any case, it's useless for me to keep it. But didn't that Hannah already resign? Why are you

looking for a photocopy of her ID?"

"This matter is not confirmed yet. After I investigate it clearly, I will tell you everything in detail." The truth hasn't

been found out yet. He didn't want his father to worry too much about this matter.

"Okay. . ." Ethan knew that Christian was a calm person. If he did not say it now, then there must be a reason for it,

so Ethan did not continue to ask.

"Dad, I will go downstairs first."

"Okay, go," Ethan nodded slightly and looked at his son as he waved his hand.

Christian came out of his father's room and quickly went downstairs with the copy. He went back to his room and

took the car keys. After informing Sarah, he drove the car out of the villa.

Christian went directly to the police station. On the way to the police station, Christian first called his comrade

Warren White. He revealed some of the things he suspected.

When Warren heard that, he told Christian to go to his office as soon as he arrived at the police station.

Christian's car drove into the police station very quickly. After parking the car, he quickly entered the office building

and found out about his comrade's office. He quickly went upstairs.

Warren knew Christian was coming, he had been waiting at the door. When he saw Christian walk up, he

immediately took a few steps forward. The two of them patted each other's shoulders with a smile, then walked to

the sofa in the office and sat down.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Christian went straight to the point and told Warren everything he suspected.

Listening to Christian's words, Warren could not help but frown. He picked up the copy he brought. "If the truth is

really as you said, then these women are really detestable! Christian, don't worry. Whether it is Hannah or that

military doctor Greta, I will help you catch them. Especially that military doctor Greta. I have even seen her twice.

How could she be so narrow-minded? It is really a waste of her being a soldier!"

Hearing Christian's speculation, Warren was also really furious. As a soldier, having such a comrade was simply a


"Yeah, I also didn't expect her to become like this. I always thought that she had returned to her hometown. I didn't

expect that she would come to this city and become an obstetrician. Now that I think about my wife giving birth

with that woman around, I feel a little scared. If she had caused a medical accident at that time, my wife might

have been in danger!"

Warren nodded in agreement. "Don't worry. I'll arrange for someone to investigate this matter. I'll definitely give

you an answer! "

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"However, the results of the DNA test will only appear in the afternoon of the day after tomorrow. You help me

investigate Hannah's whereabouts first. I think she must be an important person who knows about this matter. As

long as we can catch her, we will know what is going on once we ask."

"Yes, since she resigned from your family, that means she has a guilty conscience and is afraid. If that kind of girl

enters this kind of place, we do need to ask her about it at all, she will tell me everything in her own initiative."

"Alright! Since you have said so, then I am relieved. Tonight, I booked a private room in the Cooper Hotel. Let's

meet up." Nowadays, he had been troubling Warren too much, so he had to express his gratitude no matter what.

Warren heard his words and laughed heartily. "You definitely have to treat me, but it's not too late to treat after this

matter is investigated. Christian, don't be too anxious. As long as this matter reaches me, I will definitely return you

the truth. Even if the methods she uses are concealed, I will drag her out for you!"

"Then I will be very grateful to you!"

"What are you saying? What's our relationship?"

"Haha! Then I won't be polite with you!"

"That's more like it!"

Ruby did the check-ups in the hospital all the way until noon. She finished all the checks that needed to be done

before the results were finally out.

"Doctor, is there a problem with my body?" Ruby sat in the doctor's consultation room and nervously looked at the

doctor. She was afraid that she would hear a bad result.

The doctor heard her words and smiled as she shook her head. "Your body is very healthy. There are no infertility

issues at all. Don't worry, with your condition, it is very easy for you to get pregnant. Relax your mind. The more

nervous you are about this kind of thing, the more time will it take."

Hearing the doctor's answer, Ruby’s heart, which was hanging by a thread, instantly dropped. "Doctor, is what you

said true? Can I really get pregnant?"

This news made her more or less excited. In the past few months, she had always thought that it was the problem

with her body.

"Of course. Your body is very healthy, so of course you can get pregnant. Go back and relax. Other than paying

attention to your diet, don't always think about this."

"But doctor, I didn't take any contraceptive measures these few months, so why didn't I get pregnant in such a long


"Other than you being too nervous, there are other reasons for this. . ."

"What reason?"

"It's very simple! The reason is your husband's health. If what you said is true, it has been so long since you last had

a contraceptive measure, then I have to do a proper examination on your husband. If both of you are healthy, then

we won't have to worry about anything else, right?”

Ruby immediately denied the doctor's words. "There can't be any problems with his body! He already has a son!"

"Oh, if that's the case. . . You don't have to worry about it for now. Pay attention to your diet. Also, don't be too

nervous during normal times. If both of you are fine. . . I think the child might come after a while. There are a lot of

such things. Some couples are very normal, but there are a lot of them that will only have children after a year or


"Is that so? If you say so, then I am relieved." Ruby's heart finally fell to the ground.

After coming out of the hospital, Ruby ordered the driver to send her back to her mother's home.

From the moment she found out that Simona was not related to her by blood, Sarah felt that each day was like a

year. Facing these two children, even though Christian said that Stephen might very well be her biological son, but

in the depths of her heart, Sarah was still a little nervous and afraid.

If the examination results showed that Stephen really was her son, her worried heart fell to the ground.

But what if he wasn't?

What she feared the most was. . . That!

If not! Then where did her child go?

With Vivian’s viciousness, in order to take revenge on them, if Vivian did something to her child, or send her child to

somewhere far away, what would they do?

How would they find her child?

During dinner, Sarah did not have any appetite at all. But looking at the two wailing children waiting to be fed, she

still forced herself to eat all the food. No matter what the background of the two children was, she could not treat

them unfairly.

Not long after dinner, Sarah coaxed the two children to sleep. Then she returned to her bedroom.

Her heart was in turmoil, as if a huge rock had been pressed down on her. She was so stifled that she almost

couldn't breathe. She quietly returned to her room. After washing up, she laid down on the bed.

Sarah thought about the days since the children had been born, but she didn't even know which one was her own

child till now. No matter how she thought about it, she felt uncomfortable. Tears kept falling down and Sarah curled

up under the blanket and started crying.

After an unknown period of time, the place beside her suddenly sank and her body fell into a warm embrace.

Knowing that Christian had come, Sarah simply reached out and hugged him. She leaned against his chest and

could not stop sobbing.

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"Sarah, don't cry. I know you are feeling bad. Although the result hasn't come out yet, I can now be sure that

Stephen is our son! He never left you since he was born, didn’t he? Our son was always in front of us. So don’t be


Sarah shook her head hard in his arms. After a while, she looked up at Christian with tearful eyes and asked, "But

what if Stephen isn't? If he isn't. . . What should we do? Christian, I am so scared! I am afraid. . . "

She did not dare to continue. She was afraid that the results of the appraisal would surprise them. At that time, she

really didn't know what to do.

Christian reached out and held her in his arms. He patted her on the back and comforted her slowly, "No! I dare to

be 100% sure that Stephen must be our son! I have already gone to the hospital to ask. Other than you, there was

no other pregnant woman who gave birth that day. If Simona is not related to us by blood, then it must be Stephen.

We are waiting for the results of the assessment to confirm whether Stephen is our child or not from a scientific

point of view! This way, it will be easier for us to explain to our family members. Don't you think so?"

Sarah hid in Christian's arms and tears kept flowing out. She did not know how to answer and just kept sobbing.

"Don't worry. I am here. There won't be any more problems." Christian kept consoling Sarah, hoping that she

wouldn't think too much.

But no matter how Christian comforted her, Sarah's heart was filled with unspeakable discomfort.

After being pregnant for ten months, when the date of birth was getting closer and closer, she was looking forward

to the child in her belly coming to this world every day. When she woke up after the surgery and saw the cute

Simona, she treated her as her own daughter from the bottom of her heart.

However, she never would have thought that in the end she would find out that the daughter she had painstakingly

given birth to wasn’t her daughter at all! How could she bear such a blow?

After spending more than three months with her, Sarah had already completely regarded Simona as her own


But now. . .

Perhaps only a woman who is a mother could truly understand what kind of feeling Sarah had in her heart at this


That blow was fatal.

Her heart was in pain from being torn apart. All kinds of complicated and tangled emotions made it impossible for

her to fall asleep.

For the whole night, Sarah was tossing and turning in Christian's arms and could not fall asleep. It was only when

the sun was about to rise that she could not bear the torture and fell into a deep sleep in Christian's arms.

Two days were usually fast. Sometimes it even felt like it had passed in the blink of an eye. But to Sarah, two days

was as long as two centuries. She felt as if her heart was in her throat. She could not concentrate on anything. She

really wanted to know the results of the appraisal.