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The Contract Marriage by Winter Love

Chapter 307
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Chapter 307 Only One Option

“When I went to the company with Sarah, we did not see Vivian and Julian. Later, I heard that they were holding a

board meeting. We finally went to the meeting room. But the meeting ended when we reached the door. We walked

in and saw Julian sleeping on the leather chair in the middle. Dowson said that the person with the most shares in

the company is now him. So Chairman Cooper is no longer the chairman. Julian has also agreed to Vivian's decision

to make her the new CEO!"

"Isn't this nonsense? Even if Chairman Cooper is unconscious now, it is impossible for Dowson to be the chairman of

the company." Jasmine frowned when she heard that and retorted.

"Yes! Even if Chairman Cooper is unconscious, his shares are still there. And no matter what, the other directors will

not allow this to happen! So now I suspect that Julian's shares might have been transferred! If Julian was in the state

of daze and were to sign the shares transfer agreement, Dowson would probably have gotten his shares just like


"But Julian was unconscious, so how could they let him sign it?"

"He must have been awake before he entered the meeting room, but Sarah and I did not participate in the

meeting, so we do not know what happened. Furthermore, there was nothing on Sarah's hands right now. Except

for the identity of Chairman Cooper's daughter-in-law, she has no right to interfere in the company's matters!"

"Vivian, that slut! It seems that Sarah's car accident case is definitely related to her! This woman's heart is really

too vicious! ]" When Jasmine heard what Jameson said, she gnashed her teeth in hatred.

Syrus's face sank. He thought for a while and then looked at Sarah. "Sarah, does Military Commander Cooper have

any shares in the company?"

Sarah nodded. "Yes! Although he is a soldier, Dad gave both of his sons 20% of the shares each for the sake of

fairness. Perhaps he was afraid that this would happen, so he gave both of them equal shares."

Syrus nodded. “That's not bad! If that's the case, we can still save the company!"

Sarah immediately looked at him. "Can't we call the police now?"

"There's no way to call the police for this kind of thing. Dowson currently has 35% of the shares. This is an

indisputable fact! Even if you call the police, Julian has already transferred his shares. So we have now only one

option left."

“What option?”

“You have to take over Military Commander Cooper’s shares.” Syrus said solemnly.

"You mean. . . You want me to go to the army to find Christian?" Sarah was stunned for a moment.

"Yes! This is the only option. Because you don’t have any shares in the company you can’t voice out anything now.

But if you have Commander Cooper’s shares in your hand, you can retort their decision openly.”

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Syrus said as he walked back to the table. He pressed the secretary's internal line and asked the secretary to book

a plane ticket to Christian's army as soon as possible.

Then he walked back to the sofa and looked at Sarah to comfort her. "Don't worry about this first. No matter what

happens, Wilson Group will be your shield! Don't be afraid of them!"

Jasmine who was at the side also nodded heavily. She patted Sarah's shoulder to comfort, "Yes, yes. Sarah! This

time no matter what you say, I must teach that Vivian a good lesson! I think after this matter, Julian will definitely

not continue to live with this woman. So before you leave, there is still one more thing that needs to be done!"

Sarah looked at her nervously, "Sister, what is it?"

"First, settle the two children! Vivian, that kind of person, once she is forced into a corner, it is very likely that she

will jump over the wall in desperation!"

Syrus heard what Jasmine said and nodded his head in agreement. "You are right!"

After he finished speaking, he quickly took out his phone and made a call to his assistant. He asked him to prepare

to return to Villa of Cooper Family with Sarah downstairs.

After making the call, Syrus looked at Sarah and said, "Go back to Cooper Family immediately. Bring the two

children and the wet nurse over. I will arrange them to be in the Wilson Family Villa. No one will touch a hair of


Sarah heard Syrus's words and immediately nodded her head as she stood up. "Then I will go back immediately!"

"Jameson, you send her down!" Syrus stood up as he spoke. He looked at Sarah who was about to leave and

reminded her worriedly. "If you go to the army, don't say anything to Military Commander Cooper!"


With the help of Syrus and Jasmine, Sarah sent the children to the Wilson Family villa.

That afternoon, she boarded a plane to Christian's army. Of course, she was accompanied by Syrus's assistant.

When the two of them got off the plane, they stopped a taxi at the entrance of the airport lobby and headed

towards Christian's army.

Sarah called Christian on the way and found out that he was in his army office. She told Christian about her arrival

and asked him to come to find her.

The car quickly arrived at Christian's camp. Because the two of them still had to leave in a hurry, Syrus’s assistant

stayed at the door and waited for Sarah to come back.

Christian's car arrived very quickly. He got out of the car and noticed a man standing beside Sarah.

Judging from the man’s expression, he must be a company’s manager or something.

Without any question, Christian held Sarah’s hand and brought Sarah to his house.

Sarah followed him into the living room.

Christian asked her anxiously, "Why did you come over this time without saying anything? Also, why didn't you bring

your luggage? What about the children at home after you came? How's my dad? And who was the man just now?"

Too many things had happened at home recently. If it wasn't for something big happening at home, his little wife

wouldn't have come looking for him.

"Christian! I am in a hurry right now. I have to rush back today!" Sarah looked at Christian and spoke anxiously.

Christian frowned. "Did something happen at home? Quickly tell me!"

"It's like this! I'm worried that Julian won't be able to work well, so I want to work in the company. However, Vivian

said that since I don’t have anything in the company, I don't have the right to go. That's why I came to you today. I

want you to transfer all your shares to me!"

Hearing this Christian frowned. His face showed an unusual anger. "Vivian doesn't let you to go to the company?

Doesn't she also have the same status as you? She doesn’t have anything in the company either. So what right

does she have to not let you work in the company?"

"Julian has appointed her as the vice president of the company, that’s why she has the authority to deny me. Now

Syrus and Ms. Jasmine are both helping me think of a way. The most important thing for you now is to sign this

equity transfer contract immediately!"

Sarah said as she took out the equity transfer contract that she had prepared and placed it on the coffee table. She

even quickly took out a pen and handed it to Christian.

"Tell me the truth. Did something big happen in the company?" Christian looked at Sarah anxiously as he took the

papers in his hands.

"Nothing big happened. I just think Vivian might have bad intentions. So I want to take precautions! Hurry up and


Christian silently looked at Sarah. He looked at the equity transfer contract in front of him and did not hesitate any

longer. He picked up his pen and signed his name on the transfer contract.

Sarah carefully put away the transfer contract and looked at Christian. Her expression eased a little "Hubby, I have

something to tell you. It’s happy thing."

"What happy thing?"

"When I went to the hospital yesterday, I held Dad's hand and chatted with him for a while. Who knew that when I

was about to leave, his hand actually moved! Later on, Mom didn't believe it. I just said a few more words to Dad,

and he really responded to me! The doctor told me that as long as we continue to chat with him, Dad will very likely

wake up very soon!"

Christian heard his wife's words and grabbed her hand to ask, “Is what you said true?"

This news was really good news to him!

Sarah nodded heavily and continued, "I came today because I want to guard the Cooper Group before Dad wakes

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up. You don't have to worry about me. Brother Syrus and Ms. Jasmine are with me. They were both elites in the

business field, so they were better at this kind of thing than you. Today, I came to find you because of their help.

Brother Syrus was afraid that something might happen to me on the way. He had even specially sent someone to

send me off. He was waiting at the door right now. Hubby, I'll be leaving first." Sarah said as she quickly stood up

and prepared to leave.

Christian stood up as well. He reached out to hug Sarah. "Sarah, thank you! It has been hard on you during this

period of time."

There were so many things in the family that she had to take care of all by herself. And now it seemed like

something had happened to Cooper Group again. He felt an unspeakable guilt towards her in his heart.

Sarah heard his words and smiled. She stretched out her hand and patted his back. "What are you talking about?

Aren't I the daughter-in-law of the Cooper Family? Besides, Dad has always treated me as his daughter. These are

all things that I should do! Just work hard in the army. I'm still waiting for you to get the first place. . ."

"Sarah. . ."

Sarah struggled out of his arms and looked at him with a smile. "Hubby, I'm leaving!"

"Okay. I'll send you off."

Christian held his wife's hand and walked out of the house together. He drove her to the main door and watched as

she got into the taxi.

The taxi started quickly and soon disappeared into the distance.

Christian watched the car disappear quickly. He was worried, but at this moment, he knew that if Sarah had Syrus

and Jasmine as her backing, it would be hundred’s time better than him, a military commander.

Although it only took an hour on the plane, it would take a longer time for the procedures to be completed.

Fortunately, Syrus's secretary booked a return flight ticket for the two of them, so they only waited at the airport for

a while.

When the two of them landed on the plane, it was already past six o'clock in the afternoon.

Because they had already calculated the time, when the two of them walked out of the airport, Jasmine was

already driving the car and waiting for the two of them.

Once Syrus’s assistant came out of the airport, he got into the driver's seat and took the initiative to drive. Jasmine

just sat in the backseat with Sarah.

"How is it? Did you have him sign it?" Jasmine asked as soon as she got into the car.

"Yes, He has signed it. Sister, take a look." Sarah nodded as she took out the equity transfer contract from her bag

and handed it to Jasmine.

Jasmine took it and looked at it carefully before nodding her head in satisfaction, “Not bad! From now on, you are a

director of Cooper Group. You have the absolute right to speak now."

"Really?" Sarah still had some uncertainty in her heart.

"Of course! Sarah, this kind of thing was very common in large companies or in the family. So you don't need to be

nervous or afraid. With me and Syrus supporting you behind your back, no one will dare to do anything to you."