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The Contract Marriage by Winter Love

Chapter 20
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Chapter 20 This is the Woman You Abandoned!

Seeing two of them stop by the sofa, everyone stared at them.

Julian, who was on the ground, immediately looked up and looked at Sarah apologetically. He called

out softly, “Sarah. . .”

He really wanted to say sorry to her, but looking at her disgusted expression, he opened his mouth but

did not say anything!

In just one or two hours, she had already become another person!

Before today, every time she saw him, her face would be filled with a happy smile. In the past, he

always felt that her smile was too silly, but today, he realized how precious that brilliant smile was!

All the words of apology were useless in front of her!

Hearing Julian’s call, Sarah’s throat choked. Her gaze swept across Julian who was on the ground.

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Although her heart was in tumultuous pain, she suppressed the sourness in her heart. She looked at

the elders and politely nodded. “Grandpa, Uncle, Aunt…”

Ethan heard her voice and his heart ached. He immediately called her to sit down. “Sarah, if you have

anything to say then sit down and say it!”

Daphne’s face also recovered a little bit of enthusiasm. She called Sarah to sit. “Yes, yes, if you have

anything to say, let’s slowly talk…”

Sarah did not modestly give in. she pushed Christian to the side of the sofa and walked to the seat

beside him and sat down.

Benjamin looked at her and said sadly, “Child, we all know what happened between you and Julian.

Your father and Ethan were brothers who grew up together. Because of the relationship between two of

them, you and Julian were engaged. Everyone’s original intention was good but no one expected such

a thing would happen. This is all Julian’s fault. Today, we sat down to give you justice. As long as, you

bring it up, no matter what the conditions are… We will promise you…”

Ethan nodded in agreement. He took over his father’s words and continued, “Sarah, our Cooper Family

has let you down! Child, if you have any grievances or dissatisfaction, tell uncle. As long as uncle can

do it, uncle will definitely agree to it!”

Daphne, who was beside him, also immediately nodded her head in agreement. “Yes, Sarah! This was

all Julian’s fault. You can punish him however you want! We will listen to you!”

Sarah forced the corner of her lips when she heard the words of the elders. A bitter smile appeared on

her face. She calmed down a little and said calmly, “Grandpa, Uncle, I came today to ask you a


“Tell me! As long as you say it, Uncle will promise you!” Ethan immediately looked at Sarah and


Everyone looked at her nervously. They did not know what she wanted to say. What…

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Sarah eyes dimmed and she said slowly, “My mother always thought that I would marry Julian. She

had always held a lot of hope. If she knew…”

Sarah voice choked when she said this.

She adjusted her mood and continued, “I know that it is impossible for me to marry Julian. But I hope

that the harm to my mother will be less, so I thought of a way…”

“What way?” Expect for Christian, everyone was staring at her.

“I want to tell my mother that I have liked Christian for a long time. I have never liked Julian. This way, it

will be less harmful to her. I hope you can help me with this lie.” Sarah said as she looked up to Ethan.

Ethan thought that he could make up for his good friend’s daughter, but after hearing what Sarah said,

he did not know what to say. He felt very sorry for her.

Finally, his gaze fell on his disappointing son and he roared, “You beast! Did you see that? This is the

person you abandoned!”