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The Contract Marriage by Winter Love

Chapter 101
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Chapter 101 Mrs Brown Came To Complain

"Okay, then I won't bother you anymore. Good night."

"Mmm, good night!"

Sarah put away the line and looked at David who was smoking not far away. She opened the car door and walked


"Mr. David."

David immediately walked over and threw away the cigarette butt in his hand. He looked at her and asked, "Are you


During the time she had been on the phone, it had been a fatal torture for him, but there were some things that he

could not avoid.

"Well, it's getting late. You should go back. I'll go upstairs first." Sarah smiled and shook David's hand. She turned

around and was about to leave.

"Sarah. . .” David did not expect her to leave after the phone call. He immediately stopped her.

"What's wrong?" Sarah turned around and looked at him in confusion.

David smiled. Although he had a lot of things to say to her, he still swallowed them all back down. He looked at her

and said, "Be careful when you go upstairs. Call me if anything happens. "

"Okay, you have to be careful too." Sarah heard his words and smiled. She turned around and quickly went back to

her home.

David watched her back gradually disappear. He looked at the neon lights in the distance and let out a long sigh. He

suddenly had no confidence. All the reactions of this girl today were done subconsciously. It was getting closer and

closer to the end of their agreement. However, his heart was getting more and more uneasy. . .

Perhaps, he was overthinking it?

This night, Sarah slept somewhat uneasily. Lying on the bed, she kept tossing and turning. She could clearly feel

how good David was to her. He really liked her. When she thought of his appearance, her heart felt warm.

But right after that, Christian's shadow kept appearing in front of her eyes. She didn't know why either. She was

clearly just an arranged husband and wife, but now. . . Christian's shadow would always appear in her mind from

time to time.

She could hear the words he had said to her on the phone tonight, and she could tell that. . . He had been with him

for a while now, and he could not bear to part with her anymore. She could clearly feel that. . . He really didn't want

to divorce her.

But if she really agreed to his request and lived with him. . . Then she wouldn't be able to avoid Julian's

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entanglement in the future. Besides, didn't he not have that function?

And David. He had waited for her for nine years. Before this, she had even agreed to divorce Christian and agreed

to marry him.

Her mind was in a mess.

She did not understand why such a simple decision was so difficult to make!

For the first time, her heart was in a mess because of Christian's request.

After two days of infusion, Samantha felt much better and more energetic. Sarah woke up early in the morning to

prepare breakfast.

After accompanying her mother to eat and cleaning up the kitchen, she took the medicine and stared at her

mother as she ate. Only then did she take her bag and leave the house.

Because the driving license test was in three days, today was the last time she went to the driving school to

practice. When she walked out of the neighborhood, she saw David's BMW parked not far away. She was slightly

stunned. She never thought that David would come so early.

She slowly walked to the side of the car and stood by the car door, looking at him in confusion.

"Mr. David, what are you doing here?"

David waved at her. "Get in the car. Aren't you going to take the exam today? Mr. David will be your free driver!"

"No need! I can take a taxi myself!” Sarah immediately shook her head. Ever since she received Christian's call last

night, she had not yet tidied up her feelings. Before she could clear up her feelings, she wanted to maintain some

distance from David.

"What is it? Do you dislike Mr. David?" David's face darkened on purpose.

"No! How can I despise you? I just feel that. . . I can't always trouble you like this. . . "

"Then if you don't come up, I'll take it that you dislike me!” David looked at her, urging her again. His face was

showing some signs of not compromising.

Hearing what he said, Sarah knew that she could not refuse him, so she could only open the car door and sit in.

David smiled and looked at her. He stretched out his hand and started the car, driving quickly towards the driving


The car drove further and further away and finally disappeared. Mrs. Brown stood on the opposite side of the road.

Seeing her son's car gradually disappear, she lifted her foot and walked towards Sarah's residential area.

Actually, Mrs. Brown’s impression of Sarah had always been very good. A while ago, when she heard that she was

married, Mrs. Brown even specially went to Sarah's house not long after she got married. She congratulated


Originally she did not want to come today but these few days, rumors about her son and Sarah were flying all over

the place. Initially, she wanted to find someone to introduce a girlfriend to her son. Who knew that her son would

reject her directly.

If Sarah had not married yet, the two of them could get along with each other however they wanted. But she was

already married, no matter what the person she married was like. She was already a married woman.

She couldn't just watch her son ruin her future and future, so today. . . She had to find Sarah's mother, Samantha,

and have a talk with her.

Mrs. Brown crossed the road and entered the neighborhood. In a short while, she arrived at Sarah's house.

Just as she was about to step into the unit door, she saw a familiar figure walk out from the unit door. It was Sarah's

neighbor. Everyone had lived in the same place for a long time and were very familiar with each other. That woman

immediately greeted Mrs. Brown warmly when she saw her.

"Oh, David’s Mom, what brings you here?"

Mrs. Brown also smiled, "I came to see Samantha. . . "

"Samantha seems to have caught a cold these two days. That son of yours, David, has a really good heart. He

comes here every morning and night. Those who don't know him will think that he is her son-in-law."

The neighboring woman looked at Mrs. Brown and sighed. Mrs. Brown heard it and felt a headache.

"Where are you going?" Mrs. Brown changed the topic and did not want to continue the conversation with her.

"I am going to the market to buy some things. If I have such a good son like your family, I will be content if I send

food here every day!"

Mrs. Brown's eyes darkened and she forced a smile. "Then go and buy some vegetables. I will go up first. "

"Okay, come to our home when you have time." That woman smiled and nodded. She carried her basket of

vegetables and left with a smile.

Mrs. Brown looked gloomily at that woman back and lifted her foot to go upstairs. The door only opened after

knocking for a long time. Samantha looked at David's mother who was in front of her and was somewhat surprised

but she was still happy and hurriedly invited Mrs. Brown into the living room. She invited her to sit on the sofa and

then went to make tea for her.

"Samantha, you don't need to be busy anymore. I came today to say a few words of understanding to you. . ."

David’s mother saw that she was busy and quickly greeted her.

"Mrs. Brown, take a seat first. I will be fine in a while." Samantha did not listen to Mrs. Brown's words and insisted on

making a pot of hot tea to the tea table. She then enthusiastically poured a cup of hot tea for Mrs. Brown and

placed it in front of her. She smiled and asked, "Why is Mrs. Brown free to come to our house today?"

Mrs. Brown looked at Samantha opposite and then lightly sighed, "Samantha. I came to look for you today, because

I had no other choice. We used to live in the front and back of the house. It was later when the house was

demolished. Only then did we separate. We've been neighbors for so many years. Sometimes, when we think about

it, we're even closer to each other than our own sisters. Don't you think so?"

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Mrs. Brown words were reasonable and Samantha nodded her head and replied with some emotion. "Yes. After we

separated, we were really reluctant. Fortunately, our old neighbors are not too far away. Usually, as long as we

want to say something, we can still get together. "

"Samantha, I came to your house today. I really mustered a lot of courage before coming. There are some words. I

don't know if I should say it or not. "

"Mrs. Brown, I'm not an outsider. Speak!"

Mrs. Brown sighed lightly. "Look at our David. He has been out adventuring all these years. Luckily, he finally has his

own career. Now he can be considered to have made a name for himself. Don't you think so?"

"That's right! David is very good. I never thought that he would have today's achievements."

"He is a few years older than Sarah. I remember that when he was young, he often followed behind her. He was like

a Big Brother. At that time, I thought that if our David marries Sarah in the future, he would definitely be very

happy. But who would have thought that your Sarah would be married in the blink of an eye?”

“After David returned this time, I asked someone to help him introduce a girlfriend over and over again. But it

wasn't that he didn't want to go, it was that he wanted to tell others that he has a girlfriend. Yesterday, I finally

managed to get someone to introduce a girl who looks good. She has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and she also

looks smart. Furthermore, her family is also good. Her father is in the municipal government. Her mother was also

a teacher, so how good is this family. But yesterday, he directly told that girl that he has a girlfriend.”

“After driving out of the hotel, he came to your house. Samantha, Elder Sister really has no idea. In the past, the

two of them were small. David had always been by Sarah's side, but now they have all grown up. After all, Sarah is

now the daughter-in-law of Cooper Family. You said that David is with her every day, how would others think of our


Samantha did not think that Mrs. Brown would come today because of this matter. After listening to her say these

words, her face could not help but show some embarrassment. Even though Mrs. Brown's words were very gentle,

the meaning behind it was very clear.

She smiled unnaturally. "Yes. Mrs. Brown is right. David has come frequently these few days. But he also has good

intentions. Maybe he thought Sarah was not her and came to see me. I only thought that David was not an outsider

and did not think about anything else. Since Mrs. Brown said this today, I will definitely have a good talk with Sarah.

Don't worry. "

"En, that's good! I really have no choice. You don't know. The women around my house keep talking to me every

day. If David’s reputation is to be tarnished, how can he find another girlfriend in the future? What do you think? "

"Right, right! David’s mom is right! I will definitely help to persuade him!" She had come to find her. Since what she

said was the truth, Samantha naturally could not say anything. She could only nod her head repeatedly.

Hearing Samantha agree to her request, Mrs. Brown immediately stood up from the sofa. "Then you should be

busy. I will not disturb you anymore. Samantha, I will be leaving first. "

"Come when you have time. . ." Samantha sent Mrs. Brown to the door and saw her figure disappear around the

corner of the stairs. She then closed the living room door and returned to the sofa a little lonely.