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The Clutches Of Hell Novel

Chapter 47
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Chapter 47
Victoria took the clothes in Gabrielle’s hands and glanced at them, a hint of confusion in her eyes. Still, she didn’t say anything.
She placed the uniform by her pillow, went outside to make a call, then washed up and went to bed.
Early the next morning, Victoria was still sleeping when a loud banging on the door woke her up—
“Still sleeping at this hour? What are you, pigs? Open up!”
“Open up, you hear?! Damn it, those stupid girls!”
Victoria frowned and said to Gabrielle, who was also in a sour mood from getting woken up by the noise, “Stay in bed. I’ll get the
“How annoying can she be?!” Gabrielle mumbled, then turned around and covered her face with her blanket.
Victoria went over to answer the door. Daisy was standing at the entrance, donning a slip dress. She wore a wine red coat
loosely on top of it, and there was a bruise-like hickey on her neck.
“What the f*ck are you looking at? Keep looking and I’ll gouge out—” Daisy began shouting, but she swallowed the rest of her
sentence under Victoria’s gaze.
Victoria said calmly, “Don’t say I haven’t reminded you. If you curse one more time in front of me, I’ll make sure you never open
your mouth again.”
“How dare you!” Daisy craned her neck, her nostrils looking a little larger because of the slight movement.
Victoria smiled, but the smile didn’t reach her eyes. “You can try.”
With that, she returned to her own bed.
Daisy’s face turned from pale to a dark hue before turning to red. In the end, she slammed the door shut as if to vent. “Crazy
woman,” she muttered under her breath.
Victoria took the uniform and got ready to change into it while pretending not to hear Daisy, but after thinking for a bit, she put the
uniform back down.

It seemed like she wouldn’t need the uniform today. She looked at the time, and people should be calling her or knocking on her
door to see her by now.
As soon as the thought flashed across her mind, the door was pushed open.
“Who’s getting worked up so early in the day? I could hear the door slamming from a mile away.” Charlotte walked in, smiling.
She was wearing the simplest office wear, but it still enhanced her figure and gave her an alluring aura.

“It’s not like I asked for it.” Daisy pouted. She was talking to Charlotte, but her eyes were trained on Victoria. “A certain someone
overdid it and let me wait at the door for half an hour in the morning. Who wouldn’t be pissed?”
Victoria allowed Daisy to tell her tall tale, not intending to retaliate.
“Daisy, don’t treat everyone like fools.” Charlotte took Daisy’s hand, raising a corner of her eye as she said pointedly, “If not,
you’ll be at a disadvantage.”
Daisy pouted, but she kept silent as she cast a sideways glance at Victoria. Then, she grudgingly went back to her bed.
“You don’t have to work today. Mr. Thatcher will be here in about half an hour, so hurry up and gather your things. Mr. Thatcher
will tell you what to do then.” With her index finger, Charlotte poked a few times at Victoria’s shoulder. She gave a meaningful
smile, then opened the door and left.
Gabrielle popped her head out from beneath the blanket, a searching gaze in her eyes. “Victoria, does Mr. Thatcher know you?”
Victoria nodded. Her eyes glistened as she said calmly, “I broke his beloved’s leg, so how can he not know me?”
“Then... Be careful today. Don’t offend anyone anymore.” The light in Gabrielle’s eyes went out as she smiled awkwardly. She
pulled the blanket up over her head again.
Victoria didn’t have any other clothes, so she put on the outfit she wore yesterday. Then, she put on some simple makeup and
went out.
The car arrived after an hour. She opened the car door and was about to sit in the passenger seat when Christian gave her a
look. “Come behind.”
“Okay.” Victoria pursed her lips, then tensed herself as she rounded to the back, sitting beside him..

She wasn’t used to sitting so close to him. The faint cigarette smell on him seemed to envelope her like an invisible net,
suffocating her.
Then, she pressed her right hand on the seat as she carefully inched to the right, intending to put more distance between them.
Suddenly, a strong arm wrapped around her waist. She tensed up, and before she could respond, she fell into the arms of the
man beside her.
“If you’re so scared of me, then why did you try so hard to attend my mother’s birthday banquet? Hm?” Christian gripped her chin
and forced her to look at him. Her face, which was pale from panic, reflected in his dark eyes.
Victoria’s heart skipped a beat. She lowered her gaze, not daring to look him in the eye. “I haven’t seen her in two years, so I
wanted to visit her.”
Her mother would be attending Evelyn’s birthday banquet as well. Victoria wanted to see her mother, so she shamelessly called
Evelyn last night.

She could hear his strong heartbeat, and she felt uncomfortable all over. She pressed her left hand on the seat in an attempt to
sit better.
However, Christian suddenly reached out and pressed a hand on her shoulder. Her hand faltered, and she lay right on his thighs.
“Victoria.” He leaned in ever so slightly as his fingers fell on her right leg, which was slightly impaired, and began to rub it. “Was
the punishment two years ago too light for you?”
Was that why she still dared to lie to him?
The places he had touched felt like a sharp knife was drawn through them. Victoria felt goosebumps all over her, her delicate
eyelashes quivering endlessly.
In an instant, a piercing pain shot through her right leg again.
“I’ll give you another chance.” Christian’s hand paused on her knee, knocking it mindlessly.
It wasn’t too hard, but Victoria’s heart trembled with every knock. Her fingers subconsciously gripped the seat, and she was
immensely disgraced. “I wanted to see my mom.”

She just wanted to see her mother, but she had to do it through someone else’s birthday .com fast updatebanquet. She
never thought that she would face such a ridiculous situation.
“Hah!” Christian chuckled, faint mockery in his voice as he said, “Should I say that the Colemans are a cruel family? Or an
intimate one?”
Embarrassment filled Victoria’s eyes. She wanted to sit up, but she couldn’t find a spot to support herself, so she could only grab
onto his leg fearfully. However, she never thought that she would accidentally press on his private part!
“I’m sorry...” All the color drained from her face as her body trembled uncontrollably.
The driver coincidentally witnessed this scene through the rearview mirror. He subconsciously squeezed his thighs closed, a chill
running down his spine.
Christian’s usually indifferent face was a little dark as a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He said coldly, “Still not
letting go?”
Victoria hastily let go, then supported her weight on his leg as she sat up. She backed right up to the car window.
She had seen many cruel people in prison, but perhaps because Christian had broken her leg with a club, the person she feared
the most was still him.
“Stop the car.” Christian’s face was an unnatural red as a dark shadow loomed over his eyes.
After the car pulled up, he looked sideways at Victoria, his voice bone-chilling as he said, “Get out!”
“Can I still attend the birthday banquet?” Victoria knew her best bet would be to run right now, but she didn’t want to miss this
chance to see her mother.
Sweat trickled down Christian’s face. “If you don’t get out right now, you won’t be going!”
After she got out, he squeezed his thighs together, covering the throbbing spot with his hand as he said with great difficulty, “To
the hospital!”