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The Clutches Of Hell Novel

Chapter 28
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Chapter 28

“Let’s go.” Christian ignored Victoria’s low attitude and pushed her hand away with ease. “Push the


Victoria just stood in the same place without moving and looked at him in his eyes. “Do you really need

to do this?”

“Victoria, I’m very impatient.” He swayed the glass of champagne in his hand and took a sip. The way

his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down was so seductive that many female guests took a double take.

However, in Victoria’s eyes, he was just a demon no matter how alluring he was. Meanwhile, she was

just a little ant, so she could only obey this demon’s words.

While lowering her head, she laughed at herself and walked to the back of the wheelchair resignedly.

There was an enormous difference between Bella’s position and her position in Christian’s heart. Why

did she think that he would listen to her?

“Just let Lucas do it.” There was jealousy and hatred deep inside Bella’s eyes, but her face was full of

worry. “Victoria is already being looked down on after coming here in her uniform. If she’s asked to

push my wheelchair, I’m afraid the rest will think she’s my maid.”

“She doesn’t even care about this. Why are you so concerned?” Lucas said with a poker face and left

right away.

“In that case, thank you, Victoria.” Bella smiled gently. “Just follow Lucas. My parents are in front.”

“Aren’t you tired of acting like this every day?” Victoria pushed the wheelchair and said mockingly.

When Bella heard that, surprise crept on her face along with hints of innocence and confusion. “What

do you mean by that? I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

Victoria was disgusted by her reaction. She pressed her lips together without engaging in conversation

and simply pushed the wheelchair quietly while following behind Lucas.

After a while, they arrived at Kevin and Nancy’s side.

Just as Victoria stopped walking, the disgruntled Nancy pushed her away.

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Nancy was quite strong, and since Victoria hadn’t been guarded against her, she stumbled and

knocked into a table at the back.

Squeak! The friction between the table and the floor made a screeching sound, and all the wine and

dishes fell onto the ground.

Likewise, Victoria fell and sat on the floor. Her tailbone was in so much pain from the fall, so she bit her

lip as tiny beads of sweat formed on her forehead.

When Christian saw that, he knitted his brows together and took a step forward. However, he took a

step back almost immediately and just looked from the side.

“How are you, Bella?” Nancy checked on Bella and didn’t hide the worry on her face. “Why is this

murderer with you? Did she hurt you?”

“Don’t talk about Victoria like this, Mom. She used to be my best friend, after all.” Bella furrowed her

beautiful brows together, looking a little unhappy.

“You treated her as your friend, but what did she treat you as?” Nancy choked up a little. “Had you not

been rescued on time, I don’t know whether… you’d still be alive or not.”

Since it was getting loud here, many people looked in their direction and pointed their fingers at Victoria

on the ground.

“Wasn’t she put in prison for attempted murder? Why is she here?”

“Miss Spritz was so kind that she didn’t charge her with intentional homicide because they used to be

friends. As such, she’s been released after two years.”

“Miss Spritz is really kind. She still thinks about the past even when she was almost murdered.”

“Why did the security let her in? Who can guarantee our safety?”

As Victoria was sitting on the floor, she bit her lips forcefully without letting go until it tore slightly. There

was a taste of blood in her mouth.

While in her daze, she realized these onlookers looked at her with mockery, disdain, contempt, and

fear—all of which overlapped with the scene from two years ago. Her face turned pale, and her body

trembled uncontrollably.

Why does no one believe that I didn’t do it?

She raised her head and looked at Christian pitifully. Only then did she see that he was standing there

with the glass of champagne in his hand, looking at her from above with coldness and disgust.

At this moment, she opened her mouth, but her throat was blocked as though a cloud of cotton was

stuck inside, making her unable to say a word.

She looked at her surroundings in a daze to see Lucas, Bella, Mr. and Mrs. Spritz, and all the other

famous and wealthy people…

She practically knew everyone there, but at that very moment, they simply looked at her in disgust as

though they were looking at a maggot.

“Why aren’t you getting up? Are you waiting for people to help you up?” Christian said in an icy tone

and looked at her with his cold gaze.

“I think she’s feeling the pain from the fall and can’t get up herself.” Bella turned the wheels of her

wheelchair and arrived at Victoria’s side. She then reached out her hand with concern. “Where are you

injured? Do you want to go to the hospital?”

When they looked each other in the eyes, Victoria could clearly see the satisfaction hidden deep inside

Bella’s eyes. Thus, she ignored the woman’s outstretched hand and supported herself with both her

hands on the ground as she stood up slowly.

Her uneven fringe had become messy from the earlier fall, and it lifted to show the obvious crescent

scar on her forehead. On top of that, wine had spilled over the crotch area of her pants.

At this moment, there were people pointing at her from afar and laughing at her blatantly. They laughed

at her shirt, her scar, and her pants, which looked like she had peed herself.

Meanwhile, the man that she had used her life to love was just standing in front of her and trampling on

her dignity, just like everyone else at the banquet. “Don’t just stand there. Clear everything up. This is

what you’re best at.”

“Yes,” Victoria replied to him with her head lowered, and she could hear her own voice shaking.

She didn’t look at anyone again and just looked for a waiter to ask for some cleaning tools. Under the

gazes of the crowd, she looked down and cleaned the floor in silence.

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“Victoria.” Scarlett walked over and kicked Victoria softly, who was squatting on the ground. “Your ex-

friends wanted me to ask you if you clean toilets when working as a janitor. What if you can’t flush the

toilet? Do you use your hands to clean them up?”xo.com fast update

Hearing that, Victoria stood up and looked at the few celebrities who used to call her their bestie two

years ago. Then, her deadly gaze landed on Scarlett.

Her gaze was making Scarlett very uncomfortable. “I’m asking you something!”

“Someone’s going to pounce on your boyfriend.” Victoria pocketed her gaze. As Scarlett became

distracted while looking for Lucas, Victoria threw the cloth into the bucket and carried it out of the

banquet hall.

After she put the things back to their original places and was on her way to return to the banquet hall,

she met Lucas at the entrance.

She gave him a calm glance and looked away almost immediately. Just as she was ready to walk past

him to enter the hall, he suddenly pulled her and dragged her in the direction of the stairway.

“Let go of me!” Victoria struggled.

When Lucas heard that, he stopped walking and turned around to look at her. “Don’t move around if

you don’t want to get other people’s attention.”

She pressed her lips together and followed him to the stairway with a disgruntled expression. Then,

she asked in a low voice, “What do you need me for?”

“How are the injuries on your legs?” As he said that, he squatted down to roll up her pants.

Almost immediately, she took a step back, avoiding his touch. “It has nothing to do with you.”

“You kneeled for such a long time that day and didn’t even accept my ointment. Aren’t you scared that

you’ll lose your legs?” He raised his head and looked at her with some anger on his handsome face.

She was too lazy to explain anything to him, so she repeated, “It has nothing to do with you.”

In this life of hers, she didn’t want to have anything to do with the Spritz Family. She couldn’t afford to

mess with them, after all.

As she said that, she raised her leg and wanted to leave, but he grabbed her shoulder from the back.