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The Clutches Of Hell Novel

Chapter 128
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Chapter 128
Victoria looked into the distance where bright lights illuminated the bustling city. It was so dazzling that it could easily captivate
one’s eyes, yet she could only feel numbness and disgust.
Victoria looked into the distance where bright lights illuminated the bustling city. It was so dazzling that it could easily captivate
one’s eyes, yet she could only feel numbness and disgust.
She massaged her sore calves before heading toward the pool in order to fish out the trash from the water into a plastic bag.
After unscrewing the drain plug, she dragged her exhausted body to clean up the pool while fighting through drowsiness.
The night was chilly and it was cold to only wear a uniform. She rested the mop against herself before rubbing her palms and
exhaling puffs of air.
Click. Click. Click.
Suddenly, the clattering sound of heels became louder amidst the dreaded silence on the rooftop.
Victoria turned her head to see a lady closing the door to the rooftop. Due to the dim lightning, she could only discern the lady’s
figure vaguely, but not the face.
She frowned while shouting at the lady, “Don’t lock the door. I’ll lock it after I finish up everything.”
Yet, the lady merely raised her head to give Victoria a glance before locking the door. It was not until then did Victoria sense
something amiss as she tossed the mop away and strode toward the lady. “What are you doing?”
Noticing Victoria’s approach, the lady hurried up her pace. After locking the door, she ran away whereas Victoria dashed to the
door with a frown. It would not open no matter how hard she pushed it. “Is anyone there? Can anybody hear me? Is someone
there? Anybody out there?!”
She screamed from the bottom of her lungs, but received zero responses. Of course, since office hours were over, who would be
here other than her and the lady?
To make things worse, she left her phone in the dormitory because it happened to run out of battery.
A wave of breeze blew. Due to the chill, she sneezed and clenched tightly onto her clothes. Although the cleaning was yet to be
done, she was not in the mood to do that anymore..

Like a car running out of fuel, she was all in and had no strength left. Thus, she pulled over a chair and took a seat.
The night wind whisked stronger as thunder could be heard from afar. It seemed like it was going to pour soon.

It was 1.30AM, but Christian was wide awake in bed. He stared at the ceiling from last night as Matthew and his mother’s words
kept ringing in his head.
“If you can’t get over Victoria, you should think before you act in future. You’ll regret it if you keep up your act!”
“Christian, I’m not sure what happened between you and Tori, but it hurts her pride to be thrown out naked like this. Are you sure
you’re not going to regret it?”
Why are they so sure that I’m going to regret it? Do I appear to like Victoria to them?
Even so, he thought otherwise. To him, she was just a pursuer that kept following him. Her betrayal incurred the wrath in him not
because of how much she liked him, but merely because he hated it when someone fooled him. It was the same as how he
hated his father for fooling his mother around.
As to why he coveted her so much whenever Victoria revealed her true self at times when he actually bore no feelings to other
Christian got up from bed as his body was sweating due to frustration.
Removing his pajamas, he revealed his slim waist and strong, broad shoulders before entering the shower. He was fully awake
after a shower, but he had mixed feelings because of his thoughts earlier.
With tightly knitted brows, he went into the study and took out a document. Yet, he could not read anything on the first page even
after a long time as his head was filled with images of Victoria.
Vexed, he threw the document onto the desk and dialed the number, which he contacted numerous times in these two years.
From the other side of the line, the voice sounded rough since their sleep was disturbed in the middle of the night. “Who are
you? Why are you calling me at this hour—”
“It’s me,” Christian coldly interrupted.

The man was in a daze for a moment before he became awake. “Oh, Mr. Thatcher.”
Christian hummed as the glint in his eyes dimmed and his fingers tapped on the desk. “Any new clues about the car accident?”
The rumbling thunder resounded from the south as lightning cut through the sky. Bead-sized raindrops showered from the
clouds, showcasing how heavy and strong the autumn rain was.
Given there was no shelter on the rooftop, Victoria could only crouch under a desk to keep herself dry.
It was fine at the beginning since only her shoes were drenched by the rain. However, the wind soon blew the raindrops toward
her and her face hurt from all the pitter-pattering raindrops. Once her clothes were sodden, it was chilly to the bone whenever the
wind blew.

Due to the cold, her whole body shivered and she sneezed continuously. Looking at the seemingly endless rainfall, she wrapped
herself with a black plastic bag before sprinting outside to grab another table, which she later toppled to block the windy side.
It was much better, but the raindrops kept falling upon her.
Victoria was completely soaked from head to toe as the raindrops trickled down from her cheeks into her clothes. Amidst the
autumn wind, she hugged her knees with chattering teeth as her face turned pale.
Why are they so sure that I’m going to regret it? Do I appear to like Victoria to them?
Since Christian broke her leg before, it began to hurt now that she was soaked in rain and exposed to the cold wind. Still, she
was so used to the pain that she could still bear it with clenching teeth.
Half an hour later, the rain subsided, albeit pouring.
Her pale complexion turned ghastly and her lips became purple. The cold sweat on her .com fast updateforehead
mingled with the raindrops and flowed down.
Akin to a soaked sponge, her chest was suffocating and rendered every breath difficult.

Cough. Cough...
She covered her mouth and coughed out phlegms onto her palm. Stretching out her hand, she intended to wash her hand with
the rain. However, she covered her mouth and coughed again before she was able to clean it.
It hurts. It hurts so much.
Her heart raced as her breathing became rapid; she was struggling to breathe in oxygen like a fish exposed to the hot sun.
Cough! Cough! Cough!
She attempted to calm the cough, but in vain. She coughed vigorously and the phlegm from her throat filled her palm.
She spread her palm to look at the pinkish bubbles of phlegm; her pulmonary edema was relapsing. She had been suffering from
it during her days in prison.
Resting her hands on her chest, Victoria knew that it was possible for her to die at any moment. Still, she was not scared in the
slightest. Instead, she squirmed out from beneath the table and teetered to the door and tried to open it. “Anyone—”
She stopped after barely shouting a word from her throat. Next, she seated herself three feet away from the door, letting herself
be drenched by the rain.
God is giving me the chance to die naturally, so why should I waste it? Exhaustion must’ve taken a toll on me. I must be out of
my mind to shelter myself under the table. I should be drenched in the rain to either freeze myself to death or die from relapse.
It’s way much better than leading a sh*tty life from all the torture by Christian and Bella.
“Christian Thatcher... Cough... You... Cough... Miscalculated...” Victoria cocked her head while gazing at the starry sky. In spite
of the excruciating pain, she was beaming so brightly.
Once her disease relapsed, she would die and need not suffer in this world anymore. Christian would not be able to make an
excuse to put Vince in a tough position too.
She scoffed. Finally, God has finally shown me mercy! I wonder if there’s reincarnation in the afterlife. If there is, I don’t wanna
live as a human anymore. It’s too painful.