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The Clutches Of Hell Novel

Chapter 11
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Chapter 11 Everything I Say Will Be In Vain

When Charlotte informed Victoria that she was being transferred to the cleaning department, her eyes

immediately shifted to Victoria to gauge her reaction. After all, young girls were better suited to be

hostesses, whereas elderly retired women worked in the cleaning department. In general, cleaning was

a dirty, exhausting, and unpleasant task.

However, Victoria’s expression remained unchanged as she replied with a simple hum and remained

silent. Charlotte was a little disappointed, then raised an eyebrow and asked, “So, there’s nothing you

want to say?”

Victoria shook her head. “I don’t care what job I have as long as I get paid. Furthermore, Mr. Thatcher

had stated that anything I say would be in vain, so I see no reason to offend him.”

Charlotte was pleased with her response. After a brief hesitation, she smiled broadly. “Since you have

no objections, gather your belongings and report to the cleaning department.”

“Understood. Thank you, Miss Charlotte.”

As Charlotte observed Victoria’s return to her dormitory, she remained in the corridor and contemplated

for a while. Then, she took her phone out of her bag and dialed a number.

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The call went through quickly. “Hm? What’s the matter?”

“I have transferred her to the cleaning department, as per your instruction.”

Christian was reading some documents when Charlotte’s voice came over the phone, and he

immediately stopped to flip the page. After a few moments, he whispered, “What is her response?”

“There was no crying or commotion. She accepted it quite calmly.”

“Is that so?” He frowned before he reached up, rubbed his swollen temples, and said, “If so, then you

may arrange additional work for her. After all, she should be considered young in the cleaning

department at her age. It’s only reasonable that she takes on more work.”

Charlotte was stunned and hesitated briefly. “Mr. Thatcher, isn’t that too harsh? She’s just a girl, after


When Christian remained silent, she realized she had crossed a line. She changed the topic as her

guts scrunched up. “Right, the young master from Harvest Real Estate will be celebrating his birthday

here next Monday. Will you be here as well?”


“Then, I’ll prepare your favorite wine.” xo.com fast update

“Just do as you see fit.”

Christian focused on the document before him as soon as he hung up the phone. Nonetheless, he was

unable to comprehend anything.

No crying, no commotion, and accepting it calmly? Hah, Victoria, you manage to surprise me every

time. I don’t believe that the personality that you develop from a young age can change in just two


Everything I Say Will Be In Vain

He wanted to see how long she could keep up the act.

“Hey, the soap in the women’s bathroom has run out, so refill it quickly! Are you waiting for me to do it?”

Victoria had just cleaned up a private room where people had been drinking and having fun. She

cleaned up the mess all afternoon, and by the time she was done, she was so worn out that she could

not stand up straight. She had just stopped to drink some water when the patrolling supervisor

summoned her back to work.

“Why are you always so clueless? Are those big eyes of yours just for display?”

After being subjected to continuous insults, she chose to disregard them. She took the new soap refill

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into the women’s bathroom. Victoria was no longer required to look presentable or worried about being

recognized because she had been working in the cleaning department for a week. Despite the

exhaustion, she felt fulfilled.

Victoria filled the soap dispenser neatly, then bowed her head and walked away with the cleaning box

in her arms. However, as soon as she exited, the obnoxious supervisor was there to greet her.

“You’re done here, right? Go on to the balcony and help out.”

“Balcony?” Victoria remembered that an important client had reserved the balcony for a birthday party


She frowned and said, “It’s already 8.30PM, so it’s time for me to get off my shift. Also, I haven’t eaten

anything all day—*

“What?” When the supervisor saw that Victoria refused to go, he raised his voice slightly. The

supervisor remarked in a loud tone, “We’re lacking manpower right now, but you want to eat? Did the

company hire you to opt out of work at the most important times? If that’s the case, you need to tell

Miss Charlotte earlier, then she’ll arrange that for you!”

There’s a good chance Christian will find out if I tell Charlotte. Her heart skipped a beat. “Please don’t

tell Miss Charlotte. I’ll go right now. Don’t get mad.”

“That’s more like it. Hurry up and don’t dawdle!”