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The Clutches Of Hell Novel

Chapter 106
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Chapter 106
The atmosphere in the ward became heavier as the silence continued.
Christian placed the jade pendant back on his neck again before instructing with a sullen face, “Bring that guard here within 20
Charlotte hummed a reply upon hearing that. She then made a call to an underling and passed on the instruction before she
hung up the phone and stood aside.
Delta Club was not that far away from the hospital. So, just within 15 minutes, the security guard had already arrived at the
hospital. He rushed to the ward while sweating profusely and greeted people along his way nervously.
“Do you know why you were asked to come here?” Christian sat on the bed with his eyes fixated on the security guard.
The guard was covered in a layer of cold sweat upon seeing the hard stare. Gulping, he stammered, “I-I don’t know.”
“Someone has been spreading Victoria’s nude photos around. Was it you?” Christian stood up, and with his fiery eyes, he looked
down at the bodyguard who was half a head shorter than him.
No matter how oblivious the guard might be, he could definitely tell that Christian, who was rumored to be on bad terms with
Victoria, was on Victoria’s side.
Christian’s question gave the guard goosebumps as his limbs went soft. Then, he quickly blurted out, “No, no! The few of us
were called by our supervisor when Victoria was thrown out of your room naked, Mr Thatcher. So, we weren’t in the surveillance
room at that time. And by the time we went back, Miss Charlotte had already deleted the footage. I didn’t even have the time to
take a screenshot!”
Without waiting for Christian’s reply, Charlotte stepped forward with her eyebrows raised. “Then, Victoria’s nude photo—”
“That is not Victoria!” Afraid that Christian would tear him down, the guard had interrupted her mid-sentence.
Christian tugged on his collar and frowned when he heard that. “Hmm?”
“T-That is a nude picture I downloaded from the internet and edited into the surveillance footage.” The security guard shivered
and lowered his head in fear. “Everyone has been talking about the thing between Victoria and... Also, a lot of people have been

asking me for the video at that time. That was why I... I made one.”
As he was afraid that everyone would find out that it was fake, he even deliberately did some editing to the face in the picture so
that no one would notice that it was not Victoria.
Christian’s eyes were cold as a half-smile appeared on his face, and veins faintly popped out on his neck. “How talented. What a

waste of your talent to be a security guard,” he deadpanned.
“Not at all, Mr. Thatcher. I-It is my pleasure to be able to work in Delta Club. Besides, many people are envious of me because of
my employment too,” the guard gingerly buttered up to Christian.
Christian only pressed his thin lips together tightly and glanced at the guard coldly. His eyes were like a bottomless abyss.
The gaze alone sent a chill all over the guard’s body. “Mr. Thatcher, I know that I have done wrong!” he cried desperately. “I will
immediately tell everyone that it was an edited photo. I won’t let Victoria get blamed unjustly!”
“Give Charlotte the list of the guards who wanted the photo.” Instead of replying, Christian threw a cold glare as he demanded
the guard, which prompted the latter to nod repeatedly.
Charlotte then took a look at Christian before she said to the guard, “Alright, you are done here. Off you go.”
Hearing that, the guard wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead and scurried off to the exit, as though he had just escaped from
“Hold on!” She stopped him and flashed a beautiful smile that made her exquisite features glow. “I hope you are aware of what
you should and shouldn’t say.”
The guard immediately nodded and tried to appease her again. “I will teach those uncouth ones who spout nonsense and gossip
everywhere a lesson. And I will make sure they won’t ever randomly talk about things they shouldn’t.”
“Great, now you can go.” Charlotte brushed a few strands of hair behind her ear. It was only a subtle movement, yet it was
somehow attractive to look at.
The guard gulped before leaving promptly.
Instead of sitting back on the bed, Christian walked toward the window and looked out. “Fire everyone on the list after you
receive it. We don’t need unmotivated and gossipy people to work at the club.”

“It sounds like it involves quite a big number of people, though. It will greatly affect the business if we can’t replace the
employees that we are going to terminate so suddenly.” As she was tired from standing, she languidly sat on the chair.
With Delta Club’s good reputation, it would not be hard to recruit a handful of new employees.
The only problem was that new employees needed to be trained for around half a month to a month. If the club went ahead and
used them as regular employees, not only would they not help, they would only slow down the operation and cause more trouble
for everyone.
Despite that, Christian did not even hesitate for a moment as he instructed in a cold voice, “Transfer the manpower from other
places. If it cannot be done, we will close the business for reorganization.”
Charlotte was a little surprised by his attitude, but then again, it was somewhat expected. After all, no matter how ruthless
someone was usually, they could not be completely void of feelings.

The corners of her mouth slowly lifted into a smile as joy filled her heart. “I will recruit some new ones and transfer some from
other places to the club to minimize the loss. I will report to you any time if something happens.”
The man only tapped his fingers against the glass in silence.
Seeing this, she let out a small cough before she intentionally said, “Oh, by the way, since the guard earlier confessed to his
wrongs by himself, should we—”
He cut her off before she could even finish her words. “Fire him after he has done what he has to. Also, gather information about
his editing and spreading of nude photos, and have it submitted to the police.”
“Ha!” Charlotte smiled. “Spreading obscene images is enough of a crime for him to be sentenced. It will be hard for him to find a
new job with a criminal record. What a cutthroat method this is.” .com fast update
Christian glanced at her with indifferent eyes and sat on the hospital bed. As a result of being beaten by Vincent, the swelling
was particularly obvious against his pale yet handsome face. It was quite a funny sight.
She did not dare to openly laugh at her employer as she lowered her head and faked a cough to hold back her laughter before
cautiously saying, “Judging from your reaction, it doesn’t seem like you don’t have any feelings for Victoria at all. You did not
need to stab your thigh.”

You could have just slept with her!
“Do you have nothing else to do?” His eyes darkened, and a frown quickly appeared on his face but disappeared the next
If it was anyone else, they probably would have dropped the topic after getting this kind of response, but that was not the case
for Charlotte. Rather, his reaction just made her more curious than ever. “Mr. Thatcher, Victoria has been pursuing you for so
many years. Do you really not have any feelings for her?”
“Charlotte,” Christian warned in a low voice as he drummed his fingers on the bed in annoyance.
She only blinked innocently, pretending that she did not understand his tone. “If I was in your case, I would have stayed far away
from the person that I hated and never see that person again. I definitely wouldn’t tie them to my side and occasionally took a
look at them.”
In the past, Christian rarely came to Delta Club, but now he was almost always there!
“Mr. Thatcher, as a subordinate who understands women, I think I am obligated to advise you; if you push her to a dead end
now, you may not be able to save the relationship even if you were on your knees in the future—” Catching the evil gaze that
Christian was sending her way, she changed the subject abruptly. “Would you like to recuperate in the hospital or at home?”
At this point, she was only talking to keep the conversation going.
He looked away to ignore her, but he appeared to be deep in thought as he did so.
“There is still a mountain of tasks waiting for me, Mr. Thatcher. So, I will be heading back now.” She smoothed the wrinkles on
her clothes and elegantly sauntered out.
A frown formed on his face before disappearing again. His eyes flickered as he said to the woman who was already at the door,
“Add me into the employee group chat.”.