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The Clutches Of Hell Novel

Chapter 103
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Chapter 103
Christian stood in the southwest corner of Room 505. It was hard to read his expression when he had his gaze lowered, but the
veins protruding on his temples explained everything.
“I will get two people to come over.” Charlotte’s eyebrows jumped when she touched the clothes on the floor. She then looked
away and turned before she walked out of there.
Christian only looked up at her then and his rugged voice was cold as he stated, “No need for that.”
“How are you supposed to handle this?” She stopped in her tracks and turned around.
As soon as she asked that, he picked up a broken piece of the wine glass and stabbed his thigh with it without any emotion on
his face. He swiftly threw it on the floor before he walked slowly to the couch to take a seat.
Blood soon seeped through his suit pants and flowed from his shoe while it pooled at his feet. It was a sight that could give
anyone a fright.
Her mouth slightly parted at that. Even though she had seen him acting cruel toward others, it still surprised her to see him treat
himself that way.
“Tsk!” No longer saying anything unnecessary, she took out her phone. Subsequently, she informed someone to prepare a car
and had two people come and help him into the car.
Right after the phone call ended, someone kicked the door to the private room open from outside.
With a gloomy face and no shirt on, Vincent rushed in without sparing a look at Charlotte and went straight to Christian, who was
sitting on the couch.
“You seem to be in a bad mood.” Charlotte smilingly blocked him.
Vincent, however, was in no mood to exchange pleasantries with her. After brushing aside a handful of hair, he roared, “Piss off!”
“My, how touchy. What if I don’t piss off?” Her voice ended on a teasing note and she narrowed her eyes like a stretching cat.
Enraged by her attitude, he gritted his teeth. “Don’t stick your nose into my private matters with this person. If you don’t move,
don’t blame me for laying my hands on you. Trust me when I say I don’t shy away from hitting women!”


The door opened right then.
It was the security that Charlotte had called to come up earlier.
The three security guards looked at Christian, who was still bleeding from his thigh, then at Vincent, who was shirtless and
confronting Charlotte. Stunned, they could not imagine what happened here.
“What a coincidence. I never shy away from bullying the small as the big one either. If you touch a single hair of mine, I will make
sure that you come in walking and leave the room getting carried out.” Charlotte blinked and touched Vincent’s face. “What do
you think of that?”
Hearing that, he pulled her hand away and wiped the spot she touched with all his might, his face livid as if he had been touched
by something dirty.
She did not seem offended at all as she watched him with a smile on her face.
“Why are you hiding behind a woman, Christian?” With bloodshot eyes, Vincent sapt on the ground and pointed at Christian.
“Step out and let me beat you up if you dare!”
Before Christian could speak, Charlotte smiled. “You are funny, Mr. Coleman. Why should Mr. Thatcher be beaten up by you?”
“He knows why!” After Vincent roared at Charlotte, he turned to look at Christian and his eyes were filled with hatred and anger.
“Christian Thatcher, you f*cking threw her out bare naked! Were you trying to kill her?”
Hearing this, Charlotte slightly raised her eyebrows as if she wanted to say something, but a look from Christian swiftly made her
shut her mouth again.
Christian still had blood dripping to the floor from his thigh when he stood up and walked to Vincent. His face was pale, but his
aura was the same as usual. “You siblings should have guessed this outcome when you drugged me.”
The three security guards immediately had an interested glint in their eyes as their desire to hear the gossip was fueled. Though
their heads were lowered, their ears were perked up.
“Do you think that we would have been so immoral as to blackmail you with photos if you hadn’t pushed us to a dead end?!”
Vincent’s body was trembling with anger and every muscle in his body was tense.

He then pointed at Christian, his voice faintly choked with sobs. “Tori used to be such a cheerful person, but she became a
completely different person after she was sent to prison for two years because of you. I have never seen her smile ever since

“You broke her legs, making it impossible for her to dance anymore, and she can’t go back to Coleman Residence. Not only that,
you made it impossible for her to live with dignity in Delta Club. What more do you want, huh?! Will you only be satisfied if you
push her to death?!”
Christian’s eyes flickered as he felt his heart ache ever-so slightly, but his anger overshadowed all his other emotions. “Push her
to death? That will be making it too easy for her.”
“You f*cker...” As Vincent’s eyes turned red, he immediately shoved Charlotte and the security guards before throwing a heavy
punch in Christian’s direction.
When his punch landed, he quickly swung another one at Christian again.
Christian managed to grab Vincent’s fist that headed in his direction as he gave Vincent a cold look. It might have been because
of the drug in his system or his injury that his emotions completely went out of control; as such, the anger and suffocation he held
in erupted...
“Victoria brought all this upon herself. You and her can stop wasting your effort in vain now. She will never leave Delta Club for
the rest of her life!”
Charlotte could not hide her surprise when she saw his reaction. This was the first time in her four to five years of being his
subordinate that she had seen him lashed out this way.
“Bah!” Vincent broke free from his grip and spat on the ground in rage. “No matter how powerful the Thatcher Family is, you can’t
abuse your power and control everything and everyone!
“I am warning you, Christian Thatcher. I will get the police involved if you don’t let Tori off, and if the local police are useless, I will
report this to someone with a higher authority!”
Charlotte felt her temples throb then. What a jerk...
Christian only sneered, “It is true that I can’t do that, though you did drug me and put a pinhole camera in Victoria’s collar. So go
ahead and call the police. I am curious to see who they wil .com fast updatel apprehend.”

“F*ck!” Vincent spat and prepared to strike again.
However, Christian was prepared this time and he managed to block him. Now that Vincent’s limbs were constricted, he could
not fight against Christian even though he was injured. As such, Vincent became so agitated that he decided to throw himself
over and bite Christian’s ear.
Swiftly, Christian tilted his head and pushed him away with an emotionless face.
“Mr. Coleman, aren’t you afraid of causing trouble for your family if you continue to cause a fuss like this?” Charlotte stepped in
front of Vincent, her eyes half-squinted as she hummed coquettishly.
This was the first time she had seen men fight like this. Honestly, this was no different than women who pulled each other’s hair!.