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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 44 - Ambush
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In the southern part of the Tribal's Domain Misty Wilderness, there was many Liang Trib's army campsites.

Each army campsites at least holds peak Spirit Opening captains, though many simply had Nascent Formations powerhouses.

This was a testament to their strength and showcasing their control over all of their rivaling powers.

No rouge cultivator would ever be foolish to tread around here. Nor would any members from rivaling powers dare to start an attack unless they had absolute confidence. Such reckless actions would only lead to either death or cruel enslavement.

Within one of these Liang Trib's army campsites, the powerhouses here outstrips most other bases.

This particular army campsite is very important to the Liang Tribe. For as they hold the Kong Clan's leader one and only son!

Undoubtedly, if this news were to leak out, the war would erupt into complete chaos.

Even as the Kong Clan is slightly weaker, the Liang Tribe were more than aware to not chase down a cornered rat. Some small creatures can combust with incredible strength if pushed too far.

It's why as of now, the Kong Clan's genius is tightly secured away with several powerful Nascent Formations masters.

Inside a specific tent within the campsite, the Captain and vice-captain gathered here.

These were two men who emitted a natural aura far superior to any other previous Nascent Formations members Cain and Kali faced.

Both men were dressed in the Liang Tribe signature brown leather outfits as well. Although, there were some distinct small changes between them.

The head Captian's armors were of the utmost high quality. Compared to most low-level armors, the leader had natural energies coursing through it. Thus, even if a first-level Nascent Formation cultivator were to strike him, that armor would greatly help fend off damage.

As for the vice-captain, his armor was at slightly lower quality. While not on a great level like the Captain, it was certainly better than any other armor a first-level Nascent Formation captain can get.

Just from appearances alone, anyone can guess their status. And within both men's eyes, there was a stringing air of absolute arrogance, boldly displaying their might to anyone that would interact with them.

Currently, the Captain and vice-captain were overlooking a detailed map on a desk.

Initially, they didn't have much thought about it after their subordinates came running in with news to report.

But seconds after reading, the disdain in their eyes grew even more.

"What utter rubbish! How could any mere Kong Clan's squadron wipe off any of our campsites." The Captain was furious.

After all, it was utterly ridiculous to hear that a squadron of powerful Nascent Formations was wiped off so easily!

No matter if the Kong Clan were to mobilize a large group, it was absolutely impossible to kill several Nascent Formations masters all at once.

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With their repeated clashes against that clan, the Liang Tribe's captains had a decent estimate of the Kong Clan's strength.

And this showcase of power goes far beyond their intel.

"No, I doubt that this is the Kong Clan doing at all. My guess is that those rats are finally paying a great deal of wealth to enlist help from Azure Lightning City. In there, powerhouses are common as cabbages."

The Vice-captain assumed, already believing his guess to be correct. Besides this explanation, he saw no other reasonable excuse.

A slight shudder streaked his body at this thought. If people really from that place come, it'll be a whole new can of worms for them to worry about.

Even for as arrogant the Captain was, he also couldn't suppress the twinge of bubbling fear.

A cold glint flashed within his eyes as his mind quickly worked for a solution. "This most likely, no, it has to be true. And if it's like this, then we'll need to speed up our plans to take everything from there."

"Hmph. It was inevitable anyway, no point in delaying things anymore." The vice-captain quickly agreed, his killing intent slowly surging like a cold stream.

At that moment, both captains were just about to contact their higher-ups.

But suddenly, a bright green flash engulfed their entire tent!


Both Captains were immensely shocked. They tried to take out their weapons for battle but abruptly froze midway.

Their breathings hitched as a sense of crisis erupted within them.

In the exact same moment the green flash appeared, two overwhelming energies released like a chaotic vortex of powers, locking right on to them!

Furthermore, the temperature dropped to bone-piercing level, and streaks of brilliant blue lightning flashed out of the bright green flash.

And the nightmarish surprise wasn't done there.

Along with all of this, an indescribable aura pressure crushed both Captains!

Just by this aura pressure, they both felt tremendously suppressed. It was like getting abruptly sucked into a wildly powerful hurricane.

Before either the Captain or Vice-captain can even begin to comprehend anything that's happening, their danger instinctive explodes even higher!

A lightning-covered fist and an ice-covered fist flew out from the green flash, soaring straight at each Captain's face!


The Captain and Vice-Captain could only unleash a hasty counterattack. With a shocked yelp, they mustered as much Nascent Qi they could, swiping out silvery swords, and hastily swung it down.


Nascent Qi exploded into the air, shattering everything in the tent from the intense shockwaves.

Out from the shock waves, two miserable wails were accompanied by two bodies soaring like speeding bullets.

In this hasty collision, the Captain and Vice-Captain could at most gather only 15% of their full Nascent Qi. Everything just happened far too fast.

Caught entirely unprepared, both Captains were unable to match Cain and Kali's full-powered strike.

Berserk energies brazenly rampaged in their bodies, quickly rupturing their organs, destroying their special brown leather armors, and suppressing the Nascent Qi within them.

In just a single exchange, the Captains suffered severe injuries, and their combat prowess took a nosedive.

At the same time the Captains were sent flying, the green flash finally cleared up, revealing Cain and Kali.

Immediately when they appeared, the sibling duo narrowed their eyes on the flying Captains.

Intense killing intent surged within them as they felt a slight burning sting on their knuckles. Though they seemingly effortlessly clashed with the Captains, the truth was, their attacks still stung them.

After all, Cain and Kali were fighting numerous levels far above their boundary. And Kali's combat prowess is overall weaker than Cain's.

Even with 15% of energy used, it was a bit rough to engage in a frontal collision. Although it was already amazing enough that Cain and Kali could cause such damages at a far lower boundary.

Still, if they were to fight the captains at full power, the results would be heavily swayed.

However, neither Cain nor Kali would let the Captains gain even a chance to breathe.

At the very instance the sibling sent the Captains flying, they burst forward like ravenous beasts!

As he burst forward, Cain surged all of his strength. His Draconic Lightning Aura intensely shimmered, howling with power as his lightning spark frantically crackled.

All of his powerful Nascent Aura came crashing down on the Captain, who was at the fifth level, sweeping him up in a chaotic storm.

Simultaneously, Kali erupted with all of her strength, causing her Ice Draconic Aura to sparkle and her Ice spark to tremble.

But right before the sibling duo could get too far, the Captain and Vice-Captain suddenly snapped their eyes open. Their bloodshot eyes glared with intense hatred as they came upon a decisive decision.

"You'll die with us!!"

Both Captains forcefully suppressed their injuries, halting their soaring momentum. In that instance, they both unhesitantly bit their tongues, combusting nearly all of their blood essence!


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The Captain's auras instantly rose, breaking past new heights!

Darkish blue Nascent Qi swirled around their blades, causing ripples of energy to tear in the air just around them.


The power emanating from the Captains certainly surprised Cain and Kali. Even under their Draconic energies auras, the sibling duo felt considerably pressured.

However, this change matters very little to them. Cain and Kali acted like the captains didn't even combust their blood essence.

Cain opened his palm, bursting out a billowing energy stream of Draconic Lightning straight towards the Captain's chest.

As he did so, the Captain similarly didn't care for Cain's sudden attack. His armor was destroyed, and he has forgone any attempt at defense, only wanting to take Cain down.

With a crazed grin, he swung down with all of his might!

At the same time, Kali unleashed a freezing energy stream of Draconic Ice straight towards the Vice Captain's chest.

And she as well had to face off against the desperate final strike of a crazed Liang Tribe member.


Draconic Lightning and Ice energy exploded out, razing the entire tent to bits and pieces!

"Ahh! What the hell is going on?!"

Several other Liang tribe members were finally aware of the chaotic battle. They all rushed out of their tents, heading straight for their Captains' tent.

However, midway in their rush, they all froze dead.


Everyone was staring bugged eyes at the destructive scenery.

Standing right before them were two beautiful youths who both had large horrifying gashes splitting their hands open.

But compared to their injuries, that had nothing on the Captain and Vice-Captain.

Both Captains laid motionless at Cain and Kali's feet. The head Captain had a steaming charred hole where his heart should be.

While the Vice-Captain had a large hole covered in a chilling layer of frost where his heart should be.

From that chaotic collision, a fifth level and fourth level Nascent Formations powerhouses died.

Even in death, neither of them understood just how they died.