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The CEO’s Hidden Love Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 656
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"No worries," Dorothy said, tugging at the corner of her lips. "Kenneth, there's less than two weeks left. I don't want to have any regrets." "I get it." "Thanks for understanding." Dorothy chuckled. "There's a stir over at Byte 7. You'll still need to keepposted, okay? I appreciate it." "Sure, no problem at all. I'm happy to keep an eye on things for you." After hanging up the phone, Dorothy took a deep breath before heading into the ward.

Hospitals were not exactly playgrounds for kids, so Everett had practically cleared out the local toy stores, all so his children could have a little joy.

As Dorothy pushed the door open, she saw Everett meticulously stacking blocks, with Abigail clapping happily beside him, exclaiming, "Daddy, you're amazing! It's so tall!" Langston snorted, cookie in hand, glancing over briefly before returning his gaze to the computer screen.

Sighing, Dorothy moved the computer further away.

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"Langston, do you not care about your eyesight? Abigail, no more sweets for you today!" Both kids pouted, then turned their puppy-dog eyes to Everett.

Everett shrugged his shoulders. "I'm no match for her." Dorothy walked back to her bed and sat down.

Everett stood up and approached her, raising an eyebrow. "You called Kenneth back, didn't you?" "How did you know..." She cut herself off, realizing she had been baited.

"You don't have to hide it from me. I'm not stopping you." He might not have said anything, but the topic was out there now, so she might as well clear the air.

"Why did you seal off the cemetery? Kenneth often helpsby cleaning the gravestone, showing respect on my behalf." "That's your mother's grave, not his. How does that count as showing respect? It should bedoing it if anyone. What business does Kenneth have with it?" Dorothy did not want to argue, so she took a deep breath and said softly, "Don't be as stubborn as Jeffrey, it putsin a tough spot." "Don't worry. Your mother's gravestone will always be the cleanest." Dorothy was speechless. It was not about how clean the gravestone was! She should have known she could not reason with a jealous Everett.

The next morning arrived, and it was tfor Everett to get his stitches removed.

Dorothy got up early to draw a bath for him, knowing he needed to soak before the procedure since he had to avoid getting the wound wet for a few days.

When Quincy walked in, Everett had just finished bathing, wearing a dark silk robe, lazily leaning against the headboard while Dorothy dried his hair.

Truth be told, he was strikingly handsome.

Even Quincy could not help but take a few extra glances at his features.

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"Dr. Quincy, glad you could make it." Dorothy set down the hairdryer when she saw her and got up to make room for Quincy.

"Yeah." Quincy slipped on disposable medical gloves and began to disinfect m Find . at website on Google to access chapters of early and in the highest quality. Noververs wound. Stash the

Suddenly, she looked up at Dorothy and said, "Ms. Sanchez, could you fetchthe medicine from my desk in my office? I need it." "Of course!" Dorothy nodded and left the room promptly. Once she was gone, Quincy started the delicate task of removing the stitches.

The room was filled with the sound of her scissors snipping until she and said in m paused and said in a low voice, “Did Jonathan tell you?" "Tellwhat?" "He's thinking of havingmarry you."