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The CEO’s Hidden Love Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53

The next morning, when Dorothy wake up, Everett had already left.

On the living room table outside the suite, there was breakfast he had ordered for her in advance. Next

to it was a handwritten note. There’s a charity event today. Il contact you when it’s over]

She knew it! There must have been other reasons for Everett to go to Havenbrook City.

After washing up and having breakfast, Dorothy met up with Kevin,

Since she had thoroughly checked Edward’s information yesterday, all she needed to do today was to

look into the operation of Social Networking Service! Even though the person in charge sent over all

the reports overnight, to be cautious, they still went to the company for a site examination.

After a busy day. Dorothy’s admiration for Everett went up a notch.

That was why Everett insisted on introducing himself as the project leader to Mr. Ryan! As soon as she

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arrived at Social Networking Service, from the top leaders to the basic staff, they were all very cautious

around her, thinking twice even before answering anything. That way, it was much easier for Kevin to

investigate the actual situation. After all, not many people were paying attention to him. In the evening,

she and Kevin found a restaurant. As soon as they sat down, Dorothy began to review the due

diligence materials. Kevin laughed, “I was wondering why you were so shifty when you first saw me

today! Turns out you were afraid I’d be upset.”

“This project has a huge investment. It’s one of the core projects of the Lopez Corporation. You’ve done

a lot of preparation for it, b just swooped in and took all the credit. If I were you, I’d be unhappy loo.”

“That’s because you’re new to the workforce Kevin didn’t seem to care at all. “Mr. Lopez knows exactly

who did what and how much Otherwise, he wouldn’t have made the Lopez Corporation so big!

Although you are the project leader, the pay that should be given to me is not a penny less. This way,

we can distract the other company’s attention, improve the accuracy of our investigation, and reduce

investment risks. Why should I be upset?”

After such an analysis, Dorothy really felt that she was still a novice in the investment banking industry.

“Of course, this also depends on whether Mr. Lopez is willing to support you” Kevin continued, “Having

such a big project on your resume is like jumping straight to the level of an investment banking director!

When the time comes, if you want to leave the Lopez Corporation, other companies will definitely

compete for you”

“I won’t leave the Lopez Corporation.”

“Of course! Ive been with Mr. Lopez for so long and I’ve never seen him take such good care of

anyone.” Kevin said, raising his eyebrows at her ‘Except for Ms. Heather, you’re the only one!”

Dorothy was silent

The topic of Ms. Heather again.

two. Ms. Heather has made a great contribution to the Lopez Corporation, so it’s normal for Mr.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“But there’s a difference between you to

Lopez to pay attention to her.”

Dorothy took a few bites of food, then casually asked, “Have you heard that Mr. Lopez and Ms. Heather

seem to be childhood sweethearts?”

“I know that they got to know each other quite early. Other than that, I don’t know much.”


“Speaking of which, you and Mr. Lopez were pretty close, too, right? Last time in Fujinon City when you

came to find Mr. Lopez, he had just finished a meeting and hadn’t rested long, but he still let you in

when he heard your voice.”

Normally, he wouldn’t have seen anyone at that time

Suddenly reminded of the past, Dorothy felt a bit awkward, “Well we were not only classmates, but also


“Ah! I remember now! Were you the one staying in room 1501 during that business trip?”