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The CEO’s Hidden Love Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 2
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Chapter 2

In the wee hours, Dorothy woke up. The man beside her was still deep in sleep, his strong arm

wrapped around her completely. His steady breathing tickled her neck.

Her last bit of drunkenness had completely faded away due to the aching and numbness between her

legs, and so had her reason.

What the hell had she done?

She had actually slept with her boss?!

Dorothy’s breath hitched. She carefully extricated herself from his arms and hurriedly got out of bed,

dressed up, packed her stuff, and bolted from room 1501, heading for the hotel reception to book

another room.

It was when she was paying with her phone that she realized that it wasn’t Karen’s contact she had

asked for last night.

That was clearly Everett’s contact.

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Years ago, at a junior high school reunion, the class monitor created a WhatsApp group, and everyone

added each other as friends.

Dorothy clearly remembered that it was Everett who had added her first, but he never said anything

after that, so she just renamed him.

And now this had happened.

She sat in her newly booked room for a while to calm down. Then she took out her phone, left the

junior high school group, changed her online name from Dorothy to Lily, and replaced her profile picture

with a photo of a girl she found online.

That way, he wouldn’t know who she was.

After all, room 1501 was booked by the company, and nothing could be traced.

After all the maneuvering, she finally pulled up the quilt and went to sleep.

The alarm rang early the next morning. Today, Dorothy had to accompany her manager, Percy, to

Harmony Ventures to discuss the issue of additional funding.

The net asset value of this convertible bond project had dropped below the stop-loss line. The other

party demanded to increase the investment; otherwise, they would sell the securities assets.

It was urgent, so their investment department was fortunate to be in the light of the president and took

a private plane to Fujinon City for a business trip.

After washing up, she rushed to the hotel lobby with her documents. Not long after, Karen came down,

mumbling unhappily. “Mr. Percy insisted that we, the Prosperity Consortium, were not the ones to add

more investments. But when I went to the trust company to adjust the agreement, his name was clearly

written on the copy.”

“Alright, Mr. Percy is coming soon. Don’t let him hear you.” Dorothy pulled Karen to one side. Before

she could say anything, she saw a tall figure surrounded by a crowd coming out of the elevator.

It was Everett.

He had changed out of his robe from last night and was now in a black suit that fit him perfectly. His

thick eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and his thin lips were tightly pursed. He seemed to be listening

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to a report from his secretary, not sparing a glance in their


Everett’s aloofness was infamous in the business world. His deeply handsome face was always sharply

defined, and nobly arrogant. His oppressive aura could make the surrounding air temperature plummet.

Dorothy tried to recall last night’s events, but she couldn’t reconcile this man with the one who had

gently kissed her tears away last night. It seemed like she must have been hallucinating.

“Mr. Lopez is so handsome. I’d be okay with dying right after spending a night with him.” Karen,

oblivious to Dorothy’s stiffness, muttered, “Hey, Dorothy, what are you thinking?”

Karen nudged her, and Dorothy snapped back to reality and took a step back, trying to avoid Everett.

But just as he and his secretary were about to leave, they suddenly stopped not far from them.

He glanced down from under his heavy eyelids, then whispered to his secretary, “Find out who stayed

in room 1501 last night.”

When Dorothy heard those numbers, she felt like her legs were tied down with lead, unable to move.

Her mind buzzed, and all she could hear was Karen’s excited voice cutting in.

*Room 1501? Mr. Lopez, Dorothy stayed in room 1501 last night.”