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The CEO’s Hidden Love Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 147
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Chapter 147

Hinderers paused for a moment before he replied

Aight, pick you up when I get back tomanne

Not long after he put down his phone the doctor came out of the emergency room Upon seeing Everett,

the doctor’s expression lumed sened.

“Mr. Lopez your mother’s condition is rather peculiar Once she falls into a deep com like this, the loses

all will to live His likely due to some kind of shock. I checked her records, and she has severe

depression, which is a seridin malter”

“I understand” Everett replied. He was well aware of his mother’s situation. “How is the now?”

“She is out of immediate danger for now We’ll have to see how her vitals are, and if she remains stable,

she’ll be moved to a room!

Everetteived a sigh of relief upon hearing this

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“Thank you

for all your hard work “

“I’m just doing my job, Mr. Loper. There’s no need for thanks” The doctor spoke with a smile.

As he was about to leave, he turned back and said, “Please avoid causing her any more stress. Try to

go along with her wishes as much as possible. Remember, she is

After a doctors werent miracle workers. There was no guarantee that they could save her again if

something like this happened again.

As Everett watched the doctor lent, he rubbed his temples.

His phone had several missed calls from Kevin

Clearly, there was something urgent

But how could he possibly leave the country inmatrow, given the curseni söuction?

Finding a quiet spot, Everett called Kevin back

“Mr. Lopez is there a change in your schedule tomorrow?

let you know tonight”

“Wingh Kevin knew that d Mi Loper could make it, he wouldn’t let work slide if he couldn’t, must mean

something major fud come up. There was no use in emphasizing the urgency of this mamer to Mr


After hanging up Amanda was finally wheeled out of the emergency room

mind was

Not long after she was moved to her mom, she opened her eyes. But she sall looked out of it. It was as

if her body was make, but her mind was

Everett sond by her bed, holding her hand. “Mom, do you recognize me?

Upon hearing his voice, Amanda Burned her head and slowly nodded Tittany Heather

He was truly at a loss for words.

As expected, the was the first thing she brought up

“Marry her” Amanda was insistent, even though she was sluring her words, she kept repeating this

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Everett’s lips moved instinctively wanting to refuse. But after remembering the doctor’s advice, he could

only in and remansilent.

Perhaps sensing her son’s resistance. Amanda seemed to have an epiphany

“You you’re in love with that cleaning lady?”

“Mom, you’ve just come out of the CR Rest now call Dad and let him know he should come back as

soon as possible to take care of you


“Then go back to Elysian Country to recuperate. My work here is really busy, I’m afraid I wont be able

to take care of you”

Amanda moved her lips, clutching Everett’s hand lightly. “You want me to leave, so you can mally

someone else?”

“The doctor said you’re not well and need to relax Let us deal with these things later”

“Everything else is negotiable, but Heather has to join the Lopez family Amanda stared at her son

unblinkingly will not accept that cleaner