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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 1283
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Karen was on the verge of spilling the beans to Dorothy about Keh going AWOL ever since he got wind of Lane's predicament. But then, she bit her tongue, remembering Dorothy's strong-willed nature. She knew Dorothy would insist that Keh play a part in rescuing Lane.

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At this point, Karen thought, why hold back? It was a matter of life and death, and if someone could lend a hand, they should, without fussing over whether or not they ought to.

"It's nothing, really. Keh's been asking about your plans, wanting to stay in the loop," Karen fibbed, trying to downplay her concerns.

Dorothy's eyes fell. "Try to keep my nout of your conversations with him, will you? The more he dwells on the past, the longer it'll take for him to move on. I want him to find his own path, his own happiness, sooner rather than later." "Keh's no child! Trust me, when it's tfor him to let go, he will. And he'll et all about this," Karen said, more to reassure herself than Dorothy.

After all, if something brings joy, why stand in the way? That's what relationships are for, right? If Keh finds happiness in helping Dorothy, that's his choice. His life, his rules.

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"I just think... the less I feature in his world, the better. Maybe then he can start to move on from me." Karen threw her hands up in resignation.

"Good luck with that! I bet my last dollar, Keh will never love another girl as passionately and steadfastly as he loved you. The impact you've made is indelible." Dorothy was silent.

"What you need to focus on now is securing that antidote from Lane. Once you're out of danger, Keh will naturally step back from your life," Karen ventured, sighing at the thought of Keh. "He's not the type to linger or sabotage your happiness. Just knowing you're happy is enough for him, even if it's without him." Dorothy never doubted that, and it was precisely Keh's selflessness that made her heart ache with guilt.

With Keh around, Lane's living conditions and mood improved significantly. His days were filled with casual strolls near his hideout and keeping an eye on the news for any updates on Everett. en.kikistories "When do you think Everett will kick the bucket?" Lane pondered aloud one sunny afternoon, loungingfortably at his doorstep.

Keh limped over, joining the conversation. "Wish I knew. What's your take?" "Give it a month, tops. Heck, he might already be gone for all we know. They're keeping it hush-hush to prevent a meltdown at the Lopez Corporation," Lane theorized en.kikistories SW Keh frowned, "How will we find out in time?" "Don't sweat it News like this can't stay buried. If Everett's really dead, the shareholders will be the first to panic. Think about it, Eldorria City's been buzzing with his hospital visits, missed board meetings, and rampant rumors. The investors will demand answers." en.kikistories "Ah..." Lane raised an eyebrow. "Never been in charge of apany, huh? Figures." "Nope, can't say I have," Keh admitted, taking a seat beside Lane.

After a pause, Lane turned to Keh, "I'm inviting you to my wedding with Dorothy."