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The CEO’s Hidden Love Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 1237
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Everett didn't answer the call beside Dorothy, not because he had anything to hide from her, but the idea of chatting up another woman, especially with undertones of flirtation, in front of her just didn't sit right with him. Even if it meant securing the antidote that could save her life. He stepped away, though a quick glance back assured him he could still see where Dorothy was.

As soon as the call connected, Quincy's voice cthrough, soft and coquettishly sweet.

"Mr. Lopez... I'm sorry, I dozed off again last night..." "It's fine." "Did you take the medicine I gave you?" There was a pause before Everett replied, "The one you said would makefeel better?" "Mhm..." "No," he said, his gaze drifting back to Dorothy's frail figure, his brows furrowing slightly, "Quincy, we need to meet. There's something I need to ask you." Quincy was taken aback by the sudden invitation.

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But, of course, she wouldn't refuse! "Alright, shall we meet at that hotel again?" "...Let's pick a diner. I haven't had dinner." "Mr. Lopez hasn't had dinner yet? Then letcook something for you, bring it over! You can taste my cooking." "Maybe next time. I'm tied up today." Hearing the seriousness in Everett's voice, Quincy realized this wasn't just a casual chat.

Could it be... Did Everett find out Dorothy hadn't taken the antidote? But he was supposed to be over Dorothy, wasn't he? That couldn't be it.

A whirlwind of speculation rushed through her mind.

"What do you want to talk about?" Quincy couldn't help but ask, seeking sreassurance.

"Just a doubt I need you to clear up for me. It's nothing major." "Oh..." Since he put it that way, pressing him further seemed pointless.

Quincy didn't want to push her luck, pestering him with more questions. She'd find out soon enough.

After hanging up, Everett sent Quincy the diner's location, setting the meeting for two hours later.

After all, he couldn't just leave, not with Jeffrey's situation still up in the air.

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Returning to Dorothy's side, she looked up at him, her eyes still rimmed with red but no longer teary. "Done?" "Yeah," Everett nodded. "I need to meet Quincy later." Dorothy paused briefly but didn't ask why.

It was Everett who brought it up. "I've had it with hospitals. I need to get that antidote faster." It was a gamble.

"Hmm?" "Quincy gavepart of the antidote, buying us stime,"

Everett explained. "Dorothy, I want to take a gamble. If it works, we need to tidy act quickly to rid you of this poison!" That poison was like a sword hanging over Everett's head, disrupting his peace.

Especially after Dorothy had been admitted to the hospital again, with doctors warning of reversible damage to her health. She loved her job, yet now she was confined at home, unable to exert herself.

Though Dorothy never complained, Everett knew better than to ignore her suffering. "Okay, you gamble. I'm fine "Okay.yogamble.

with it," Dorothy nodded, without a hint of worry. Everett raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you scared?" "Not at all, she smiled. "I know if it cdown to it, you'd lay down your life to save me. What do have to fear?"