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The CEO’s Hidden Love Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 1029
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Ever since Everett toldhe'd propose once he was ready, his nights had been swallowed up by work - or so I thought. He'd been coming hin the wee hours for several nights in a row.

But tonight, when he walked through the door reeking of something unfamiliar, I knew something was off. "Everett, where have you been?" I didn't expect him to findawake, considering it was past midnight. Propping myself up on my elbows, I swung my legs off the bed and walked over to him, barefoot. "You weren't working late at the office, were you?" Everett pressed his lips together, not saying a word.

"Con, tell me. Were you or weren't you?" "I was at the office." "Liar." I frowned, "You know where you've been has a smell to it, right?" Silence.

"You went to the hospital." It wasn't a question; it was a statement. Growing up, hospitals had been like a second hto me. The smell was unmistakable.

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The past few days, Everett would head straight to the guest bathroom for a shower upon returning, then joinin our room. I hadn't noticed anything amiss until tonight when he entered our bedroom to grab something. The distinct smell of sanitizer mixed with various medications hitall at once.

"Just leave it be," Everett said, turning to leave.

I grabbed his arm. "Who's in the hospital? Your mom again?" "I told you to drop it!" His voice suddenly rose, startling me. He... he had never spoken towith such impatience before.

In the dimly lit room, I couldn't quite make out Everett's expression. After a brief pause, I reached out to touch his hand.

"Is it serious this time? Everett, don't panic. With all the advancements in medicine these days, surely they can..." "Can what? Save her?" He pulled away from me. "Shouldn't you be hoping she dies? That way, you can have your revenge for your mom." "That's not how I feel anymore! You know that! I told you—" "Dorothy." Everett cutoff, his voice weary. "I'm exhausted. I don't want to fight." I let out a sigh and nodded.

"No fighting, no fighting! I'm sorry, I wasn't Show Considering your feelings.get have asked at this I'll grab your robe for you." As I turned to leave, Everett grabbed my wrist.

"Don't bother, I won't be staying at Bay Residence tonight." Go Stunned and confused, my throat clogged with a thousand questions. But, putting myself in his shoes, if my mom was in the hospital hanging by a thread, I'd be beside myself too.

Considering he managed to keep his cool without lashing out atwas somewhat of a relief.

Watching Everett leave the bedroom, my concern for him madefollow.

"Will you be back tomorrow?" "I don't know." "Letget you a jacket at least! Hospital are cold, and I don't you catching a cold." I thoug Waret was heading back to the he ospital.

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But by the tI grabbed a jacket and returned, Everett was gone.

I rushed out, only to see the taillights of his car fading into the distance.

I figured his mom must have been rushed to the emergency room again, and this tit seemed more serious ET than ever. The turmoil leftwide awake.

I made my way back to the living room, curled up on on the gouch m hugging my knees to my chest.

Whenever it cto Amanda, Everett's mom, things always got e complicated for me...