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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 9
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All day at school | watched her. | attempted to approach her several times, but each time, | was either waylaid by

one of the girls going dancing tonight or when I got to where she had been, she was gone. I've never been so

aggravated about having girls hanging onbefore. | wanted to know who my mystery girl was and it was

really starting to pissoff that | couldn't get to her.

By the t| got home, | was in a piss-poor mood and | took it out on the guys in training. They were all limping

and grumbling when training was done. | didn’t care, | was still in a bad mood. I didn’t have any interest in going

to a club tonight, but Chase was adamant that we were going. | guess he'd found sred-head that he was

hoping to bring htonight. | really wasn’t interested. | couldn’t seem to get a green-eyed brunette out of my

mind. Kai had been quiet in my head, but he was just as irritated that | wasn’t able to talk to her.

| got ready in a pair of jeans and a tight fitting black shirt, and Chase and | headed out. We got to the club and

the bouncer let us in ahead of the line that was already forming. Walking in, the music was thumping. The place

was already packed. Chase and | headed to the bar. Before we even got there, we were surrounded by girls.

Chase bought a round of drinks and we moved to a place on the wall where | could watch the dance floor and

pretend to be interested in whatever the girls were saying to me.

Chase was flirting with the girl he planned to take htonight and sother girl, | think her nwas

Natasha, was rubbing herself onlike a dog in heat. Another girl had one hand rubbing my ass while the other

was stroking Natasha's arm. | guess this was my invitation to a menage. It wouldn't be my first, but | wasn’t

interested tonight. | was about to push them offand head back to the packhouse when | saw her. She was

here. She was hanging out with three of my warriors, Jason included. It didn’t look like they were together, but |

couldn't be sure.

| watched as her eyes traveled the room, taking it in, until they landed onand stopped. That electrical frisson

was there again. She averted her gaze and grabbed a shot before talking to Jason.

Kai stood up in my head and grumbled watching their interaction. ‘Easy Kai, they are acting like friends, not

lovers.” He continued grumbling stating, ‘I don’t like it.” It was then that Jason turned his head and looked at me.

So, they were talking about me. | smiled. I liked that she was talking about me, it meant, at slevel, | was in

her head.

Natasha took my smile as approval for her hand running down my chest and she proceeded to attempt to slide it

under my shirt. | grabbed it before she could and without looking at her, pushed her hand back to her side. She

didn’t seem phased and just leaned intomore. While I'd normally be all in, tonight it just feels desperate.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

| watched as my mystery girl went out to the dance floor with Lacey. She immediately began swaying her hips to

the music. Damn, that girl is hot. | felt my dick getting hard watching her and Kai started pacing in my head. He

didn’t like her surrounded by guys while she was wearing that hot as fuck outfit and swinging her hips for

everyone to see.

As | watched, Lacey leaned in and said something to her. She replied and Lacey looked shocked before looking at

me. What the fuck? What was that look? Lacey looked...disappointed. In me. Now I'm seriously getting pissed

and I'm about to head out to the dance floor when | see her head off in the direction of the bar where Jason and

Dean are still standing.

“Excuseladies,” | say as | push my way through the throng of females. Chase seesand pushes himself to

my side. “Everything ok?”

| look at my friend, “I don’t know, but I intend to find out.” Chase smiles at me, “Need a wingman?” | start

walking away, “I'm good,” | toss over my shoulder as | move toward her.

I'm stopped every couple of steps by girls that want my attention. | smile and gently push them out of my way,

but it’s takingtoo long and the slow song ends before | can get to the bar where she is doing another shot.

She starts walking back out to the dance floor when the DJ announces, “This is for Canyon Ridge’s own Little

Badass.” My pack members go crazy, my warriors in particular. | see my girl stop, shake her head and look at the

DJ as Who Runs the World by Beyonce starts playing. She smiles and blows a kiss at the DJ before lifting her

hands above her head and joining a bunch of other girls in the center of the dance floor.

She obviously knows the song, along with every other girl on the dance floor. They are singing the song to each

other, sassing the guys out there watching them, following sof the moves from the video. | lean back

against the bar, ordering another beer. As I'm watching, Alpha Liam comes to stand next to me, ordering his own

beer. “She’s something, isn’t she?”

The fuck?! Even Liam knows her?

“Yeah, she is,” | answer because | don’t want anyone to know that | have no clue who she is while everyone else

seems to know exactly who she is. When the tempo picks up and the staccato starts, she starts shaking her ass

back and forth so fast it makes my dick instantly stand at attention. I'd love to have her riding my cock like that.

Fuck, | need to get myself back under control.

Liam gets his beer and takes a swig, still watching my girl. My girl? When did | even start thinking of her that

way? But Kai purrs his agreement in my head.

The girls have taken over the dance floor, lip syncing to the guys surrounding them. When the song ends, the

girls howl their dominance as the guys blend back in. As I'm watching, my mystery girl sees me. Wait, no. She

sees Liam, and WINKS at him.

What. The. Actual. Fuck?

“You're a lucky man to have someone like her in your pack.” Liam says towithout taking his eyes off of her.

“But, if I'm being honest, | have every intention of stealing her away as soon as | can.” He looks atas he says

the last part. He's dead serious.

Kai snarls in my head, tellingthat | need to stake my claim on her.

‘Kai, chill out. She’s not ours, and he hasn’t convinced her to leave. We don’t even know if she’s our mate.’ |

force him farther back into my head so | can focus on my conversation with Liam. Liam is an intelligent alpha. If

he wants her there is a reason beyond her being beautiful. Maybe | can get more information from him to figure

out who she is.

“Good luck with that. | haven't lost a warrior to another pack yet,” | say, hoping that | will get something more

from him.

He stops with his beer bottle on his way to his mouth and turns his full attention to me. “You have no idea who

she is, do you?”

Shit! Fake it ‘til you make it. “Of course | do. She’s a warrior in my pack.” | say, shrugging as if it's obvious.

A smile that promises nothing good forspreads across his face. “Right. Well, maybe there is hope for me

afterall.” He puts his beer bottle on the counter and turns back to the dance floor as a slow song starts. “And

that’s my queue. See you around.”

| watch as he moves out to the dance floor. My brunette locks eyes with him, and the smile she givestakes

my breath away. | want her to smile atthat way. | want her to look atthe way she’s looking at Liam, like

he’s the only man in the room.

| watch as she slides her arms around his neck and he puts his hands on her waist, sliding them over her ass,

pulling her closer to him as he nuzzles her neck with his nose. Kai is prowling and snarling in my head, giving me

a headache. Chase walks up with his arm around his girl du jour, and follows my line of sight.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“That her? With Alpha Liam?” He asks.

“Yeah, apparently, she and Liam are close.” | snarl in return. Chase givesa questioning look and | just shake

my head. I'm in no mood to talk about it, especially since | really have no idea what is going on withand Kai.

They dance for several songs but continue slow dancing even when the music goes back to a faster pace. | can

see them talking and flirting with each other, her hands in his hair, his nose sliding up and down her neck and

it’s everything | can do not to growl so loud that | shake the foundation of this club. Eventually, he takes her

hand and leads her off the dance floor.

| watch as he starts to lead her out of the club. She's leaving with him.

| start to follow after them, having no idea what | plan to do, when several of my warriors cup to me.

Trevor, one of my best warriors, gets in my personal space. | am so NOT in the mood for this shit right now. Kai

comes forward and | know my eyes have darkened to sapphires.

“What the fuck Alpha?” Trevor says, and the others are nodding their heads. Chase pushes his girl away and

steps up beside me, ready to take on a fight if that’s what this is.

“What the fuck Trevor. You want to explain yourself before | remind you of your place?” Chase says to him.

Dean, one of the guys | saw with my girl earlier steps up. “You really don’t know who Cara Nelson is?” he asks.

I'look at him as if he’s lost his mind. “Of course | know who Cara Nelson is. EVERYONE knows who Cara Nelson

is.” | say taking a step forward and getting in his personal space.

Another warrior speaks up, “Then why did she tell Lacey that you have no idea who she is?” and they all look at

“I have no idea.”

“So you didn’t ask her what her nwas and what pack she’s from while hitting on her?” Trevor pushes.

| stare at them. No. No, no, no. This can’t be happening. “I've never actually met Cara Nelson, what does she

look like?” | ask with a really bad feeling in my gut.

Trevor looks at me, “She’s the one that just left with Alpha Liam.”

| feel my world tilt on its axis. Please tellthis isn’t happening. My mystery girl, the one that didn’t submit to

me, the one that | completely insulted by not knowing who she was.

She's the Broken Warrior's daughter. My Guardian.