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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 622
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Chapter 621 Lily was still looking around, trying to find those fine stones introduced by the salesperson.

Besides Lily's friends, many onlookers gathered in the area.

They had cto watch the match.

Seeing how quickly Harriet had chosen her raw stone, the onlookers and Lily's friends stifled their laughter. Presumably, Harriet didn't know a thing about stone gambling, so she simply chose one that caught her eye. 'Does she think that stone gambling is all about luck?' They thought.

Lily was still carefully selecting her stone. Clearly, she knew what she was doing.

Harriet didn't understand stone gambling at all. Yet she insisted on gambling with Lily.

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She would probably cry when she saw the results.

The discussion among the people grew louder. Almost everyone was pessimistic about Harriet's victory. After finally finding the raw stone introduced by the salesperson, Lily confidently walked toward Harriet. She couldn't help but sneer when she saw the ordinary stone in Harriet's hand.

"Harriet, if you want to admit defeat, just say it. Why choose a raw stone that clearly won't produce anything good? If you beg me, I can give you a chance to change it," she said. Harriet gave a mysterious smile.

She seemed completely indifferent to everyone's comments and remained composed.

Delbert believed in her ability, so he just silently watched.

"It's still early to draw conclusions. Let's find out!" Harriet sneered.

Lily believed that Harriet was just pretending to be calm.

She snorted and walked to the stone cutter.

Unperturbed, Harriet followed behind her with Delbert.

Soon, Lily's stone produced a gem.

As she had expected, the gem was top-grade and valuable.

With the gem in her hand, Lily proudly walked toward Harriet.

The onlookers looked at Harriet with eager anticipation, expecting to see her make a fool of herself.

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Facing their doubtful gazes, Harriet walked over to the stone cutter and ve produced her stone. When the stone cutter made the first cut, everyone was stunned.

Surprisingly, it was a top-grade agate.

They hadn't seen such a top-quality agate for more than ten years.

Yet in this trading center, it appeared from within a stone randomly picked e by Harriet.

The stone looked so ordinary. By rights, it could Id produce a low-quality gem at most. To be able to produce top-grade agate was simply unbelievable.

The stone cutter was astonished. Even his hands were shaking.