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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 6
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When | arrive home, my father is ready for me. | think when I'm at school, he sets up the training for the

evening. He has a variety of training sprints that he putsthrough. He mixes it up every day and | never know

what it will be. Sometimes, it's focusing on balance in case | lose the use of a leg or arm in battle and have to

fight with a broken or injured limb; sometimes it’s sensory deprivation, in case | have to rely on my sight or

sound only. He's even taken both of those away and hadfight with only my sense of touch, taste and

instincts. That was miserable. | got knocked down more that day than any other. But, it’s all good training and

makesthe best and strongest fighter that | can be.

“Hey dad.” | state as | walk over to the table and drop off my backpack before leaning over and kissing his


“Hi honey, how was your day?”

“Good. Classes are getting harder as we head into the end of the year, but it’s all good.”

“Still getting straight A’s?” he asks. My studies are just as important as my fighting skills.

“You can’t just rely on the muscles in your arms and legs Cara, you have to use the muscle that’s in your head as

well.” He’s made sure that | focus my studies on anatomy, physiology and chemistry. The latter is so, if I'm ever

poisoned, | can identify the poison and find what | need to heal myself.

Sof my training over the years has been to have my father givepoison so | can see what happens to my

body and how | react. He is always very careful to ensure that he has the correct antidote and the pack doctor on

alert and ready on speed dial in case something goes wrong.

While | don’t love those training days, and usually feel like crap the rest of the evening, sometimes longer, it is

helpful and my father is always very careful. I've also been developing an immunity to wolfsbane for years. My

tolerance is pretty high, I'm nearly immune now and dad continues to givedoses every day. My werewolf

healing burns it out of my system more quickly the more | becused to it.

Today's training session is agility. He's gotset up in an indoor course to complete in my human form. There is

another one outside to complete in my human or wolf form. | have to find ways around the obstacles and

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“mines” that he lays for me. It’s not just a test of my agility but also of my concentration and use of all of my

senses to ensure that I'm quick but also cognizant of my surroundings at all times.

Today's training includes flying logs to knockoff my feet and attempt to incapacitate me, slippery and sharp

hand and foot holds that are meant to makefall so | have to ensure that | can find alternate ways to move

forward even if I'm injured. For my wolf form, there are spaces that could trap me, flying knives that | have to

dodge or push through the pain if | don’t dodge fast enough and traps that drop from no where to try and

capture me.

Dad and his wolf, Donovan, give both Artemis and | pointers and tricks as we go through our training. Artemis

and | are worn out after training, as usual.

“Head up and shower before Alpha Anders gets here, and I'll get started on dinner.” Dad finally releases us from

training and | head up to shower. | stand under the hot water letting it work on my sore muscles.

‘We're getting stronger every day,” Artemis says to me.

| smile, ‘Yeah we are, as evidenced by what happened yesterday.’ If a wolf could smile, Artemis would definitely

be smiling right now. | know it’s our legacy to be a Guardian, and my mom and dad gavegreat genetics to

get where | am today, but yeah, we totally kicked ass.

| hear the doorbell ring as | finish getting ready, putting on jeans and a comfy sweatshirt, pulling my hair up into

a messy ponytail. Alpha Anders is like an uncle to me. Our dinners together beccasual a long tago.

| skip down the stairs of our house and go to open the door. “Hi Anders.” He toldyears ago that when he is

here for dinner, that | don’t need to use his title. After several reminders and getting my father’s approval, |

finally acquiesced.

| step back and let him in. “Dad’s out back getting the grill going. Can | get you a beer?”

“Thanks Little Badass, I'd love one.”

| roll my eyes, “Not you too!” | whine to my Alpha. He just smiles saying, “If the nfits...” Yeah, yeah.

“I'll go join your dad and see if he needs any help.” He smirks atwhen he says this. We both know my dad

won't let him do any of the work, but this is part of their weekly banter.

| grab a beer from the fridge, check to see if my dad needs one too and grab a second one for him. | pop the tops

and take them out to our deck. Dad and Alpha Anders are discussing my training over the past week, Dad giving

him the updates that he made for my training today. Alpha Anders looks atand then asks my dad, “Did Cara

tell you she has a new nickname?”

My dad looks atand I roll my eyes so far back in my head that I'm pretty sure | see my brain.

“Well?” my dad looks atexpectantly.

“Apparently, my new nicknis Little Badass.”

My dad's beer stops on its way to his mouth and he looks at Alpha Anders. “Is that so?” he asks. He turns his

gaze back to me. “And what exactly did you do to get that name?”

“Weeeeeeell,” | drag out the word giving Alpha Anders a side eye glance.

“She pinnedin 15 minutes,” Alpha Anders answers for me. A smile larger than any I've ever seen on my

father’s face spreads wide and he looks atwith pride in his eyes.

“Apparently, the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree.” Alpha Anders continues.

My dad takes a swig of his beer. “That's my girl,” he says quietly.

Alpha Anders looks at my father seriously. “Clint, I'll say it again, we really need you at warrior training. I'm

willing to beg if that’s what it takes.”

Dad huffs out a breath, “Anders, you know | can’t.” | smile and head back inside. This is a battle that has been

going on for years. Alpha Anders wants dad back on the training field and dad feels he won't bring enough to the


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For dinner, | am in charge of the vegetables. Dad put potatoes in the oven while | was showering, so | check

those and start on my roasted brussel sprouts with bacon and a maple glaze. I'm pulling the potatoes out of the

oven and putting the vegetables into a serving bowl when Dad and Anders cback in. | finish putting

everything on the table, getting another beer for both men and we all sit down to eat.

Conversation is easy between Dad and Alpha Anders. They reminisce about old days, talk about pack issues,

current warriors and techniques to teach and train younger members. Dad always asks about Luna Calista and

Rik, and Anders always makes a point to askabout my day, my life and what is going on with me. | don’t

mention my recent interactions with his son, better that he doesn’t know that I'm not Rik’s biggest fan.

When dinner is over, | pull out the dessert that Anders brought. “Cali made her famous brownies for us today,”

Anders tells us. | set them on the table and moan softly as the taste of chocolate fills my mouth. Luna Calista

makes a mean brownie! The table gets quiet as we all enjoy the dessert and Dad asks Anders to thank Luna

Calista for us.

When we're done, | clear the dishes and wash up before excusing myself. Before | can give dad a kiss, Alpha

Anders handsan envelope. “This, | believe, is an invitation from my wife for you to attend Rik’s 18th birthday

party next weekend. To say that she will be disappointed if you don’t attend would be an understatement.” Ugh.

| look at the envelope and open it. Yep, it’s an invitation for one week from this Saturday to attend the big event.

| plaster a fake smile on my face and look at my alpha, “I'd love to attend.” He smirks atwhile dad laughs


“Don’t look so glum honey, I'm sure you will have a good time.”

Alpha Anders looks at my dad and smiles. “I'm so glad to hear you say that Clint, because | have a special

invitation for you to my son’s party. And | will take it personally if you do not attend.”

My father’s laughter dies out instantly and he glares at Alpha Anders. | snicker and look at my dad, “Well, | guess

you get to be my plus one dad.”

| say goodnight to Dad and Alpha Anders and head up to start on my homework. They talk late into the evening,

and I'm already in bed when | hear them saying goodbye and Anders telling Dad that he'll see him next week.