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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 161
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Chapter 0161

“Sebastian, what have you brought me?”

“Sire” He kneels, draggingto the floor with him. He looks up at the prince. “I have found one.”

The prince’s eyes dart back to me, going wild with lust. “Are you sure?” he asks,

his voice covetous.

Sebastian grabs my arm, holding it out to the prince. “Taste her for yourself. | only had enough to ensure | was

right about her. She took out four of our coven before | was able to stop her. That's how | knew.”

Without taking his eyes off me, the prince stalks over, grabbing my arm and running his nose across my wrist.

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His eyes close but not before | see the hunger in them. His fangs cout and almost gently, he slides them

into my wrist.

The moment he tastes my blood, his eyes go red and his grip on my arm tightens painfully. He begins to groan

lewdly while sucking my blood. He finally tears himself away.

“She is untouched, pure.” His vulgar purr has bile rising in my throat. He raises his voice over the cacophony in

the room. “No one touches her but me.”

He looks back at Sebastian. “We have a new batch coming in tomorrow. You may have first choice of the feeders.

For now,” He runs a finger down my cheek. | attempt to pull away but Sebastian holds my head in place. “I will

take you to your room. | want to keep you close.”

He grabs my arm and pullsto my feet. He looks at Sebastian. “You did well, go find something to eat and

take your pleasure. Findwhen you are done.”

Sebastian nods and as I'm pulled away, | see him to go to a cage | hadn't noticed before. There are humans

cowering and whimpering inside. He opens the door and finds a boy, he can’t be older than 5, pulling him out.

The boy screams as Sebastian sinks his fangs into his neck, practically ripping his head off before throwing him

aside and grabbing an adult woman this time.

The prince takesto a room that is beautifully decorated. It’s so different than the rest of the dark and gloomy

castle. This room is white and airy. “This will be your room from now on. Do not try to leave. The walls are lined

with silver.” He walks up to me, sliding his hand down my hair, pulling the duct tape off my mouth. “You will be

treated well here. | will not allow others to feed on you, | will not allow anyone to defile you. | want your delicious

blood to remain untainted as


it is today, just for me.”

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He gestures around the room. “While you are in this room, you may do as you like. If you want books, you need

only to ask. You will be provided three meals a day, heavy on the iron as | will require your blood daily. You will

have everything you want or need within reason.”

“And if | refuse?” | ask him. Does he think that this is sgreat honor for me?

He turns to look at me. “I am putting you here in recognition of your status as a Guardian. The elite of the

werewolf and in sways, even more elite than other supernaturals. But do not think that I will not take all of

this away and keep you.

the cells with the other blood bags if you offend me. Your life can be much worse than it will be. Crossand

maybe | grow tired of you and give you to my coven to allow them to feed on you. | promise, they will not be as

gentlemanly as | am.”

With that, he tossesa key to my restraints and walks out the door, lockingin my well decorated prison.

The trauma of the day and the mental echos of the screams from the feeding room have exhaustedand I fall

onto the bed. The horrible sounds and things | have witnessed today will hauntfor the rest of my life.