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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 146
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Chapter 0146

The party was amazing. Cara had a great time. | felt the need to continually touch her throughout the night. She

seemed to want the touch just as much as | did. After the first unmated male tried to give her a birthday hug and

Kai snarled viciously, no one attempted to touch her.

After eating, drinking and dancing the night away, we say our goodbyes and head. up to my room. I've set it up

with flowers and when we get there, I light scandles to give the room a soft glow.

When I'm done, | look at my beautiful mate. She is


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with so much. love in her eyes. | open my arms and she comes to me, wrapping her arms around waist. She

looks up at me. “Are you ready to claimAlpha?” My mate asks me.

“I've been ready for months little guardian. Tonight, | will make you mine in every way possible.” | kiss my way

down her jaw to her neck, until | get to where my mate mark will soon be on display for everyone to see. As | lick

and suck on the spot, she leans into me, moaning softly. The scent of her arousal is already perfuming the air. It's

a heady smell mixing with her scent.

| reach down and pull her dress up and over her head. Stepping back, | watch the devious smile spread across

her face.

“What the fuck are you wearing?” | ask her. I've seen her in various states of undress and naked of course over

the past month, but this...this is meant to drivewild and it's working. It's a nude lace bra and panty set that

gives the impression that she’s not wearing anything at all.

A possessive growl leaves my lips as my little minx turns slowly, showingthat her panties are thongs. | can’t

help but reach out and rub my hands down her cheeks, squeezing her ass in my hands. She pushes back into

me, and | slide my hands up to her bra, unclasping it and letting it drop to the floor.

She turns and my arms go to her thighs, lifting her up and wrapping her legs around my waist. | kiss her as | walk

us to the bed and gently lay her down before crawling over her, deepening the kiss, nipping at her lip requesting

entrance. Ast soon as her lips part, my tongue slides in tasting her absolute sweetness. | lay between her legs,

running my hands over her breasts as | move my mouth to her neck, nipping at her marking spot. She no longer

fearsmarking her and | can’t control my canines from sliding out of my gums. I'm not yet ready to mark her,

I want to take my ttonight, make her first tincredible. The marking will clater.

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| move down to her breast, nipping and sucking until she’s making the sounds. that | love to hear. Her moans of

pleasure filling the room. Her hand in my hair, tuggingcloser as she arches into my mouth.

| continue my journey down her body, licking and kissing my way down her stomach until | reach my honey pot.

The sweet scent of her arousal mixed with vanilla and honey is so strong that | have to taste her. | run my nose

over top of her panties, feeling how wet she already is for me. When she moves to close her legs, | nip at her

inner thigh, loving the gasp and her immediate reaction, opening herself to me. Always so responsive.

I rip her panties off with my teeth, needing to have her taste. Pulling her leg over my shoulder, I lick her juices,

sliding my tongue inside her to taste all of her. Her moans are getting louder, music to my ears. As | move up to

her clit, I look up to see her watching me. | smirk before growling softly on her clit. | watch as her eyes roll back

and she pushes her hips into my face.