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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 133
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Chapter 0133

Anders and Rik left earlier than usual last night. They needed to speak to Charles and Chase since both of them

would be away from the pack for a few days. We agreed to leave after training as the fae land is about 4 hours


We traveled up into the mountains to an area that felt like it was in the middle of nowhere. We pulled up to a

metal gate that looked like it belonged on a farm. When we stop, Rik turns to us. “Stay here, I'll be right back.”

| watch as he walks up to the gate. He lifts a hand as if to reach out to touch it. Suddenly, a tall warrior steps out,

seemingly from thin air. Anders tenses from the front seat, ready to act if someone threatens his son. As | watch,

Rik speaks to the man, gesturing to us. The man looks at us before answering Rik. They both walk back to the


When they get to the car, Dad rolls down his window. Rik leans down. “This is Samlael. He is one of King Ailduin’s

guards. Before we can enter Araphyra, he needs proof that you are the Guardians | say you are.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Dad looked at Samlael. From the back, I could hear his voice deepen as Donovan pushed forward. “Is this the

proof you need elven guard?” He asks.

Samlael lowered his head in acknowledgement. “Guardian. It is good to have you back in Araphyra. He looks at

me. “King Ailduin said there were two Guardians.”

Artemis pushes forward. “Your king is correct.” She says to the guard.

“Guardian.” He nods his head in acknowledgement to Artemis as well. “You are the new Guardian. May | know

your name?”

“I am Artemis, daughter of Andra and Donovan.”

The interest | see in his eyes is unnerving. But it passes quickly. “You may pass Guardians.” He nods to Dad and

I. “And you as well Alphas.” And he nods to Anders and Rik.

Rik gets back in the car and Samlael opens the gate for us. As soon as we are through, it’s like we entered an

entirely different world. | gasp. It's like something out of, well, out of a fairy tale.

“What? How?” | ask, not really knowing what I'm asking.

“It's called glamor.” Anders says. “If I'm not mistaken, the glamor is for what is outside of this land and what we

are seeing is the real elvish world.”

“It’s so beautiful.” | say and | can’t help the awe in my voice. Even Artemis is




“The fae are known to be able to manipulate the elements. Their goal is never to destroy, only to improve. I'd

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

say they are prospering under their king.” This was from my father.

My eyes are glued to the window, trying to take everything in. Everywhere | look there are trees, plants and

flowers all in bright colors. It should be overwhelming to the senses, but it has the opposite effect. It feels

like....nome. Safe and


As we turn a corner, | see what looks like a glass castle. It's so tall, the spires seem to lift up into the clouds.

When we pull up, another guard is waiting for us. We get out and they take our bags from us. We are escorted to

what | can only describe as a library. It is the largest room I've ever seen. It has floor to ceiling books, and the

ceilings must be 15 feet high. The ceiling is clear giving the room a natural light, but there is no heat from the

sun and no deterioration, that | can smell, of the books from sunlight. It smells exactly like what you'd expect an

old- fashioned library to smell like - leather, paper and something like pipe smoke.

When we walk in, King Ailduin is there to greet us. “Alphas.” He inclines his head to Anders and Rik. “And these

must be the Guardians. | do not believe we have officially met. My nis King Ailduin.” He inclines his head to

me. “You would be Cara.”