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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 113
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Chapter 0113

My jealousy toward Jessica is gone pretty quickly. Hard to be jealous of someone that is clearly getting shafted

because of you.

When Rik asked about something no one else knows about me, the only thing that cto mind was this date.

I'm sure there are other things, but my brain and my senses are being overwhelmed by Rik and | can’t think of

anything beyond this moment. So, at the risk of him findingfoolish, I tell him.

Rather than him laughing ator making sbrusque comment about it, he almost seems happy. When he

says he hopes that this is one of many firsts we'll share together, | know exactly what he means. Artemis begins

purring in my head again. Apparently, she’s on board. I'm not sure I'm there yet. His previous reputation still sits

heavily in my mind and while this whole evening seems very out of character for him, it doesn’t mean that he’s


My concentration is completely distracted again when he runs his tongue over my palm. I'd be lying if | said that

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eating appetizers has ever been this intense or so much fun.

This twhen Jessica comes back, | look at Rik. “What do you suggest for dinner?”

He smiles. “You've already had my favorite. Filet and lobster tail.” | return his smile. So my gift was his favorite


| look at Jessica. “Do you have any specials this evening?”

She looks a bit like she’s feeling ill when she responds. “There’s a Wagyu Beef Chateaubriand for two.”

“Perfect. We'll take that.” Rik jumps in. He looks at me. “Anything in particular you want for side dishes? They

ca la carte.”

“I trust your judgement, Alpha.” | get his mega watt smile as he orders our sides.

When Jessica leaves, | redirect our conversation. | want to know something about him that he’s never told


“What is something about you that no one else knows, Rik?”

He slides his fingers across my cheek, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. When he looks back into my

eyes, he smiles. “Well, I'm not sure that no one knows this, but I've never brought a date to this restaurant

before. I've only ever been with my family.”

Okay, that's a shock. This whole romantic feel makes this place seem like a perfect place to have a date night.

“Why?” | whisper.

He cocks his head to the side, a frown starting in between his eyes. “Why what?” “Why me?” | can’t help but ask.

Why am | getting special treatment? If this is just aboutbeing a Guardian, he doesn’t need to make it this

romantic. And Artemis and | are both starting to fall hard and fast for this man and his wolf. If this is only about a

lifetof being in close proximity, | need to know sooner rather than later so | can tmy expectations. My

feelings for this man that seem to be on a roller coaster ride that has almost reached the pinnacle and is at the

moment just before the ride falls over the peak to the gut clenching drop. Once you crest the top, there’s no

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going back.

“Haven't you figured it out yet Cara? You're very special to me. | have every intention of making sure that you

know just how special you are to me, every day.”

And just like that, I've crested the top and the roller coaster is in free fall, while I'm just hoping to make it to the

end without losing myself.

I'm saved from responding when our food arrives. We move to easier topics for the rest of dinner. The food is

amazing and Tamara’s mate, Jared, comes out to see how we like it.

“Did you make our dinner tonight?” | ask, remembering that he made my lunch. He smiles at us. “I did. Did you

like it?”

We both tell him how amazing our dinner was and what a great chef he is. Tamara joins us and smiles proudly at

her husband. “This whole venture was because of my very talented mate. It was all his idea.” She says proudly.

His look, when he looks at her, is full of love. “It may have been my idea, but it’s this beautiful woman at my side

that made it into a reality.”