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The Bride’s Revenge

Chapter 91
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Chapter 91 Don’t Blame Me for Being Blunt

In the cramped backseat of the car, Marion’s unabashed words resonated clearly with everyone in the


Liam in the front seat, stiffened as he heard Marion’s words. Mrs. Craig sounded so fierce! Was he

supposed to be there? Should he find a place to hide?

Even Lucas, accustomed as he was to such situations, was momentarily surprised by Marion’s

comment. However, the speaker herself seemed oblivious to the gravity of her words. “It’s outrageous!

In broad daylight! How could they, how could they…”

Lucas was taken aback. Yet, Marion had finally sensed that something was amiss. Intoxicated though

she was, Marion was not entirely unaware. She was just a bit slower than usual. But even in her dulled

state, she realized what she had just said.

Marion, whose face was already flushed, stammered. “I–I feel dizzy-”

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With that, Marion promptly fainted, and her head landed on Lucas’s chest.

He looked at the seemingly lifeless figure in his arms. He smiled and a hint of amusement softened his

usually icy eyes.

She looked so timid and adorable.

The car soon resumed its journey, and Marion was quiet again. At the height of her intoxication, she lay

in Lucas’s embrace, her consciousness fading.

She felt comfortable leaning against whatever was beside her and could not help but tighten her grip.

After that, she did not cause any more disturbances.

When the car returned to the villa, Marion was already fast asleep. Liam got out and was about to call

for assistance, but a glance from Lucas made him quickly reconsider.

Initially concerned about waking Marion, Lucas found his worries unnecessary. Marion was in a deep

slumber and was carried into the villa and to her room

without showing any signs of awakening.

Midway through, Marion shifted a few times, not because of discomfort but merely to find a more

pleasant position.

She adjusted her head and sought a more comfortable angle then she continued her journey to

dreamland. The driver silently wheeled the wheelchair into the villa, tactfully putting it away before

leaving for home.

Lucas carried Marion in his arms and entered the guest room. As he placed her on

Chapter 91 Don’t Blame Me for Being Blunt


the bed and before he could completely let go, Marion clung to him. Perhaps she was dreaming. Her

lips moved however, the words were too soft for Lucas to discern.

With Marion draped over him, her lips brushed against his neck. Lucas stared at her.

The emotions he concealed during the day surged like tumultuous waves, stirring

the air.

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Marion suddenly bit her lip, and the moistened lips, now red and bright in the lamplight, resembled

cherries served on a plate, silently inviting someone to taste it.

Lucas’s gaze was no longer calm, yet the deeply sleeping Marion remained oblivious. After observing

her for a while, Lucas spoke, “If you don’t let go soon, don’t blame me for being so blunt, little white


Marion hummed as the chill of the room seeped into her. Subconsciously, she nuzzled toward the

source of warmth.

Soft lips brushed against Lucas’s neck. It was a fleeting tenderness. It ignited a fire within him that was

difficult to quench.

Lucas held Mario as he laid her on the bed. Then he turned to her, unable to suppress his desires any

longer. He bent down and kissed her on the lips.

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