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The Bride’s Revenge

Chapter 88
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Chapter 88 His Sincerity Was Genuine

The man’s cold and restrained voice made Marion’s heart beat faster. Her hands hung down by her

sides, like an elementary school student standing in

punishment, not daring to make any more movements.

Lucas observed her for a moment. “Did your foot get bumped just now?”

“No, it didn’t.” She raised her head to look at him, and whether it was an illusion or not, his black eyes

did not seem angry.

Marion sighed in relief. “I’m sorry, Mr. Craig.”

Lucas pulled her wheelchair over. “Sit down.”

The commotion earlier was quite loud. If Lucas had not acted quickly, Marion might have fallen onto the

food trolley.

The trolley carried hot soup, and the consequences could have been dire.

Considering Marion’s recovering right leg, a fall might have resulted in another fracture, making the

recovery uncertain.

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As Marion settled into the wheelchair, the restaurant manager came over to apologize. “Miss, I’m sorry.

You didn’t fall, did you?”

Marion did not want to make a fuss, given that it was partly her impatience that caused the incident.

“No, I didn’t fall. This area is a bit slippery. Please have someone clean it up.”

“Yes, I will. I’m so sorry, Miss. A pot of soup spilled just now, and we might not have cleaned it up

thoroughly. You’re really lucky. To express our apologies, we’ll offer you an 80% discount on your

dinner tonight.”

An 80% discount… Marion calculated and realized it would save her more than a thousand dollars. It

was indeed a sincere gesture.

Just as she was about to speak, Lucas, who had been silent, suddenly interjected, The ambiance of

your establishment doesn’t quite match the pricing of your dishes.”

The manager stiffened, and he glanced at Lucas.

The manager of the upscale restaurant was accustomed to seeing numerous people come and go

every day, so he recognized Lucas’s aristocratic demeanor at a glance.

The atmosphere instantly became chilly and tense. Lucas placed his hand on the wheelchair’s

handlebar. “Forget the discount, let’s settle the bill.”

Chapter B His Sincerity Was Genuine


He handed over his card. The manager was momentarily silenced by Lucas’s imposing aura and could

only accept the card while apologizing. He had also arranged a gift for Marion.

After settling the bill, the manager regained his composure and continued to apologize as he presented

Marion with a gift.

“This is a small token from us. Please accept it, and we hope tonight’s incident didn’t spoil your mood

for the date with this gentleman.”

Marion looked at the bag and instinctively glanced at Lucas. He looked back at her. She resembled a

rabbit that just had its food stolen.

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Lucas found it amusing, and his usually aloof expression softened. “Take it.”

Marion looked at the manager and responded without hesitation. “Thank you, but I’m not injured. You

don’t need to feel so guilty.”

“It was our negligence.”

Lucas was growing impatient. He immediately pushed the wheelchair towards the exit. Marion was

curious about the contents of the bag, but she did not want to open it immediately as they had not

completely left the restaurant.

Meanwhile, Ruby stood at the checkout counter, watching Marion being pushed towards the door by

Lucas. She bit her lip. “Miss, here’s your card.”

The cashier’s voice brought her back, but Ruby did not want to meet those piercing black eyes.

That seemingly casual glance appeared as if it could see through her.

Her hands trembled, and in her distraction, she failed to catch the card. It fell to the ground.

While the cashier apologized, she picked up the card, briskly walked out of the restaurant, and headed

towards the exit.

Chapter 89 Who Would Not Like It?