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The Bride’s Revenge

Chapter 419
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Chapter 419 Stop Looking atLike That!

After hanging up the phone, Cassie wore a pleased expression. A colleague, noticing her joy, could not help but

ask, “What's making you so happy?”

“The anniversary celebration is sorted out, I'm thrilled!” Cassie replied.

Her colleague was taken aback, “Really? Do you know Lucas?”

Cassie did not want to disclose her relationship with Marion to avoid being taken advantage of again in the

future. “I wouldn't say we know each other, just lucky!” she said, pausing. “I've got to go now, | need to get

someone to deliver the invitations!”

With that, Cassie hurried off, leaving her colleagues behind, buzzing with speculation.

“She's bluffing, right? Lucas never attends these events, especially when we have no business ties with his

company. How could Cassie possibly invite him over?”

“She didn’t seem like she was lying...‘

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Meanwhile, Marion refilled her glass of water. She first went to the kitchen to speak with Mrs. Bailey about the

delivery task, then carried the glass upstairs.

As she entered the master bedroom, Lucas had just finished showering and emerged from the bathroom.

Marion walked past the dressing area and immediately spotted him in his bathrobe. Lucas wore the robe

casually, the sash loosely tied around his waist, the neckline almost reaching his abdomen.

Her face flushed, Marion instinctively looked away, lifting the glass to her lips and gently biting the


Lucas towel-dried his hair and observed her blushing ears with a gradually spreading smile.

Marion stole a glance at him, feeling her face grow even warmer under his gaze.

‘Please, stop looking atlike that!" She pleaded quietly.

I'm not looking at anything!”

After watching her for a moment, Lucas ceased teasing her and turned back into the bathroom.

Marion breathed a sigh of relief and placed the glass on the bedside table, pondering how to broach

the topic of Cassie with Lucas.

After a moment's thought, Lucas emerged from the bathroom, having dried his hair.

“Thinking about something?” Lucas walked up to her, bending down slightly to look at her.

Marion lifted her head and found herself locked in his dark eyes. After a moment of hesitation, she reacted and

gently pursed her lips before reaching out to hook her arm around his neck. “I just returned Cassie's call,” she


Lucas smoothly wrapped his arm around her waist, and they shifted positions, with him sitting on the edge of the

bed and Marion in his lap.

“What did Cassie want from you?” Lucas inquired.

gaze. “Her

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Marion glanced at his Adam's apple, swallowed, and then lifted her head to meet his company is holding an

anniversary celebration soon, and her boss asked her to figure out a way to invite you...”

it still

She hesitated again. Lucas was incredibly busy, and while it might seem like a small matter, depended on his

schedule. There were complexities involved, and it was not as simple as just making an appearance.

Lucas lowered his head to look at her. “When is it?”

“At the end of the month. She's already had someone deliver the invitation,” Marion explained quickly, worried

he might misunderstand. “It’s okay if you can’t make it. Cassie just askedto check. | understand that your

work is more important.”

A faint smile played on Lucas’s lips. “Mrs. Craig's matters are important too.


Marion was taken aback.

Was that an agreement to attend?