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The Bride’s Revenge

Chapter 414
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Chapter 414 Remember to Call Me

“Hello?” Lucas called out over the phone, causing Marion’s hand to tremble slightly. She pursed her lips and said

weakly, “I was on Ashen Road when a man suddenly waved a traffic cone in my direction. | was worried about

hitting him, so | slowed down and stopped the car.”

She was a good citizen who followed traffic rules!

Lucas on the other end of the phone suddenly lowered his head. In those silent seconds, Marion just stared at

the screen.

Then she said tearily, “Please don’t be angry, okay?”

He was not at home, so if he got angry, how could she comfort him?

Lucas raised his head and immediately noticed Marion's slightly reddened eyes.

He felt a tug at his heart. He almost reached out to touch her face but remembered that they were on a

video call.

“I'm not angry.”

Marion finally breathed a sigh of relief at his words and the tears in her

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“Are you crying?” he asked.

Marion took a breath. She was about to refute, but then she choked up with tears. “If | said I'm not, would you

believe me?”

It was just so tense!

“Next tyou encounter such a situation, remember to call me,” Lucas said, his voice tinged with

tenderness, without a hint of anger.

Marion felt relieved and nodded obediently. “I will.”

“It’s late, go take a shower and rest early.”


Marion nodded, already starting to yawn.

“Go on. Hang up.

She stared at the phone for a while then reluctantly ended the call.

As she yawned, she went to the wardrobe to get her pajamas.

Just as she entered the bathroom, her phone rang again.

Marion returned with her clothes and answered the can. It was Cassie. Suddenly, she remembered

that she had not told Cassie that she had arrived at home!

Chapter 414 Remember to Call Me

Quickly answering the phone, Marion said, “I'm home, Cassie!”

Cassie paused momentarily, “Thank goodness you answered, or | would have had to call the police.”

Marion grimaced, “I forgot to tell you! | just got off the phone with Lucas.’

“Got it, got it. It’s late now! Hang up and get srest!”

“Goodnight, Cassie.”

“Goodnight, Marion!”

Hanging up the phone, Cassie looked at it for a while, feeling silly. Well, if she was silly for worrying about her

friend then so be it. At least she knew that Marion was safe.

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Cassie was a good best friend.

Marion finished showering and crawled into bed.

She sent Lucas a message but fell asleep before seeing his reply.

Perhaps because Lucas was not by her side, Marion slept uneasily.

She had gone to bed late at night, so when her phone rang in the morning, Marion did not want to open her


In a daze, she reached for her phone, silenced the ringer, and went back to sleep.

When she woke up again, Marion heard voices coming from outside. Still groggy, she groped for her phone,

thinking it was Mrs. Bailey. Rubbing her eyes, she asked, “Mrs. Bailey, is it tfor lunch?”

Her voice was hoarse from just waking up.

There was no response from outside the room. Marion furrowed her brow and sat up in bed.

Did she imagine hearing voices?

As the thought crossed her mind, Marion heard footsteps approaching.

She instinctively looked up and met the cold gaze of a man, followed by the familiar scent of cedarwood.