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The Billionaire's Unexpected Proposal by Samantha

Chapter 26
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Chapter 26

Evelyn arrives at the office the next day with a sense of determination mixed with caution.

Even though she had acted all brave during her exchange with Michael the previous day, she sort of worried that

Derek might back out of the interview if Michiel told him who she was.

She had no plans of letting him back out of their arrangement. Not after she had spent over a week doing his

bidding and following him about the place like a puppet.

As the rode the elevator, she clung to the hope that Derek hadn't reached out to her since the previous day, so

that had to mean that nothing had changed.

Working in Stone Corp was tasking in a lot of ways and she couldn't wait for the one month to cto an end so

she wouldn't have to worry about seeing Michael or being seduced by Derek anymore. Once she got to Derek's

office lobby, his secretary gestured to her to go in as usual and she took a deep breath as she stepped into his


"Good moming. Mr. Stone" she greeted when she saw him focused on his desktop

And she held her breath as she waited for him to look up. She was curious to know if Michael had said anything

to him or not.

Derek glanced up

and flashed her a quick smile. "Good morning, Eve, | need a moment to respond to an email," he explained as he

returned his attention to his desktop.

e didn't have any with him.

Seeing how busy he was, she decided to go get him coffee a usual since he di

"I will go get your coffee then, she said and without waiting for a response, she headed out to the coffee room,

needing the mundane task to steady her nerves.

It seemed like Michael had not said anything to him. Why didn't Michael say anything? Or did he? Was Derek

merely ignoring what Michael had said and choosing to honor their agreement? She mused as she walked into

the coffee room.

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The machine hummed softly, filling the room with the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee. She poured a cup,

added the exact amount of sugar and cream Derek preferred, and carefully carried it back to his office.

"Your coffee," she said and Derek looked up from the desktop, a faint s

smile playing on his lips.

"Thank you, Eve," he said as he reached out for Evelyn to hand it to him.


he took it from her, he let his fingers brush against hers, lingering just a moment too long as he held her gaze.

The contact although expected made her flinch, and in her haste to pull away, the coffee cup slipped from her


The cup fell on the desk and sof its contents splashed onto Derek's lap and soaked sof the documents

on his desk before the ground. cup hit the

Seeing this, Evelyn's heart skipped a beat as a wave of anxiety washed over her. "Oh my, God! I'm so sorry!" bag

for her handkerchief.

she exclaimed, quickly digging into her

She couldn't believe that in her worry about Michael's conversation with Derek, she had forgotten to keep her

guard up around Derek. How could she have momentarily forgotten that even though he had been on his best

behavior the previous day, he was still very unpredictable and could switch when the least expected, just like he

had done with the whole lunch thing? She mused as she quickly grabbed the tissue box and placed sof

them on the desk to soak the coffee.

And then she went around the desk and dropped to her knees, dabbing at the coffee stain on his clothes, her

face flushed with embarrassment. "Im so sorry," she repeated.

When Derek didn't say a word after stime, she raised her head to look into his face, curious to know why he

wasn't even stopping her from fusing over the stain or making any attempt to check the damage done to the

documents on his desk

Evelyn's brow pulled together when she was met with an infuriating grin. "Why did you stop?" he asked, his voice

low and teasing causing Evelyn's frown to deepen as she wondered why he would be smiling that way in a

sination like that

She glanced back at her hands which were resting on his thigh and immediately, she snatched her hands when

the realization of how intimate the scene appeared his her.

Evelyn's face turned crimson. She stood up abruptly, throwing the tissue paper into the trash can beside his

desk. "I think I've cleaned it all ott," she said, stepping back to create sdistance between them. Chapter 20

Her pulse raced as she tried to regain her composure. Before she could move further away, Derek's hand shot

out, grasping her wrist. "I don't think so he said, pulling her closer, his eyes holding hers captive. "We are in your

office. Anyone could walk in on us right now, and this wouldn't exactly tell well of either of us Evelyn said,

looking away from him. and trying to sound reasonable despite her thumping heart. Derek grinned, "I don't know

what you are talking about," he said as he dabbed at a stain on her blouse.

"You also have scoffee stains on your clothes," he pointed out.

"Oh! Thanks," she said, looking flushed as she withdrew her hand from his and stepped away.

"1 will t

take care of it myself. Thanks," she said again.

"I think my thigh is scalded he murmured as he rubbed his thigh.

Concern colored Evelyn's eyes, Tim sorry. Maybe you should go to the hosp...

"It's okay. | don't think it's that serious. Just getanother coffee while | change into something else. | have

sspare clothes in here," Derek said, shifting back to his professional mode when he saw she looked worried.

Evelyn nodded, "What about the soiled documents and the floor."

I" b :

Don't worry about it. My secretary

will take care of it. Ask Pr in

on younway quicDelek dai and

Evel gave him a nod before walking

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out of the office The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

She let out a deep breath when she

shut the door pide] apd@uitkly

Korii Rerekls $ cretary that

Derek wanted her inside. The content

is on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

By the tEvelyn returned with the

coffee, he had gee His

© thesigndhis Geb etary was not in

sight The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

"So, what is on my schedule for today? Derek asked and Evelyn went on to read out his schedule for the day.

"By the way, where is your secretary? | didn't see her outside earlier. Evelyn asked curiously.

"She went to getsomething for my thighs, he said, and Evelyn's eyes widened.

"I'm so sorry...


"If you are, go on a date with me, Derek suggested.



"Okay," he said with a grin, choosing not to press since he had a plan in mind already.