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The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins by A Young Cabbage

Chapter 194
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Chapter 194: Do I Need to Repeat Myself?

Joseph nodded, “Well, the hopes rest on you.”

Phil and Claire had been talking and laughing, Sean listened to all their

words with his ears, nothing more than business boasting, Phil praised Claire one by one, which made

him feel a little bit bad in his heart.


Sean dominantly grabbed Claire’s hand and placed it on his lap, “Next time you have something

planned, can you tell me in advance?”

Claire turned her head, looking over at him, “What’s wrong?”

Sean’s face was grim with obvious displeasure, “This is the first time I’ve ever sat in the second row!”

Sean always sat in the first row, which was not only a symbol of wealth but also a symbol of status.

Claire realized, shook his big hand, and chuckled, “Sir, I am sorry. But I’m

a contestant, I could only sit at the back if you sit in the first row, I won’t be able to sit with you. You can

only sit alone.”

That was true!

But giving her a seat in the first row wasn’t hard for him.

Phil looked at Sean in anger, he hadn’t seen CoCo for months, and even after he got here, he was left

to act alone, and now this man had to interrupt him when he was talking to CoCo when he finally saw



when he was talking to CoCo when he finally saw her!

Phil sadly wiped the non–existent tears from the corners of his eyes and complained, “CoCo, you

abandoned me.”

Abandoned him?

Claire could only turn her head again to look at Phil, who was so fragile.

“No, Phil, you’re my best assistant, how could I possibly abandon you?”

Julia disagreed now, “I always thought that with all my dedication and hard work, I could be your best

assistant. Claire, I didn’t realize that you…”

Claire was speechless.

What the hell was this?

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She turned her head again, looking over Sean at Julia, “Julia, we are best friends, no doubt.”


Julia raised her hands to cover her face and said sadly, “You clearly just

said Phil was your best assistant, so what am I?”

Phil gritted his teeth in frustration and gave Julia another glare.

Why were they all going against him today?

Seeing Phil and Julia fighting for her favor, Claire rolled her eyes, “Stop!”

She took her seat, “Don’t even, I’ll double your bonus this month!”

Chapter 194: Do I Need to Repeat Myself?

Phil and Julia immediately said, “Yay!”

Sean chuckled and suddenly held Claire’s chin, turning her face to face him, he said, “I’ll give you ten

times your bonus this month, talk to me.”

Claire was speechless.

He was truly rich enough to say that.

“Okay, I’ll talk to you, but there’s not much time, the awards ceremony is about to start.”


Satisfied, Sean took her hand in his and glanced triumphantly at Phil, who was sitting on the other side

of Claire with his mind all on his doubled bonus.

“How many more studios do you have? How many more things are there about you that I don’t know?”


Claire wanted to count them for Sean, but since her hand was in his grip, she turned his large palm

over and counted with his fingers, “I have an animal genetics research lab, a jewelry design studio, a

clothing design studio, a cardiovascular disease research studio, a technology research studio…

Sean knew Claire was smart and versatile, but he didn’t realize Claire had so many studios!

How smart was she that she could dabble in so many fields and be an authority In all the fields?

Chapter 194: Do I Need to Repeat Myself?


Claire was still counting, but Sean couldn’t hear anything else now, and even though he didn’t show

any expression, he sincerely admired and appreciated Claire.

She was so awesome!

Claire hadn’t finished counting when the lights were turned on along with the music.


Claire sat with her back straightened, “The awards ceremony has begun!”

Sean took a deep breath, obviously, Claire was in the competition, but he was more nervous than


He had never been this nervous before.

“It’s on, it’s on.”

Phil and Julia stopped joking and sat up seriously.

This time, the organizers had indeed spent a lot of money on this. They invited a few internationally

famous singers here, and even the host was well–known and prestigious.

After the opening performance, the host came on stage and introduced the origin of the competition to

the crowd in humorous language, and invited a sponsor and the executive organizer to give a

congratulatory speech on stage, which led to the awarding of prizes.

Generally, the awards presented first were smaller awards, such as the Best New Designer, the Most

Popular Designer, etc. These awards were disdainful



they were awarded with these prizes, it meant they didnt get into e top three.

Charles was shortlisted for the Best New Designer and the Most Popular Designer, and during the

presentation of these two awards, he was so nervous that his heart almost popped right out of his

chest, his eyes staring at the big screen as he hoped that the light would hit him, but unfortunately, he

didn’t get it, although nominated.

All at once he slumped back in his seat in frustration, as if the end was

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Joseph composed himself and patted his hand, “Don’t be discouraged, it’s a good thing you didn’t get

any of these awards, maybe you made it to the top three.”

With these words, Charles sat up straight again at once, “Right! The big prizes are ahead, I won’t give

up until the last moment.”

In addition to the top three, there was also an award for the Most Creative Design, which was the

highlight of the ceremony.

Usually, the work that gets the Most Creative Design, even if it didn’t make it into the top three, it was a

glory, and the Most Creative Design might lead the trend for the next four years in the world of jewelry


After the presenter introduced the Most Creative Design Award, he took the

card and excitedly read the list of finalists “Valsav Coral David Merlin


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Chapter 194: Do I Need to Repeat Myself?

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good thing you didn’t get any of these awards, maybe you made it to the top three.”

With these words, Charles sat up straight again at once, “Right! The big prizes are ahead, I won’t give

up until the last moment.”

In addition to the top three, there was also an award for the Most Creative Design, which was the

highlight of the ceremony.

Usually, the work that gets the Most Creative Design, even if it didn’t make

it into the top three, it was a glory, and the Most Creative Design might

lead the trend for the next four years in the world of jewelry design.

After the presenter introduced the Most Creative Design Award, he took the card and excitedly read the

list of finalists, “Valsay Coral, David Merlin,

Alice Frank, and the last one…”

He paused deliberately, then smiled as he looked down at the stage, “CoCo!”


It was actually CoCo!

It was no surprise that CoCo was shortlisted for the Most Creative Design, what the crowd was

wondering was, did CoCo come?