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The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins by A Young Cabbage

Chapter 107
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Chapter 107: Do You Have News of Her

Chapter 107: Do You Have News of Her

Clarissa was surprised, although she had heard of the Vanderbilts‘ wealth, but hundreds of luxury cars?

That was unimaginable!

She glared at the driver. “What do you mean by that? We didn’t tell him that we have arrived in

Ascalon, he didn’t know, okay?”

Since they were his passengers, the driver couldn’t keep arguing with her. He looked at Clarissa from

the rear–view mirror and couldn’t imagine how Mr. Sean would be interested in such a plain–looking


Seeing that he did not speak, Clarissa just smiled and thought he had believed her, she felt prouder,

“After the Summers family admits me, the first thing I’m going to do is to visit Mr. Sean, he must be very

surprised to see me by then.”

The driver kept silent.

How could he believe that?

How could the Vanderbilt family let in such a woman?

The car stopped at the Summers family. After they got out of the car, the driver immediately drove

away. He didn’t intend to tell them that the Summers and the Vanderbilts were sworn enemies now!

Robert tidied up his clothes, cleared his throat and finally took a deep breath, then he walked toward

the guard.

Alice looked at his back and asked Clarissa, “Clarissa, why did your father look like he’s going to flatter

them to me instead of coming home?”


Fri, Nov 3

pter 107: Do You Have News of Her

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Clarissa did not care about it at all. All she wanted was to be admitted into the Summers family and be

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Miss Summers!

“Mom, we are already here, can you stop whining? And Dad has said before, he

is just a distant relative of the Summers family, not a close one. Uncle is your biological brother and he

had to flatter dad, right?”

That was true. Alice decided to let it go.

Robert walked to the door and said respectfully to the guard, “Hello, I am Hopkin Donovan. Over 20

years ago, Master Summers asked me to find Miss Winona, I now have news of her, could you please

tell him I’m here?”

Hearing that Robert had news of Winona, who had been missing for 24 years, the guard was shocked

and immediately picked up his phone and made a phor


After reporting the situation, the guard suddenly looked up and asked Robert, “What did you just say

your name is?”

Robert smiled obsequiously, “Hopkin Donovan.”

After the guard said a few more words on the phone, he put down the phone, “Master Summers said

you could go in.”

“Well, thank you.”

With that, Robert immediately became proud and puffed out his chest, waved to Alice and Clarissa and

said, “Come!”

Clarissa was so eager to go in and immediately ran over.

Chapter 107: Do You Have News of Her

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Clarissa pushed him anxiously, “Dad, just go in!”

Robert turned around and walked toward the inside following the guard.

The Summers family manor was not even one fourth as big as the Vanderbilt family, but the scenery

here was good. All rich families in Ascalon liked to decorate their house like a park.

Clarissa marveled at everything here.

“Wow, mom, the garden is so damn big!”

Alice was born in an ordinary family, and she hadn’t even seen such a big manor even after she

married Robert. Seeing the garden, she could smell the cost of money.

“How much money did they spend on the grass and trees here?”

Robert looked back and stared at them, and then made a shush gesture at them

before they restrained themselves.

It took them forty–five minutes before they got to Master Summers‘ house.

In fact, Robert knew that it would only take 20 minutes to get here from the gate. The guard deliberately

took them around a long way. Moreover, cars should be allowed in, if it were the Summers family’s

guest, the guard would drive them to the house, however…

It was obvious that Master Summers didn’t respect him, or maybe he didn’t even take him seriously at


Chapter 107: Do You Have News of Her

Robert suddenly stopped puffing out his chest, even if Steven was not very friendly to them, he put on

a flattering look, “Thank you.”

Clarissa took a deep breath, trying to suppress the excitement in her heart, followed Robert and walked


Walking into the house and turning at a corner, it was the living room,

Master Summers was sitting on the chair, holding a cup of coffee in his hand. He simply took a look at

them from the corner of his eye, blow the coffee and took a sip.

Next to him sat a man and a woman, both middle–aged. The man’s expression was serious, the

woman’s temperament was noble. Opposite them sat a girl about the same age as Clarissa, whose

face filled with arrogance.

Robert knew the middle–aged woman was Winona’s sister, but the girl Robert did not know, he bowed

to Master Summers respectfully, “Master Summer, I’m back.”

Master Summers did not look up at him but held the cup of coffee in his hand, saying indifferently, “It’s

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been 24 years, you have news of Winona?”

His voice was not loud and the tone wasn’t so icy, but Robert got a chill down his spine, felt his legs

soft and knelt down, “Master Summers, I failed your trust.”

Clarissa and Alice were in shock.

He just knelt down after Master Summers said a few words? How humble was

It seemed Robert was nothing in the Summers family.

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Chapter 107 Do You Have News of Her


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Master Summers put the cup on the table and Robert trembled.

“Well, where is Winona now?”

With the air conditioning on in the room, it wasn’t hot, but Robert had a lot. of sweat on his forehead,

saying while trembling, “Miss Winona… She’s…

She’s dead…”

Although he said these words in a very low voice, the Summers family heard


Master Summers frowned and his face fell, he raised his hand and threw the

cup on the table at Robert.

With a bang, the cup flew out and broke on the ground before Robert, turning

into pieces.

Master Summers‘ anger made Alice and Clarissa scared and they couldn’t help

but kneel down as well.

“When and how did she die? Hopkin, if you can’t be clear about it, I will let you walk out here dead


Alice was so nervous that her heart jumped fast. If she had known Robert’s status in the Summers

family, she wouldn’t have agreed to come at all!

15:07 Fri, Nov

Chapter 108: Made It Clear