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The Billionaire’s Maid Bride

Chapter 98
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Chapter 98

At that moment, his raging lust almost knocked him down. The woman’s gentle figure in front of him

constantly teased his already tense mind.

The man’s eyes suddenly contracted, then he landed a heavy blow on Kamilla’s neck, knocking her out


Aidan lifted the blanket, covered Kamilla’s body, and left hurriedly while struggling to keep his chaotic

thoughts in check.

Meanwhile, in the banquet hall downstairs.


A gasp of surprise. Allison swiftly caught a woman who was about to fall. Unfortunately, although the

woman didn’t fall, the champagne in her hand spilt on Allison.

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“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!” Nanette Willett immediately put down her glass, apologizing to Allison with a

guilt–stricken face.

Allison smiled slightly, saying. “It’s okay”

“But you’re all wet…” Nanette frowned in distress, murmuring. “It’s all because of these damn high

heels, otherwise I wouldn’t have fallen.”

Suddenly, she seemed to have an idea, pulled out her cell phone while talking. “I have a spare dress in

my car, wait for me to have my driver bring it over.”

“You don’t need to go through all that trouble…”

“It’s no big deal.” Nanette quickly instructed her driver, then turned to Allison with a beaming smile.

“You’re that doctor’s girlfriend, right? I heard it just now. Your boyfriend is quite a looker.”

Allison’s face turned red, “He’s not my boyfriend.”

“Oh? He’s not?” Nanette frowned, but didn’t pry further into other’s personal matters.

She extended her hand to Allison, “Nice to meet you, I’m Nanette.”

Allison was somewhat surprised. Penelope’s comment about her being “the Flanagan family’s servant”

had made all the other wealthy ladies avoid her. This was the first person who had initiated a

conversation with her.

Before Allison could respond, Nanette had already started the conversation, ‘Thank you so much for

catching me earlier. I

would’ve made a fool of myself if it wasn’t for you.” She then stuck out her tongue playfully.

Allison was amused by Nanette’s cute demeanor, thinking she was different from other high society


After a little chat, the driver from the Willett family had delivered the dress.

Nanette took Allison’s hand and said, “I have a rest room on the third floor, I’ll accompany you.”


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Just as they were about to get on the elevator, Nanette’s cell phone rang. After hearing what the caller

had to say, she apologized, “Allison, I’m sorry, something came up…”

“It’s okay, you go ahead. Just give me your address, I’ll return the dress to you after it’s cleaned.”

“Don’t worry about it, it’s just a dress, you can keep it!” With that, Nanette hurried off.

Allison was a bit taken aback. The dress was obviously new and expensive, she couldn’t possibly

accept it. But considering her current situation, her own dress was sticky and uncomfortable.

With that in mind, she decided to go to the rest room and change.

Nanette had given her a lake blue dress. After putting it on, Allison carefully placed the red dress back

in the box.

She checked the time, the birthday banquet would not end for another hour. Since being called away

by Lucian, Dr. Dylan had not returned. He was probably held up by his friends.

She thought for a moment, then texted Dr. Dylan, “I’m resting in the rest room.”

Dr. Dylan quickly replied, “Okay, I’ll come find you after the birthday party ends.”

Just as Allison was about to respond, there was a sudden sound of the door lock being turned hastily.