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The Billionaire Alpha’s Contract Lover

Chatper 1792
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Chapter 1792

Johnny followed his gaze and looked at Taya, who was lying on

the hospital bed, sound asleep. He spoke softly, “What do you

want with her?”

Dylan walked in under Johnny’s guarded gaze. “She previously

took on a project for my grandfather, but there were some issues

with the design plans she sent over. I’ve come to ask her to redesign them.”

After explaining, Dylan, with clear and mysterious eyes, casually

shifted his gaze from Johnny’s face to the sleeping Taya.

“I just happened to see her here when I was visiting friends and family in the adjacent ward, so I took the liberty to

come and find her. But what’s wrong with her?”

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Johnny was aware that Taya was an architect, so he didn’t doubt Dylan’s words, but he remained cautious in his


“She’s pregnant and feeling a bit unwell, so she came to the

hospital for a check–up.”

Dylan seemed surprised by the news of Taya’s pregnancy. “I


Johnny nodded and began to politely usher Dylan out. “She’s not

Chapter 1792


in a condition to take on any projects right now, Dylan. You should come back later.”

Dylan looked at Johnny, who was by Taya’s side. “Alright, I’ll come back to see her after she wakes up.”

As Dylan turned to leave, it seemed that his appearance here was indeed just a coincidence.

Taya was deeply immersed in a nightmare, her forehead and back drenched in sweat. She dreamt that Griffon

repeatedly pushed her away, causing her to fall to the ground and struggle to get up.

Then, Tara, Brooks, and Griffon together pushed her into the sea. She reached out for help, but Griffon coldly

turned away and

swam off.


Taya clutched her chest, curled up in a small ball under the

covers. Johnny hesitated for a moment, then took her hand and

held it in his palm.

“Taya, you’re having a nightmare again. Wake up, and the pain will

go away.”

Taya, entangled in her nightmare, couldn’t hear his voice and was

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

shivering from the cold. Johnny touched her forehead and found it to be very hot, prompting him to quickly press

the call button.

Chapter 1792

“Doctor, she has a fever again, come quickly!”


The doctor soon arrived, examined Taya, and then looked at

Johnny. “Let’s try physical cooling first. If that doesn’t work, we’ll

consider medication.”

“Will taking too much medication affect the baby?” Johnny

asked, feeling unexpectedly concerned, almost as if he were the

pup’s father.

Realizing that he had been by Taya’s side during her pregnancy,

he found it normal to be concerned. “Let’s use as little medication