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The Billionaire Alpha’s Contract Lover

Chatper 1768
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Chapter 1768

“The chip in his brain was implanted by 1-2, and it was 1-2 who made him the inviter. 1-2 was impressed by his skills

and abilities,” Tara explained, then stood up and hugged Mr. Ben’s waist,

speaking gently, “Ben, give me half an hour of authority. Let’s not challenge his authority. Let’s send him to the

confinement room and let 1-2 punish him.”

Ben, who had his finger on the detonation key, slowly moved

away and instead hugged Tara’s waist. “If we don’t kill him now, what if 1-2 decides to use him and he turns against

us using 1-2’s power?” he asked.

“You forget, we still have the biggest leverage on him. If 1-2

decides to use him, we’ll expose his identity and leave him with no

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place to hide,” Tara replied, her eyes filled with murderous intent.

Satisfied with Tara’s determination, Mr. Ben nodded. He entered S with Griffon, but Master Davies favored Griffon

more, personally teaching and nurturing him, and eventually giving him the position of leader. Mr. Ben could only be

Griffon’s subordinate, not even his right–hand man like Zack and Peter.

He had long resented Griffon and his high–handed attitude. Fortunately, fate allowed him to discover Erebus’s

existence. At the same time, hé met the person he liked, Tara, who had been abandoned and tormented by Griffon.

This fueled Mr. Ben’s

Chapter 1768

hatred towards Griffon, prompting him to take Tara and join

Erebus. Tara, who hated Griffon even more, was given the opportunity for revenge by Mr. Ben. She became

Erebus’s operative, trading the list of S members with 1-2. They both

became influential figures in Erebus, and even 1-4 dared not challenge them.


Mr. Ben received unprecedented attention in Erebus, something S could not provide or perhaps did not want to

provide. Thinking of Griffon’s helpless agony as he watched Zack being devoured

by snakes and being forced to separate from his she–wolf, Mr. Ben

couldn’t help but smile. Griffon probably never expected to be played and controlled by him one day.

As Mr. Ben stared at the unconscious Griffon with a dark smile,

Tara reached out and held his arm, asking, “Ben, has my father left


“Brooks has been waiting at the destination for a while. As soon

as the black–clad men escorting Taya leave, he will kill her,” Mr.

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Ben replied, redirecting his gaze towards Tara.

Tara hated Taya more than Griffon, believing that she had stolen Griffon from her. She had already planned for her

father to take Taya away once Erebus’s people arrived at the destination, allowing them to kill her without breaking

Erebus’s rules.

Thinking of how she had manipulated these two people, Tara’s mood soared. Of course, it was also thanks to Taya’s

inability to let go of Griffon that she was lured into Erebus. Otherwise, Tara

Chapter 1768


would have had to send someone to kill her outside, which would

have been troublesome and wouldn’t have resulted in such a

spectacular show.

Tara glanced at Griffon and coldly sneered in her heart, “Since you

cherish and protect Taya so much, then endure the pain of hurting her and losing her again!”