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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 535
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Olivia was deep in thought and didn't notice Tyler speaking to her until he tightened his hold. "You're so lost in thought you can't even hear me." Olivia turned toward him, shaking her head slightly.

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Seeing her reaction, Tyler smiled. "Tellwhat you're thinking about." Feeling pressured, Olivia looked away, not wanting to meet his gaze.

Tyler understood her reaction and gently touched her neck. "Let's talk slowly, okay?" He encouraged her with his eyes, "Try to say something." Olivia felt his touch and wanted to speak, but instead, she shook her head again and nestled closer to him. She remained silent.

Tyler hugged her and didn't continue to force her to speak.

Alisa observed quietly. "She seems like she wants to say something but just can't." Tyler just said, "It's okay, it takes time." Alisa didn't reply.

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Trying a different approach, Tyler gently pushed Olivia back a bit and suggested, "Let's read together." His voice was soothing. Even though Olivia was only partially leaning on him, she could feel the vibration of his voice.

Olivia looked up at him adoringly and nodded. Tyler smiled, pulled her close into his chest, and pickedne a light humorous book. They settled into a quiet reading session.

Alisa lingered briefly, then resumed her chores.

As they read, Tyler shared interesting facts with her.

Despite losing her memory and her voice, Olivia could still read. She listened intently to Tyler's stories, unaware of the love evident gaze.

(in) UMS her Tyler read aloud to help Olivia relax and forget her troubles for a while. Distracted by the book, Olivia stopped dwelling on earlier events.