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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 531
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Olivia seemed shy as she gently pressed her lips together and rested her head on Tyler's hand.

Tyler didn't pull away. Instead, he lightly played with her chin, treating her with the gentle care one might show a kitten.

The car lingered for a moment before finally driving out of the hotel.

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A breeze swept in, causing Olivia's hair to brush against Tyler's face. He watched her serene expression as the scenery outside blurred by.

Upon arriving home, Olivia had already pushed thoughts of the earlier encounter out of her mind. She stepped out of the car, and at that moment, Tyler's phone rang.

It was his assistant. He paused his exit from the car to answer.

"Did you attend a meeting today, sir?" the assistant inquired.

The meeting had been about strategies concerning sstubborn holdouts.

Without hesitation, Tyler replied, "Let them wait. There's no need to rush this." He had decided to ignore them after the meeting.

"Okay, sir," responded the assistant, S~earch the Find_Nøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

pausing before adding, "But one person was strongly opposed and b. made quite a scene in town. He said even with a generous offer, he wouldn't sign the agreement or sell his land. And his property is crucial to our plans." Visibly drained by the conversation, Tyler pinched the bridge of his nose. "Handle it. I only want to hear about the results, not the process." The assistant quickly assured him, "Understood, sir." Tyler ended the call and pocketed his phone.

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Olivia and the maid were waiting. After hanging up, Tyler stepped out, the look of fatigue and annoyance replaced by a patient demeanor. "Let's go inside," he said calmly.

He placed his hand on Olivia's shoulder and guided her into the house. Inside, the maids greeted them warmly.

Olivia, less nervous than before, quietly followed Tyler upstairs.

A few days later, assured that Olivia's e offor a health was stable, Tylertook her prenatal checkup. At the hospital, Olivia followed the doctors' and nurses' instruction

with Tyler by her side. When it was tto draw blood, she becamem ve anxious.

Tyler wrapped his arms around her, comforting her with a whisper, "Don't be nervous. The content is on e novelenglish.net!