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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 107
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Chapter 107

Ana stared at Olivia and questioned her decision. “The driver has finished work. Are you sure you won’t


Tyler respected Olivia’s wishes. “I’ll drive us home if she wants to leave.”

Ana disagreed, “Tyler, you had a few drinks. You shouldn’t drive.”

Olivia remembered he did have quite a few drinks. If she insisted on going home, it would look like she

was being unreasonable, so she compromised. “I forgot he drank just now.”

Ana, thinking Olivia was immature, said, “Okay, it’s late. Go clean up and rest.” It had been a busy day,

and she was tired, so she left the hall.

After Ana walked away, Tyler turned to Olivia. “Are you sure you don’t want to go back to Sandalwood


Olivia replied, “You drank too much. We’ll see how things go tomorrow.”

Tyler nodded. “Let’s talk tomorrow.”

They went upstairs to their respective rooms, but upon entering hers, Olivia discovered her lights.

wouldn’t turn on. She hesitated at the doorway, uncertain.

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Tyler’s room was next to her. He noticed something was wrong and looked over, asking, “What’s


Olivia turned to face him. “My… lights are not working.”

Tyler stared into her dark room. “The bulbs probably burned. Come over to my room.” He then walked

into his room and left Olivia standing there.

Though they had shared a room before, it still felt intimate. Olivia hesitated before making her way to

the illuminated room.

Entering, she found Tyler showering, the sound of water filling the space. Unsure of where to stand,

she busied herself by picking up his discarded clothes and placing them in the laundry room.

When she returned, Tyler had finished showering, the television providing background noise. He

glanced her way. “You can shower.”

Olivia nodded. “Okay.”

After her shower, she found Tyler reading in bed, the TV still on. She noticed the empty space beside

him but refrained from joining him immediately. Instead, she went to the dresser and dried her hair with

a blow dryer.

Her hair was black and silky, allowing the wind to weave through it effortlessly, the strands slipping

through her fingers.

Chapter 107.


Tyler paused his reading to gaze at her youthful face illuminated by the light. Her skin was as soft as a

baby’s. Lost in thought, her eyebrows knitted together in concentration, only to smooth out after a


Tyler looked away from her and back to the book in his hand.

After about ten minutes of blowing, her hair was finally dry, prompting her to unplug the blow dryer.

She was dressed in a sleep gown, a simple plece brought over by the maids after a previous night’s

intoxication. Far from alluring, the gown had a childish design.

Seated at the dresser, Olivia remained still.

Tyler, previously engrossed in his book, glanced at her. “Are you done?”

“Yes,” Olivia replied, moving to sit beside him. She was never in a room with him like this. They were

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like a married couple.

He would usually go to her room, leaving before dawn after ensuring she was alone. This was the first

time they were spending time like this, so she didn’t know what to do.

Exhausted, Olivia lay down on her side and closed her eyes.

Tyler, after a few more minutes of reading, turned off the lights.

In the darkness, the distance between them in the bed was stark, with Olivia curling up under the

covers. But within seconds, Tyler bridged that gap, drawing her close.

Olivia had a feeling what was going to happen that night. Tyler had some drinks, and they hadn’t slept

together in a while already.

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her, but Olivia was a little uncomfortable and frowned.

Tyler murmured, “Why were you whispering in his ear?”

Olivia didn’t know how to answer that, so she remained silent.

“Olivia, tell me.” He then asked, “Tell me what kind of man are you looking for? A man like Jacob? Or

Claude? Or like me?”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!