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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 102
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Chapter 102

The driver said, “I’m going to get the car washed later in the afternoon. Mr. Tyler doesn’t like any stench

lingering in the car.

Olivia could smell the alcohol and knew how drunk she was, but she pushed aside the problem,

climbed into the cat, and meticulously searched every nook and cranny.

Emerging from the car, sweat–drenched and disheartened, the driver asked, “Did you find it?”

Olivia’s heart sank as she sadly shook her head. “No. I guess it’s gone now.”

Sensing her distress, the driver inquired, “Is it something important?”

It held sentimental value, being the last item left by her mother. Despite her utmost care, she couldn’t

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hold onto it, and now it seemed lost forever.

Returning to Sandalwood Palace, Olivia was intercepted by the maid. “Ms. Olivia, Mrs. Ana called and

requested your presence at Harris Residence. She’s still on the phone, waiting for you.”

When Olivia heard that, her body stiffened as she stared at the maid. Unwillingly, she approached the

phone, eyeing it warily. Summoning her courage, she picked up the receiver. “Hello, Aunt Ana.”

Ana’s delighted voice greeted her. “Olivia, Grandma Maisy wants to enjoy a performance, and we have

guests coming over. Please come over.”

Ana was treating her like a daughter–in–law, and Olivia could tell. “Aunt Ana, I might not-‘

Ana’s tone turned cold. “Might not what?”


Olivia pressed her lips into a straight line. She didn’t want to offend anyone, so she changed her

rejection into, “Let me check with Tyler, okay?”

Ana seemed satisfied with the response. “Alright, I’ll wait for your answer.” With that, she hung up


Tyler emerged from his study, prepared to leave. As Olivia spotted him descending the stairs, she rose

from the couch and said him, “Tyler, Mrs. Ana invited me to Harris Residence today.”

Unsure of how he would react, Olivia anticipated his disapproval. Would he think she was trying to

keep all the attention there to herself? If he objected, she could gracefully decline Ana.

Tyler, however, responded casually, “What did you say?”

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Olivia repeated what she just said,

“Do you want to go?”

Though the question felt loaded, Olivia realized Tyler’s inquiry was straightforward and there was no

hidden meaning behind it.

Caught between not wanting to offend Ana and being unsure of Tyler’s preference, Olivia hesitated.

Chapter 102

Before she could respond, Tyler interjected, “You should go.”

With that settled, he headed out, remarking, “I need to leave. We’ll talk later.”

Watching him walk away, Olivia couldn’t shake her anxiety.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!