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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chatper 575
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Chapter 575 The Erased Surveillance Footage.

Symeon drove to the manor’s gate, picked up Amanda, and slowly drove away.

“We should head directly to the Carter Residence now, I suspect Eleanor has something to

do with Casey’s disappearance, Amanda suggested, fastening her seatbelt.

He gripped the steering wheel. “I have the same suspicion. I waited downstairs until

midnight last night and didn’t see her return. Her phone was off all night and unreachable.

It’s clear she’s missing.”

“My greatest fear is that she’s in danger. If it’s merely confinement, we can handle it. We

just need to locate her.”

The thought of Casey potentially being in danger caused Symeon’s grip on the steering

wheel to tighten, his handsome face turning cold.

She could sense his concern. She chuckled softly, almost imperceptibly.

Symeon, however, heard it and glanced at her. “What’s so funny?”

“I was just wondering. Has someone fallen in love?”

“Not! Don’t overthink it. I just don’t want Dulcie to be upset,” he retorted.

Amanda merely smiled and remained silent.

Upon reaching the Carter Residence, Symeon and Amanda stood outside the door and

rang the doorbell.

After a considerable wait, Dylan finally opened the door. looking perplexed. “Who are you


“My name is Amanda Bailey. I am Miss Casey’s defense attorney. This gentleman is her


“However, Miss Casey is not at home. She hasn’t been residing here recently.”

Amanda responded with a smile. “I’m aware of this situation. However, I couldn’t reach

Casey today. So, I thought I’d visit the Carter Family. I wanted to inquire because Casey

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mentioned yesterday that she was planning to visit her father, but then we lost contact.”

“Ah? This…”

Dylan suddenly looked flustered. Did Casey disappear after leaving the Carter Family


Recalling the argument between Eleanor and Casey yesterday, he wondered if there was a

connection. After all, Eleanor sent him away at that time.

Observing the butler’s expression, Amanda sensed a story and probed, “Do you know


“I don’t know… I don’t know anything. You’re looking for Miss Casey, but she’s not here.”

“Then, we’ll seek Mrs. Carter. Please inform her, she suggested.

The butler nodded.

After the butler left, Symeon finally spoke, “I find this butler suspicious. It seems he knows

something. Yet,


he doesn’t dare to tell us.”

“It’s alright. We’ll ask him again later.”

After a while, Dylan returned. “Please follow me.”

Thus, Amanda and Symeon followed the butler into the Carter Residence and sat in the

living room. Shortly after, a maid served them two cups of tea.

After a considerable wait, Eleanor finally arrived, looking haughty, sizing up Amanda and

Symeon sitting. across from her. “So, you are Carter’s defense attorney?”

“Yes, I am. Hello, Mrs. Carter. My name is Amanda Bailey.”

“Oh, hello. So, what brings you here?”

“Nothing much, just a casual visit. Casey mentioned yesterday that she planned to return

home, and then we lost contact, so we came to investigate.”

Eleanor maintained her composure. “After she returned yesterday, we had a heated

argument and parted. on bad terms. I have no idea where she went. Asking me is futile.”

Symeon had no patience for the woman before him. He coldly said, “Do you dare to claim

that Casey’s disappearance has nothing to do with you? The person in this world who

most desires her disappearance. is you.”

“Who are you? How dare you speak like that? What makes you so certain? I bear no ill will

toward Casey. Why would you say I’m the one who most desires her disappearance? Be

careful, or I’ll sue you for defamation. Carter Family has private lawyers. They are all

prominent figures in the industry. I advise you to watch your language!”

She had no idea who she was dealing with and assumed that she could intimidate them.

Symeon was no longer willing to engage with this woman. He stood up and said, “I advise

you not to overstep the boundaries. I’m not as useless as Casey. If you know something,

speak up. If you don’t, keep quiet. I don’t have time for your nonsense!”

With that, he turned and left the living room, realizing he didn’t get any useful information

from her.

Then, Amanda also stood up and said, “Since you’re unwilling to share anything, I’ll take

my leave.”

Eleanor watched the man and woman depart one after the other, dumbfounded. “Who are

these people? They dare to yell at me. Why? Who do they think they are?”

As Amanda and Symeon were leaving, they ran into the butler. He seemed anxious and

couldn’t help but ask, “Have you guys managed to contact Casey?”

“If you know anything, it’s best to tell us. Otherwise, the situation could escalate. If Casey

met dangerous. individuals, the consequences would be unthinkable. Every minute we

waste increases the danger,” Amanda warned gravely, intentionally exaggerating the

situation to coax the butler into revealing what had transpired the day before.

Symeon stood by silently, having long suspected that the butler knew something.


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Dylan looked at them, wanting to speak but hesitating. After glancing around and seeing

no one else, he pulled them into a secluded corner.

“I’ll tell you, but you can’t betray me. Otherwise, Mrs. Carter will fire me. She’s been

looking for an excuse to do so for a while, but I desperately need this job. My wife’s

medical bills are expensive.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep it a secret. Our goal is to find Casey, not to stir up trouble,” she

assured him.

The butler thought briefly, then recounted what had transpired the previous day.

After listening, Symeon furrowed his brows. “So, you didn’t see whether or not Casey


“That’s correct. Mrs. Carter dismissed me.”

“That’s odd. Was there a surveillance camera where both of them argued yesterday? Can

we review the footage?” Amanda suggested..

Dylan replied, “There is a surveillance camera, but I don’t know if the footage is still there.

After all, the argument between Mrs. Carter and Miss Carter was quite heated yesterday,

and I heard that Mrs. Carter visited the surveillance room last night.”

“Then, bring us there.”

“Alright, it’s this way.” The butler guided them to the surveillance room.

However, after some investigation, they discovered the surveillance footage from the

entire yesterday had been erased. There was something suspicious about this. Otherwise,

why would they erase an entire day’s worth of footage?

Amanda and Symeon exchanged a glance, both sensing that something was amiss.

Yet, it wasn’t appropriate to confront anyone at the Carter Residence now, so they decided

to leave for
