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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chatper 567
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Chapter 567 Symeon’s Unrequited Love for Amanda

Casey stepped aside and answered the phone. Mr. Waltham’s voice came through. “Casey,

pardon the abrupt call, but your father asked me to inform you that if you continue to

reject his conditions, it is highly likely that you two will have to meet in court. He has

already asked me to draft the cause papers.”

Her fingertips trembled. She did not expect the Carter Family to be so ruthless as they

actually forced her and her father to meet in court.

Her heart turned cold.

Casey smiled. “Let’s meet in court then. When the court announces the final verdict, tell

him that I will completely sever my relationship with him. I don’t need a heartless and

ruthless father like him.”

“Casey, your dad doesn’t want to go against you in court either. That’s why he asked me

to persuade you. Rest assured that he will definitely leave you with enough money to

spend for the rest of your life. He won’t let his own daughter end up homeless on the

streets. You can absolutely trust me on this…”

Before Mr. Waltham could finish speaking, Casey hung up the phone. She did not want to

hear another. word right now. All she wanted to do was to completely cut ties with her

despicable father.

Her conversation was overheard by Symeon, who was standing behind her. Although he

did not know what was being said exactly, he clearly heard the words meet in court.”

Symeon spoke slowly, “Do you need me to recommend a lawyer for you?”

Casey turned around abruptly. “Yes! I really need you to recommend a highly capable

lawyer for me.”

A smirk appeared on the man’s lips. “First, tell me who wants to sue you.”

She lowered her head, feeling too ashamed to speak.

Did she have to tell this man that her own biological father wanted to sue her?

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Symeon said, “If you don’t speak, I won’t help you.”

Casey suddenly looked up. “I’ll tell you! It’s my


“Your dad?” A hint of disbelief flashed in Symeon’s eyes. He found it somewhat

unbelievable that a father would sue his own daughter.

“Yes. He wants me to give up the shares left to me by my mom and split them with my

half-brother from another mother. I disagreed, so he wants to take me to court.”

The more she spoke, the more heartbroken she felt, and tears started to well up in her


Symeon squinted his eyes slightly. “Your father is quite interesting. Did the mistress take

over? She stole your father’s heart, and now you and your mother have been driven out?”

“My mom was forced to commit suicide by the mistress.”

Symeon’s anger surged to the top of his head. “You’re such a pushover, letting a mistress

bully you like this. and even taking you to court.”

Just tell me if you’re willing to help me find a lawyer. I don’t want to hear you lecturing



She was already upset, and now she had to listen to Symeon lecturing her.

Symeon calmed down. He rarely lost control of his emotions. Then, he calmly told her,

“You know the best lawyer.”

“I know? Who?” She couldn’t think of any lawyer she knew besides Mr. Waltham, her

father’s personal lawyer.

“They’re right by your side. Think about it.”

Casey was confused. She could not think of any famous lawyer around her.

Seeing her puzzled look, Symeon impatiently said, “Amanda Bailey is a renowned lawyer

specializing in divorce cases and property division. You should ask her


Casey’s eyes widened in surprise. Right, Amanda Bailey was a famous lawyer. However,

their relationship was now strained. Would she be willing to defend her?


“With our current situation, would she really be willing to defend me? Hiring her as a

defense lawyer must be very expensive—”

Before Casey could finish her sentence, Symeon chuckled lightly. Then, tell her everything

about your experience. Although her fees are expensive, she has a strong sense of justice

and overflowing compassion. Just remember that.”

“Sense of justice?”

Amanda did seem kind-hearted. Whatever. At this point, she could only give it a try.

When Symeon mentioned Amanda just now, there was a sense of pride on his handsome

face. Was he proud that the woman he admired was so outstanding?

Suddenly, Casey felt a sense of inferiority.

Symeon still had an unrequited love for Amanda.

It was ridiculous to think about it. She originally thought women would never look down

upon a man like. Symeon, but now it seemed that it was possible.

The next day.

After Dulcie’s fever subsided, Casey planned to go to Winters Enterprise to finish her

resignation paperwork and then visit Amanda, hoping that Amanda could be her lawyer.

She really did not want to lose the shares her mother left her. If her mother’s spirit in

heaven saw Philip winning the lawsuit, she might not even rest in peace.

After submitting her resignation to the company, she went directly to the Winters


She waited for Amanda to appear in the living room.



Casey sat on the couch, nervously clutching her clothes and afraid that Amanda would not

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come out to see her.

She had been disrespectful to Amanda several times, and her attitude was extremely bad,

so it was understandable that Amanda would not help her.

Finally, there was a sound of footsteps, and she immediately looked up and saw Amanda.

Casey showed a joyful smile and stood up immediately. “Mrs. Winters…”

“Miss Carter, I heard you have something important to discuss with me?”

Amanda gestured for her to sit down, and then both of them sat on the couch.

Casey could not hold back and immediately said, “I want to ask you to be my defense

lawyer. I really need your help…”

As she spoke, tears welled up in her eyes.

“What happened? I’ve been on a break for several months, and I’m a bit rusty with my

work, but you can tell me what happened first.”

Casey’s eyes were red, like a wronged little rabbit. She slowly spoke, “My father wants to

sue me and take away my shares. I heard that you are very skilled in handling such cases,


“Is he even your biological father? How could he do this?” Amanda was a little angry.

Seeing her anger, Casey suddenly remembered what Symeon had said about Amanda’s

strong sense of justice and overflowing love.

Thus, she earnestly told Amanda about her situation.

After listening, Amanda angrily slapped the coffee table. “This is too much. As your

biological father, how could he treat you like this?”

“The situation has reached this point, and I no longer wish to say anything further. I will

not be intimidated by him either. Should he choose to take legal action, I am prepared to

face him in court. I cannot allow my mother’s legacy to be undermined even after her

passing. He must not be able to deprive me of what my mother left behind.”

“Yes, stand up to him until the very end. Very well, I will represent you,” Amanda agreed
