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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chatper 539
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Chapter 539 Did Amanda Really Betray Elias?

Inside the study…

Amanda hadn’t visited just to speak to Symeon but also to search for the bid proposal he

might have hidden in his study.

Recently, Lawrence Group had been consistently opposing Winters Enterprise, and Elias

had been visibly anxious in the past few days. If they failed in this bid once again, the

members. of the Winters Family would surely cause trouble.

They were already eager to remove Elias from his position as president, and they couldn’t

afford to leave any leverage behind.

Amanda searched Symeon’s study for a long time but didn’t find any useful information.

Instead, she accidentally lost one of the buttons on her blouse, and her hair was slightly


Maybe it’s not in the study…” Amanda muttered softly. Moreover, she didn’t find any safes

or storage boxes here. She only wanted to find the bid proposal, so she didn’t open any of

the other documents she came across.

Suddenly, the sound of a man’s footsteps came from outside the study.

Symeon has returned!

Amanda quickly returned to her seat, pretending to have been waiting for a long time. She

fanned herself with her hand, creating the illusion of impatience, and waited for Symeon

to enter the room.

Suddenly, the study door was pushed open. Symeon entered the study and immediately

spotted the back of a woman sitting across the desk.

for a

Amanda turned to look at him and said, “You’re finally back. I’ve been waiting for you long

time. Your nanny didn’t even want to turn on the air conditioning for me. It’s so hot in

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“Why did you wait for me in the study then? You could have waited in the living room,”

Symeon said as he sat down at the desk, observing Amanda across from him. Her cheeks

were flushed, seemingly from the heat.

Though the study wasn’t air-conditioned, it wasn’t hot enough to cause such discomfort.

Amanda’s appearance seemed more like she had just finished running

1. I just wanted to take a look at your study I didn’t expect it to be so neat, with hardly

any books Amanda remarked putting down her hand that had been fanning herself.


Symeon glanced at the empty bookshelves behind him and smirked. “I’ve just moved

here, haven’t had the time. By the way, what brings you here?”

“Well… I do have something to discuss with you, but you might not necessarily tell me,”

Amanda began.

Business proposals like these were considered trade secrets, and it wasn’t something he

could casually share.

“You haven’t even told me yet, so how do you know I won’t?” Symeon sensed that her

intentions might not be straightforward.

After pondering for a moment, Amanda finally decided to speak up, “I want to know the

content of your bid proposal. Will you tell me?”

Symeon fell silent, squinting his eyes slightly. “Are you asking on behalf of Elias? Is Elias so

useless now that he sends you here to use your charm on me? Do you think I would tell


Amanda laughed. “I’m just kidding. Of course, I know this is a trade secret and can’t be

disclosed casually. But could you please be more polite? This has nothing to do with Elias.

He has no idea about my visit. If he did, we’d end up arguing again.”

“Well, I’m truly touched. Are you leaving just like that? You came all this way and haven’t

said. a word to me. Have you forgotten why you came here, or have you already achieved

your goal?” Symeon’s words were clear, indicating his suspicion about Amanda’s true

purpose for being there.

Amanda came to a halt, turned to face the man behind the desk, and said, “What exactly

do you mean? If you have something to say, just say it straight. There’s no need to beat


the bush.”

Symeon stood up, circled the desk, and walked up to her. He helped her fix her collar,

where the button had come undone. “Is Elias so broke now that he can’t even afford

decent clothes. for you? Letting you wear something like this?”

Amanda instinctively took a step back. “What’s it to you? The button came off

accidentally. Don’t go looking for trouble for no reason.”

“If I’m not mistaken, you’ve been searching in the study for quite some time, right? You

didn’t find what you were looking for, so you’re planning to leave, am I right, Miss

Attorney?” Symeon’s words were dripping with sarcasm.

“Yes, so what? Elias didn’t ask me to do any of this, but I care about him. I want to do

something for him. And you, why do you always oppose him at every turn? If not for you,

our family of three would have been so happy. He hasn’t done anything to wrong you.

What gives you the right to be at odds with him?” Amanda finally let out her pent-up

frustration. She couldn’t understand why Symeon held such resentment against them.



Symeon watched her vent her anger, then smiled and said, “You done? Feeling better?”


“As a lawyer, you know very well that what you’re doing is illegal, yet you came anyway.

can I say? Is this true love?”

Amanda didn’t want to stay any longer. It was pointless. She knew she couldn’t change.

Symeon’s mindset.

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“Fine, think whatever you want. I’m leaving.”


Amanda was about to turn and leave when Symeon reached out and grabbed her wrist

from. behind.

She jerked her hand forcefully, trying to pull it back. In the process, she twisted her ankle,

and a sharp pain shot through. It was painful enough that she almost fell, but the man

behind her caught her.

Her ankle had been somewhat off since she had sprained it a while ago. It was prone to


“Be more careful when you walk,” Symeon admonished in a low voice.

Amanda yanked her hand away from him. “If you hadn’t grabbed me, I wouldn’t have

twisted my ankle. Let go!”

However, this scene was observed in great detail by Casey, who had concealed herself

around. the corner of the hallway. She watched in astonishment as they displayed such an

intimate. interaction.

At this moment, when Amanda pushed Symeon away, it almost appeared as if they were

engaged in flirtatious banter.

What’s going on? Has Amanda truly betrayed Elias? Are Symeon and Amanda involved

romantically? Have they come here for a secret rendezvous?

Casey suddenly felt that her image of Amanda had been completely shattered. She

couldn’t believe that Amanda would betray her husband, who had been so good to her.

Furthermore, Amanda’s disheveled appearance, her tousled hair, and the blush on her

cheeks raised questions Casey didn’t even want to contemplate.

Amanda then pushed Symeon away and walked downstairs on her own. Symeon watched

her struggle to walk and asked, ‘Shall I assist you in returning?”

“No, I can manage on my own”


Without casting a glance behind her, she departed.