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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chatper 530
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Chapter 530 You Just Find Me Amusing!

The atmosphere turned icy at the drop of a hat after Elias’ words.

Amanda gazed at the man dumbly. Meanwhile, the remnants of anger had yet to

disappear from his face.

He was genuinely furious. This was the first time he had wanted to celebrate her birthday

sincerely, but it was all ruined.

When they were secretly married, he didn’t even know when her birthday was. In fact, het

barely paid any attention to her at all. It was his grandfather who reminded him of her

birthday. When he learned about it, he only instructed the kitchen to prepare a slice of

cake for her.

In retrospect, there was no doubt that Amanda was disappointed with him back then.

So, he desperately wanted to make it up to her. Alas, it was all for naught because the day

was. ruined anyway.

Therefore, he was angry. Still, he was even more upset at himself for causing such a

disturbance on her birthday.

“Then, you can celebrate it with me next year… I don’t mind.” She suddenly felt less

vexed. In fact, she had known deep in her heart that he didn’t mean to say the wrong

thing. It was just that she couldn’t help but feel jealous regardless of the circumstances.

He pulled her into his arms and gently pressed her head against his chest. “Can you hear


His bizarre actions slightly took her aback. “Hear what?”

“My heartbeat.”

She slowly raised her head and stared at him in confusion. “Heartbeat? What do you


The man lowered his head and looked at her solemnly. “Can’t you hear how fast my heart

beats for you? Do you know how nervous I am when I saw your impassive attitude? I

thought you didn’t love me anymore. I was petrified that you didn’t want me anymore! So,

do you understand where I’m coming from right now?!”

Although the man was yelling in anger and appeared very distraught, she still couldn’t

help but find it amusing.

Her mind started envisioning him as an aggrieved Tibetan Mastiff that had its furs

standing on end. Now that she had time to think about it, wasn’t he exactly like that?

Sure, he was hopping mad at her. Yet, he still wanted her to cuddle him and soothe him.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

In the end, Amanda couldn’t hold back her amusement and giggled softly. Truth be told,

she would be giggling up a storm if she hadn’t tried very hard to restrain herself.

Elias immediately started ranting in indignation. “Are you actually finding this funny right

now? Do you really find my anxiety so hilarious?”

“No… I swear I’m not laughing at you. I just think you’re quite amusing.”

To be fair, a grown man acting both angry and aggrieved was adorable.

“You’re definitely laughing at me. You’re doing it right now! Everything I do makes you

laugh. I’m worried that you have fallen out of love with me, but all you’re doing is

laughing. You don’t even care! You just find me amusing.” Elias was not only angry at this

moment but also a little heartbroken. It seemed that she didn’t like him as much as


She couldn’t help but feel sorry for him when she caught sight of the despondent look on

his face.

So, she gripped his arm tightly when he turned around to leave. “I didn’t mean it that way.

I just find my Dear cute, that’s all.”


When he heard her address him as ‘Dear,’ a glimmer of hope appeared in his disappointed

eyes. What did that mean? Was it a sign that she had forgiven him?

Elias looked at her softened expression and asked stiffly, “So, are you still angry? Are you

going to continue to make a fuss?”

Couples argue all the time. As long as they intended to stay together, both parties would

have to come to a consensus after talking it out instead of holding grudges against the


Hence, she snorted lightly before responding, “Oh, forget it. It’s my birthday today, so I

don’t want to make a scene.”

It was already around 10 p.m., and her birthday would be over in two hours.

She had to admit that it was a pity. She was so caught up in her anger that she didn’t even

prepare a birthday cake. They could have celebrated her birthday happily as a family of


“It’s your birthday today, and you plan to soak in the hot spring here? Are you just going

to waste time like this?”

Amanda shot him a helpless glance as she retorted, “What else can I do? It’s too late to

buy a cake now, so we can only do this. Let’s talk about it next year.”

Frankly, she had never celebrated her birthday properly since Aiden was born.

“We still have time. Come with me.”

Elias pulled her up from the hot spring, and Amanda readily allowed him to lead her out of

the het spring. Of course, she was still sporting a rather befuddled expression.

She was only wrapped in a bath towel. Hence, when he turned around to look at her, he

muttered under his breath, “D*mn… you’re seducing me.”

She was rendered completely speechless as she stared at the ridiculous man before her. It

was his own lack of self-control that was making things difficult for him. So, who was the

one to blame here? Definitely not her….

Nonetheless, it didn’t matter that he had helped her get dressed, as he still couldn’t bring

himself to look at her right now. He was deathly concerned that he would take her right

then. and there if he lost control. Once that happened, he could kiss any of his last-minute

birthday plans for her goodbye.

Therefore, the moment they were both dressed, he led her to the dining room. There was

already a table of food prepared. It was a full-course meal he had arranged several days in

advance. Although they didn’t bother hiding the fact that they were squabbling, the chefs

still followed his instructions and made the dishes.

In the middle of it all was an exquisite cake.

She looked at the gorgeous cake and turned to look at him. “When did you buy the cake?”

“Very early. If we hadn’t argued, maybe…”

“Maybe what? Maybe the three of us would have already finished the cake.”

At the end of the day, it was still all his fault, wasn’t it?

Amanda pulled out a chair and sat down with a smile. “Help me light the candles. I want to

make a wish.”

Elias sat next to her and patiently helped her light the candles, saying, “Hurry up. It’s

almost midnight.”

“We’re eating in the middle of the night… Aren’t you afraid of gaining weight?” She

clasped her hands together tightly, preparing to make a wish.

He promptly replied, “You’re already married and a mother of one. So, what’s the big deal?

As long as I don’t mind, no one else has the right to criticize you.”

This man really doesn’t know how to speak without inciting the urge for her to beat him


Regardless, she still closed her eyes and made three wishes in her heart. Then, she

opened her eyes and blew out the candle.

The man immediately removed the candle before the wax could drip on the cake and

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

asked, “What did you wish for?”

“How could I tell you that? It’s a secret.” Then, Amanda cut herself a piece of cake and

took a bite. It was very sweet, so she could only eat a few bites. Otherwise, she would ruin

her dinner.

Elias looked at the food, which seemed to have cooled down over time and frowned. “The

food isn’t warm any longer. Let’s heat it up in the kitchen.”

“There’s no need for that. I can’t eat much anyway. Besides, these dishes look really

good.” She put the cake aside, took a bite of the food, and nodded in satisfaction. The

dishes truly suited her palate.

The man didn’t say anything else. After all, these dishes were made with her in mind.

Right now, it didn’t matter as long as she was happy.

Once she had gobbled a few bites, she couldn’t help but prod, “Are you really not

interested. in that beauty?”

“How many times do you want me to say it?! Do I have to gouge out my heart for you to

believe me? Or… Do you want me to confront that woman face to face? I have a clear

conscience! So, you can ask that woman yourself. Go ahead and ask her what I’ve done to


Elias realized that there would always be a lingering unease in her heart if he didn’t allow

her to discover the truth on her own.

“I refuse to go!” Amanda stated firmly.

“Bully for you then. I have made up my mind. I will introduce you to Miss Casey, whether

you like it or not. This is all to prove my innocence,” Elias declared with unwavering

determination. It was evident that there was no way she could sway him into making at

different decision.

She didn’t respond besides shooting him a deadpan look.

Yet, she couldn’t deny that deep down, she did want to meet this Miss Casey. However,

she also had reservations. She was of the mind that doing so would compromise her

principles, and it was somewhat uncouth.

Eventually, she bowed her head and silently consumed her meal, refraining from further

conversation. Although she knew he couldn’t have any connection with that woman, there

was a great part of her that yearned to possess his entire inner world. Thus, she found it



to swallow when that position was threatened. To make matters worse, she didn’t exactly

like this possessive side of hers, as it was a side that would raise hell if he ever spared a

woman. another glance.