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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chatper 524
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Chapter 524 Don’t You Think She’s Pitiful?


In the next instant, a resounding slap echoed through the room as it struck Elias’ face,

leaving him stunned.

Amanda took advantage of the moment to angrily push the man away and stormed out of

the ward.

Before Elias could catch up to her, he heard the heavy door slamming shut.

He closed his eyes helplessly. Amanda was genuinely furious this time, and he didn’t know

how to make up with her.

Elias sat up and immediately went after her, but a nurse blocked his way as soon as he

stepped out of the ward.

“Mr. Winters, you can’t just leave without permission.”

“Get out of my way!”

“I’m sorry, but it’s against the hospital’s policy. It’s not time for you to be discharged yet.”

Just as he was on the verge of losing his temper, Yacob arrived and pulled him back,

saying, “I’m sorry. I’ll watch over him.”

After the nurse left, Yacob restrained him and said, “Mr. Winters, you should stay put. I

bumped into Mrs. Winters earlier, and she instructed me to keep an eye on you and

ensure you don’t leave prematurely.”

Elias was frustrated. “Why didn’t you stop her? Didn’t you see how angry she was? Do you

know how difficult it is to appease an angry woman?”

Yacob silently muttered, “Well, it’s your fault for making her angry in the first place.

Besides, it’s pointless for you to go now. Mrs. Winters is still furious, and who knows how

she’ll take it out on you? It’s better to let her cool down.”

Elias suddenly fell silent, his face darkened, and he reluctantly returned to the ward.

That slap just now was well-deserved. He truly regretted uttering those words.

Amanda ran out of the hospital alone, her emotions overwhelming as tears streamed

down her face.

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She believed the impulsive words that had slipped from Elias’ lips just moments ago were

his true feelings.

The image of that woman gently tucking Elias in kept replaying in her mind. She seemed.

pretty beautiful. Was she truly more beautiful than her? That didn’t matter. What

mattered. was that Elias believed this woman was more attractive than her.

Could this be considered an emotional affair?

Once the mind wandered, physical infidelity wasn’t far off, was it?

All of a sudden, despair gripped Amanda’s heart.

If that day were to come indeed, what would she do? She couldn’t bear to imagine Elias.

asking for a divorce again. She had worked so hard to convince herself to enter into this

marriage again, to remarry Elias. Now, was she destined to repeat the same mistakes?

Suddenly, her phone rang. It was a call from Symeon.

She initially didn’t want to answer the phone, but it kept ringing, so she reluctantly picked



To her surprise, it wasn’t Symeon’s voice on the other end; it was Dulcie’s sweet, innocent

voice. “Miss Amanda, can you please come and keep me company today? Daddy isn’t

home now, and I’m scared.”

“Your dad isn’t home? Where did he go? Then, how did you have his phone?”

“Daddy went to work, and the nanny is home with me, but I don’t like her. She’s always

mean. to me, and I’m scared…”

Amanda didn’t want to get involved in Symeon’s affairs anymore, but the child was


That man had quite the nerve to carelessly leave the child at home with a nanny and not

come home to check on her.

“Dulcie, listen to me. Would you like to go to kindergarten with Aiden to play?”

Dulcie had been in Cludan for quite a while and was indeed of kindergarten age. If she

went to kindergarten, she would have many other children to play with and wouldn’t feel

so lonely.

Dulcie happily replied, “Okay, I want to play with Aiden. I like playing with him.”

“Great, then I will come over and keep you company today. When your dad returns, we’ll

talk to him together, okay?”




“Okay, Miss Amanda, come quickly. I have lots and lots of toys, and you can play with me.”

“Sure, I’ll be there soon.”

After ending the call, Amanda couldn’t help but sigh. What had she gotten herself into?

Symeon had caused so much misery for her family, and now she had to accompany his

little girl. However, she also felt that Dulcie was so innocent that she couldn’t reject her.

Soon, night fell.

Amanda stayed in Galaxy Bay until evening, but Symeon still had yet to return. He must.

have been swamped, managing a multitude of tasks.

“Miss Amanda, are you in a hurry to go home?” Dulcie had been observing Amanda check.

her watch, looking very anxious.

Amanda smiled and replied, “No, I’m just wondering why your dad hasn’t returned yet.”

She glanced at her phone, which displayed dozens of missed calls, all from Elias. He had

sent. lengthy messages on WhatsApp, but she hadn’t had time to read a single word.

Just then, the nanny’s voice came from outside the playroom. “Mr. Lawrence, you’re


Amanda felt relieved. He finally came back, and she could go back now. Aiden also

needed. her company.

Upon hearing that Symeon had returned, Dulcie became frightened and immediately

sought. refuge in Amanda’s embrace as though she had encountered a wild beast.

Amanda instinctively held the little girl even closer and then heard the man’s footsteps

stop behind her.

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She turned around and saw Symeon standing at the door, somewhat surprised to see her.

“When did you arrive?”

“Oh, Dulcie called me to come. I’ve been waiting for you to come back. I wanted to

discuss. something with you.”

Symeon raised an eyebrow slightly. “What do you want to discuss?”

“Dulcie has been in Cludan for a while now, and it’s unhealthy for her to stay locked up at

home like this. Over time, it could affect her psychologically. So, I suggest enrolling her in

the kindergarten as Aiden. They already know each other and can look out for each other.”

Amanda gently stroked Dulcie’s head, comforting her.



Symeon nodded in agreement. “That’s a good suggestion. We can do that.”

“Alright then, I’ll head back now. Also, please be gentler with children, especially with little.

girls. You’re quite aloof with her, yet you expect her to call you ‘Daddy. Don’t you think

she’s pitiful?”

Symeon remained silent under Amanda’s criticism. However, he didn’t mind being

scolded. by her at all. In fact, he found it refreshing. At least she seemed more reliable

than Dulcie’s. biological mother. That Casey didn’t even acknowledge her own child; she

was not fit to be Dulcie’s mother.

Upon seeing Symeon’s silence, Amanda felt a little awkward to continue. After all, he

wasn’t her husband, and she didn’t want to annoy him with her nagging.

She handed Dulcie over to Symeon and said, “Dulcie, Miss Amanda is going back to keep.

Aiden company. Promise me to go to bed early tonight, alright?”

Then, Amanda reminded Symeon again that he needed to tell Dulcie a story later, or else

she might have trouble falling asleep.

Symeon nodded. “I understand.”

“Goodbye, Dulcie. You’ll be able to play with Aiden at kindergarten soon.”

“Really? Does Aiden still remember me?”

“Of course, Aiden has a great memory.”

Amanda’s smile was so contagious that it momentarily captivated Symeon. There was a

moment when he truly wished that she was the mother of his child.