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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 86
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Chapter 86 If There Are Too Many Coincidences, It’s No Longer One

Amanda’s emotions were in a mess right now.

At the sight of her hesitance, Howard laughed bitterly. “Now that I think about it. Elias not

having any children may be a form of karmic retribution as well. Is it fated that the Winters

Family will die out?”

“Grandpa, how can you think that? You’re overthinking this. It’s not karmic retribution at

all!” Amanda was taken aback by the fact that Howard had started to believe in karma.


father’s death must have been too much of a shock to the family and made everyone lose

their common sense!

“Go home. I’ll stay here for the night. Let me accompany my grandson for a while. It’s

been a long time since I can look at him quietly like this” Howard’s eyes were fixed on the

bedridden man the entire time.

She didn’t know what to say and could only nod. “Grandpa, call me if you need anything. If

you can’t stand it, just take a break.”

“Go on. I know Howard finally smiled.

Amanda’s phone rang at that moment, causing some sudden noise in the quiet hospital

ward. Quickly, she pressed on the mute button and retreated from the room. She picked

up her phone as soon as she was outside. It was a call from Aiden, who probably was

asking her to go home.

Sure enough, a cute yet angry voice came from the other end. “Mommy, you lied to me.

Didn’t you say you will come home soon? Why aren’t you home yet? Hmph! You liar!”

“Baby, be good. Mommy is coming home now. I was delayed, plus it’s raining heavily, so I

have to drive slowly.”

“I don’t care! You must have gone out alone to play without me! Hmph! I’m very angry!”

Amanda chuckled helplessly. “How about I go home now and bring you your favorite

chocolate cake?”

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“I guess I’ll forgive you. Come home quickly, Mommy! Luckily there’s chocolate cake or I

would have gotten really angry.”

Aiden hung up immediately after that. She eyed her phone and shook her head with a

smile. After all, he was still a child who could be easily reassured with cake.

She had just turned around when she saw Yacob who had rushed there and was breathing

quickly. He seemed to have come to the hospital as soon as he received the message.

“Miss Bailey, is Mr. Winters okay now?”

“He’s out of danger and is now under observation,” she reported truthfully.

He sighed in relief. “Mr. Winters insisted on personally picking you up to celebrate his

birthday. I didn’t think… Oh, where did you find him? We’ve looked along the road so many

times but did not see any


“It’s a long story. I accidentally saw the marks of a car collision on a tree, so I took a

chance and went into the woods. I didn’t expect to really find him. Amanda felt that she

had been lucky since not everyone would have noticed such detail when it was raining so




Chapter 86 If There Are Too Many Coincidences, It’s No Longer One

Yacob frowned deeply and muttered to himself, “On his birthday, and a car accident no

less. Is it truly karmic retribution?”

Those wonds again.

“Yacob, do you believe in karma?”

“I’m not so sure about it. A lot of things happened by chance. If there are too many

coincidences, it’s no longer one.” He looked into the hospital room and decided to remain

outside when he saw Howard inside.

Amanda opened her mouth to say something but hesitated. “If Elias wakes up, you have

to call me. I’ll head home first.” She turned and headed for the lift at the end of the


It was already 1.00AM when Amanda arrived home. Her entrance into the living room

woke the bodyguard sleeping on the couch. She did have to admit that Elias bodyguards

were all martial arts experts and highly alert to the point that they could detect even the

slightest movement.

“It’s me. Everything’s okay. Just go back to sleep.”

The bodyguard lay back again when he realized it was her. “The boy is now asleep but was


went to bed.”

She smiled in embarrassment and glanced at the chocolate cake she was holding. She

would have in the refrigerator.

Amanda headed to her son’s bedroom on the first floor and opened the door gently,

unable to help when she saw her darling son sleeping soundly with his rear in the air.

Kissing him softly on the check, then turned and left the room.

She returned to her room and took a hot shower to warm herself up. She had nearly

gotten a cold from being in the rain for so long while in the woods.

She lay on the bed and quickly fell asleep, falling into a dream where Elias knew of their

son’s existence and became furious. She also dreamed of her father-in-law whom she had

never seen. Her dreams were all jumbled together, and it was already daytime when she

awoke in shock. However, the sky was still gloomy outside and the rain hadn’t stopped,

though it had become lighter.

Amanda picked up her phone to look at it, not finding any phone calls from the hospital. Is

Elias not awake yet? But that isn’t possible, since the effects of the anesthetic have

probably gone away,

She tried calling Yacob, who quickly picked up.

“Yacob, has Elias not woken up yet?” Amanda felt anxious for no reason. If Elias wasn’t

awake, it might mean something was wrong.

She didn’t expect to hear Yacob say, “He just woke up and is being fed water right now. I

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was about to call you.”

“Oh.. that’s good then. I’ll head to the hospital right now.”

She ended the call and washed herself up. She planned to make breakfast and send Aiden

to kindergarten before going to the hospital.





Chapter 86 If There Are Too Many Coincidences, It’s No Longer One

In the luxurious hospital ward, Howard was sitting on the couch with a dark expression

while Elias lay against the bed where Grace was feeding him water. The elderly man was

infuriated by this since he didn’t like her at all, especially when there was Amanda to

compare her to.

“Elias, do you still want water? I’ll pour another glass for you, alright?” Grace asked


Howard snorted and said mockingly. “Didn’t you hear the nurse’s advice? He isn’t allowed

to eat within 24 hours and shouldn’t drink too much water either.”

“Sorry, I nearly forgot.” She placed the glass on the cabinet next to her.

Elias frowned slightly. “Go home if you have nothing else to do here. There are nurses here

and I’m fine.”

She remained silent for several seconds, seemingly hurt. “You don’t want to see me that

much? I was just worried about you and will go home later-”

“No,” Elias merely replied coldly while Howard snorted scornfully from the couch.

Grace stated again quietly, “Elias, it was your birthday yesterday. Don’t you think it’s too


“What do you mean?” He felt irritated suddenly, knowing that karma was about to be men

