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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70 All Because of You

Amanda was forcefully pulled away from the hospital by the man. As they returned to the

car, the atmosphere became tense. Elias was still angry, his slender fingers tugging at his

tie, his handsome face filled with displeasure.

He could not help but pipe up. “Tell me the truth. What are you thinking?”

She remained silent and looked at the man’s beautiful face, unsure how to respond.

The man became even more infuriated when she did not reply. He firmly grabbed her chin,

pressing hard on it as he stared into her innocent eyes. “You just wanted to use me to find

the child. You never intended to cut ties with Simon, did you?”

“I… I’ve known Simon for four years. He’s helped me a lot during that period. It would be

heartless of me to cut ties with him like this-

Before she could finish her sentence, the man impatiently interrupted her. “It’s none of my

busin then asked, “Do you have feelings for Simon? Truly?”

Just as she was about to answer, the man cut her off harshly. “Forget it. Don’t say

anything. I don’t hear it!” He was afraid to hear an answer he disliked, which would make

him explode with anger.

“I don’t care who you like, but you must cut ties with Simon. You can come to me if you

want a chi although…..” He paused, reminiscing about the child they lost four years ago.

He continued, “Although lost our child, I’m still fertile. Why become a stepmother to

someone else’s son? I can make you pregn again, and we’ll have another child. Do you


“Are you crazy? Who would want to have another child with you?!” Amanda’s emotions

instantly became somewhat uncontrollable. I can’t believe this sc*mbag dared to say such


She was alone and helpless in a foreign country just to give birth to Aiden. She had to

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endure a day and a night of pain and excessive bleeding, even contemplating suicide.

Now, he wanted her to have another child? Furthermore, if he did, she had to bear it. If he

did not, she had to abort it. Why was he still so

domineering and oblivious to his own mistakes?

Elias was taken aback for a moment. “What did you say?”

“I said there’s no way I’ll have another child with you. If you want one, find another

woman to bear it!” After speaking, she turned around, pushed the car door open, and was

about to get out.

The man forcefully pulled her back, raging with anger. “Amanda, you will pay the price for

what you said tonight!”

“What are you doing?

Seeing Elias suddenly angry, she felt rather panicked. After all, it was well-known that this

man had a volatile temper and could do anything when he lost control.

“I’m going to show you what I’ll do tonight!” He gritted his teeth and helped her fasten her

seatbelt. Then, he stepped on the accelerator and drove away from there.

That was the way back to the estate.




Chapter 70 All Because of You

+15 Bonus

He drove recklessly, speeding rapidly, rendering Amanda terrified. “Can you slow down a

bit? Are you in at hurry to die? Elias, slow down!” She had never seen him drive so fast

before. It was nerve-racking as if he was heading toward his death.

He kept his eyes on the road ahead and continued to accelerate. “I’m in a hurry to make a


“What?” She was too nervous to understand what he meant by that.

In this manner, it only took them half an hour to race back to the estate.

Amanda could not help but gasp for breath as soon as the car came to a stop. She felt like

she had come back to life, having been on edge the whole way, afraid they would crash at

any moment.

Before she could catch her breath properly, Elias unbuckled his seatbelt, slammed the car

door, and walked around to her side. She looked at the man outside the car window in

terror. What is he going to do now?

He opened the car door and released her seatbelt, forcefully lifting her out of the car

before carrying her toward the villa.

“Elias, let me go! What are you doing? Are you going crazy again?”

“I am going crazy, all because of you.”

“Don’t mess around! I warn you, let me go, or I’ll get angry!” She struggled and squirmed,

but it was futile. How was it possible for her to overcome the strength of a man, especially

someone like Elias, who stood 6

feet tall?

Several servants passed by on the way, greeting him, but he ignored them and carried

Amanda straight. into the elevator. With a ding, the elevator doors slowly opened.

The man carried her back to the bedroom. Her eyes widened when she saw the bedroom

door open, and she struggled even harder. “Elias, I warn you once again. Let me go, or I’ll

bite you to death! If you don’t believe me, just watch, I’ll do it!”

She had sensed the danger and seemed to anticipate what would happen next. He threw

her onto the soft and fluffy bed before locking the bedroom door.

Just as she was about to struggle to get up, the man forcefully pressed her down, kneeling

on both sides of her body, holding her tightly so she could not move. She lay on the bed,

watching as the man took off his suit jacket. He then tossed his tie onto the carpet and

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began unbuttoning his shirt one button at a time.

At that moment, the man exuded a wild and intense aura, like a predator pinning down its

prey, eager to indulge in pleasure, full of desire.

“Do not touch me!” Amanda screamed in a high-pitched voice, writhing her body.

The next second, the man’s sexy chest and abs came into her view, presenting an

absolute visual feast. Elias suddenly leaned in, gripping her chin firmly, his tone forceful

and dominant. “Look at me! I want you to see who I am clearly and remember me


Intimidated by the man’s aura, she stared at him blankly.




Chapter 70 All Because of You

The next moment, her lips were forcefully pried open, and she barely had time to react.

#15 Bonus

The man rudely tore off her starry sky dress with spaghetti straps. She struggled with all

her might. “Stay away from me! Don’t touch me! Believe me. I’ll bite you to death!”

“Bite me if you want. Even if you bite me to death, it won’t stop what’s going to happen

tonight.” Elias had a resolute expression as if no one could persuade him otherwise.

She bit down on the man’s shoulder, wishing she could bite it off and hoping it would

sober him up even a little bit. The man let out a muilled groan, but he had no intention of

stopping. He whispered in her ear, “You’re tough, but I still won’t stop. Amanda, I’m going

to own you tonight.”

She felt hopeless, for this man was so stubborn. Once he set his mind on something, he

would go through with it, and no one could stop him..

She closed her eyes, overwhelmed with sadness, without understanding why.

Meanwhile, Grace was at home, about to call Dick. She wanted to see if he had

succeeded. That little boy would’ve been abandoned in some remote mountain valley if

everything went smoothly.
