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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62 How About You Feed Me

That rendered Amanda unable to retort, wondering how shameless that man could be.

What does he mean by It’s not like I haven’t seen it before?

Frustrated, she grumbled. “Hurry up and change. I’ll wait in the car

Just as she came out of the room, she saw a female servant ready to head inside. “Wait,

don’t go inside. He’s changing.” She stopped the servant.

The servant stopped and informed her, “Oh, I came to ask Mr. Winters if he would like

some breakfast. The kitchen staff has finished preparing the food.”

“Help me pack some sandwiches and milk. I’ll bring it with us so he can have it while we’re

on the road.”

“Okay, Miss Bailey.”

Amanda waited in the car for over half an hour before Elias came and opened the door.

She suspected he might have deliberately stalled for time because he knew she was in a


Once inside the car, he put on his seatbelt before ordering the driver, “Let’s go. Drive

steadily. I need to take a nap.

The driver looked at Elias from the rearview mirror and nodded. “Yes, Mr. Winters.”

However, Elias seemed to have no intention of talking to her because he lowered his lids,

preparing to catch some shut-eye.

Amanda looked at the packed breakfast and poked the man’s firm arm. “I had the

servants pack your breakfast. Why don’t you have some? You haven’t slept all night, and

your stomach might feel ill if you didn’t eat anything.

After slowly opening his eyes, he glanced at her and gave a mocking remark. “Seems like

you’re great at flattering people, but unfortunately, you’re flattering me for someone

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Speechless, she thought Elias was ungrateful because she was concerned for him, yet he

spoke such hurtful words. In the end, she could not stand it anymore and rolled her eyes.

“If you don’t want it. fine. You deserve it if your stomach hurts.”

Seeing her all riled up made him scoff. “Is this how you treat the person helping you?”

She surrendered. If it were not to find her baby, she would not be here to suffer such

treatment. Forcefully suppressing her anger, she flashed him a fake smile. “Are you going

to eat or not? If you don’t feel like cating. I’ll keep it until you’re hungry.”

. When Elias noticed how annoyed she was but still had to force a smile, he laughed as an

evil thought

appeared in his mind. “Who says I’m not going to eat that? But I’m tired after pulling an

all-nighter and can’t move my arms. How about you feed me?”

That rendered Amanda baffled. What a lame excuse! She could tell he did it on purpose to

make things difficult for her, but since she wanted to find Aiden, she had to endure it!

How About You Feed Me

Taking out the sandwich, she placed it beside the man’s lips. “Here. Open up.”

A smile appeared on his lips as he slowly opened his mouth to take a bite of the sandwich,

enjoying her


At the same time, in Calcheth, Dick was prepared to leave early to continue his journey

with Aiden. He planned to trick the culprit into giving him the money and then return the

child to Amanda. As the child’s real maternal grandfather, he could not hurt his grandson.

“Kid, eat up. The sooner you finish breakfast, the sooner I’ll bring you somewhere else to


Aiden was obediently drinking his chicken soup. Although he seemed accepting of Dick as

his grandfather, he still did not trust him. “Grandpa, I want to go home to Mommy. I miss

Mommy… Sob…” The child pretended to feel aggrieved and pouted his lips, rendering

anyone who saw him heartbroken.

Successfully, Dick felt his heart almost melting when he saw that, especially because he

knew this was his biological grandson. Hence, he coaxed Aiden. “Oh, sweetie, we’ll play

around for a little longer before sending you back to your mommy, okay? I promise I’ll

bring you to see her.”

While blinking his large, round eyes, Aiden nodded. “Okay! But you can’t lie to me! The

one who lies is the sore loser!”

“Okay, okay. I promise I won’t. Dick thought he was getting along quite well with his

grandson. The more he looked at Aiden, the more he liked the kid. It seemed like they had

a solid bond.

Ring! Ring!

It was then he received a call from Grace. He went to pick up the phone at the side and

even warily snuck a peek at the child behind him. “Are you still in Calcheth?”

“Yes. I’m about to leave with the kid. Didn’t you say to keep heading south?”

“There’s a change of plans. I’ll give you every penny I promised, but when you get to the

next destination, find somewhere without reception or traffic and get rid of the boy.”

“Get rid of him? Aren’t you counting on the kid to get the ransom?”

When Dick received instructions to get rid of the boy, he was shocked and wondered what

that woman was up to. Is she crazy?How can she ask me to leave my grandson in a

deserted area? Doesn’t that mean Amanda would never see her child again? Wasn’t this

just a simple kidnapping situation? This is getting stranger by the


Grace’s voice was firm as she ordered, “Stop with the nonsense and do what I say.

Otherwise, you won’t get a penny from me, and the cops will immediately find out about


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“Okay. Fine. I’m just doing my job. I’ll do whatever you say.”

“Good. Hurry up and leave. Don’t stay there any longer. By the way, leave this phone at

the hotel and get your hands on a new one.”

Confused, Dick asked, “And why should I do that?”

“Don’t ask questions you shouldn’t be asking and just do it. I’ll send you a portion of the

money tonight”

Once Grace said that, she hung up, leaving Dick dumbfounded. He had no idea what that

woman was trying to do, and he first thought this was just a simple kidnapping case that

would end with no harm and the ransom paid. Now, it felt like it had almost turned into

child trafficking.

Turning to look at the child with food all over his face, Dick exclaimed, “You’re lucky to

have encountered me. Or else, you would never be able to see your mother again”

If someone else took this job and kidnapped that kid, would that not mean Aiden would be

stranded in a rural area? He, however, naturally would not leave his grandson in a place

like that.

As such, he decided he would send Aiden back to Amanda once he received the money

tonight and give up on the rest.

Meanwhile, Grace stood on the balcony after hanging up the call, feeling the gentle early

morning breeze as her eyes filled with viciousness. In reality, she would rather kill the

child and make him disappear from this world but dared not do so. It was unlikely for the

child to be found after being left in a rural area.

“Amanda, don’t blame me for this. Elias, I just don’t want to lose you… she muttered.

She could not afford to lose Elias because she had waited for this for so long; she was so

close to succeeding! How could she be willing to let that go? Moreover, no one in the world

would love him more than her.

But….. No matter how hard she planned, she did not expect the kidnapper to be Amanda’s

biological father.