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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 556
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Chapter 556 A Secret Competition Between Two Men

“Are you sure it’s defamation and not the truth?” Elias sneered at Symeon, refusing to

even look at him.

Symeon chuckled. “I’m certain it’s defamation, and you also have ulterior motives. Are

you interested in Miss Carter? Although you’ve explained it so many times and finally

managed to convince your wife, you can’t deceive me because I’m not your wife.”

His implication was crystal clear.

Amanda couldn’t tolerate it any longer and angrily shouted at Symeon, “What are you

trying to say? Are you suggesting that I’m foolish, which is why he easily pacified me with

just a few words while you’re the one who knows the truth?”

Symeon smiled and remained silent, indicating his agreement.

Meanwhile, Casey stood awkwardly on the side, thinking Symeon was being too

insensitive. How could he openly discuss her ambiguous relationship with Elias in front of

everyone without considering her feelings, just to show off in front of Amanda?

Elias shielded Amanda behind him and glared at Symeon. “Stop trying to sow discord

here. I’m warning you. Today is a parent-child sports event, and I don’t want to resort to

violence. Don’t push me.”

Same here.”

After saying that, Symeon turned around and walked away, picking up Dulcie with one

hand and heading toward a corner to wait for the next game.

Casey followed behind him, looking at Elias and Amanda’s displeased faces in the

distance. At that moment, she couldn’t help but feel that Symeon’s behavior was

despicable. Did he really think he could make Amanda belong exclusively to him by

sowing discord between those two?

“Don’t you think you’re going too far? Today is a parent-child sports event; everyone is

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here to make their children happy. Why do you have to make it into this situation?” Casey

couldn’t hold back her anger and vented it out at the man.

But her outburst startled Dulcie, who was in the man’s arms, and she tightly hugged his

neck, whispering, “Daddy, why did you make Miss Casey angry? You should apologize to


Seeing Dulcie’s well-behaved and sensible demeanor, Casey was hit by a sense of guilt.

I’m sorry, Dulcie. I wasn’t paying attention to my tone. I’m sorry that I scared you. Go and

get ready. We’re about to start the next game.”

“Okay, Miss Casey. Please don’t argue with Daddy. He’s not good at arguing..

Little Dulcie was always considerate, always thinking of her father.

Upon hearing those words, Casey felt even more distressed and gently touched her little

head with a smile. “Go ahead. I won’t argue with your daddy. We came here today to

compete, right? Winning first place is the most important.”

After Dulcie walked away, Casey looked at Symeon and instantly changed her expression.

“You’re more immature than a child. Dulcie is always defending you, afraid that I might

misunderstand you, but what are you doing?”

Angered by the woman’s scolding, Symeon sneered. “Are you trying to teach me a lesson?

Do you think




you have the right to do so? Who are you to me, and who is Dulcie to you?”


The teacher announced over the loudspeaker that the second sports event was about to

begin. “Parents and children, please take your positions.”

Symeon glanced at her and walked toward where Dulcie was.

Meanwhile, Elias’ family stood on the other side, several teams away from them.

In this game, the families had to run a lap around obstacles together while holding a

balloon, They wouldn’t be disqualified if the balloon burst, but their results wouldn’t count.

The quickest family to return. to the starting point would win the game.

“Daddy and Mommy, let’s go. We have to win first place!” Dulcie bounced around, looking

extremely adorable.

Symeon and Casey held the balloon between their bodies, feeling awkward. Since both of

them didn’t want to touch each other, the balloon almost fell several times.

But Dulcie kept shouting. “Daddy, go! Daddy, go!”

It was clear that Dulcie really wanted to win.

So, Casey took the initiative to hug the tall man, making him frown unhappily. “What are

you doing?”

“I’m helping Dulcie win first place. What else would I be doing? Do you think we can win

with your current attitude? Aren’t you competing with Elias? Look at how well he and his

wife cooperate. They may take first place again in this round.” Casey started to provoke

him as she sincerely didn’t want to disappoint Dulcie.

Symeon glanced at the Winters Family and then tightly hugged Casey.

With the signal, the race began.

Symeon simply picked up Casey and Dulcie and ran straight toward the obstacles in the


Of course, he would never let his daughter lose to Elias’ son.

Amidst the cheers, the race ended.

The final result was a tie between Elias and Symeon.

The two men looked at each other with eyes filled with dissatisfaction. It seemed like they

were destined not to get along and could only fight to the end.

So, all the following events became a tool for the silent competition between the two men.

Everyone else became invisible, and they didn’t care about others’ feelings at all..

Until the end of the parent-child sports event, the first place in all the games today was

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tied between Elias and Symeon, which was nothing special.

Amanda’s expression turned solemn, and she took the initiative to walk up to Symeon.

“Mr. Lawrence, can we have a word?”



Symeon had a wicked smile on his lips and walked to the other side with Amanda.

Meanwhile, Dulcie watched as the two of them walked to the tree and started arguing

before parting ways.

Later, Symeon walked back with a strong sense of hostility and picked up Dulcie with one

hand. “Let’s go home.”

“Daddy, you were supposed to treat Miss Casey to dinner. She helped us today”

“Another time. I’m busy today and have something to do tonight. I’ll take you home first.”

Actually, Dulcie wanted to have dinner at Casey’s house, but seeing how angry her father

seemed, she decided to keep quiet.

Seeing Dulcie’s aggrieved look, Casey took the initiative to speak. “If you’re busy, you can

leave now. I’ll take Dulcie with me and bring her back home tonight!

Symeon hesitated for a few seconds, then handed Dulcie over to her and said, “No need. I

come to pick her up at 10 p.m. Remember to let her eat. I’m leaving now.”

After speaking, the man turned and left.

Whilst in Casey’s arms, Dulcie laughed happily. “Miss Casey, you’re amazing. How did you

know I wanted to go to your house?”

“That’s because I have mind-reading abilities. I can see what’s on your mind. Let’s go

home and have dinner.

“Yeah, Miss Casey. I still crave the chicken wings you prepared last time. They were

incredibly delicious.”

“Sure, I’ll prepare any dish you desire.”