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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 55
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Chapter 55 Aiden Is Missing.

Inside the mansion, Amanda was busy making fish stew, and it tasted a little bland when

she took a spoonful, so she asked Colette for some salt. However, no response came from

the woman. She turned around and found Colette was no longer in the kitchen.

Where has she gone? She was still here helping me with dinner a second ago…

“Mrs. Colette?” Amanda called out again, and it was only then the nanny hurried back into

the kitchen. “You called, Miss Bailey?”

“Where were you?” she couldn’t help asking. “Could you please pass me the salt? The

soup tastes a little bland.”

At that, Colette handed her the seasoning, then smiled guiltily. “I went to answer a call

and also checked on Aiden. I’m surprised by how quiet he is. He’s been sitting in the

dining room the whole time, waiting for you. I said he could watch some cartoons, but he

insisted on being the first person you see when you serve the food.”

Amanda pulled a relieved smile in response. Her precious baby boy had always been her

pride. and joy, after all.

“He’s been pretty attached to me since he was a baby.”

At that, Colette couldn’t help asking, “Miss Bailey, please don’t mind me being nosy, but

the company of a father is also important to a child’s growth. Are you not planning to

reconcile with the father? Boys especially need their father, you know.”

Amanda’s smile gradually disappeared, and it was soon replaced by displeasure. This is a

private issue, Mrs. Colette, and it’s not within your job scope. You just need to take care of


“I know, I know, I’m just curious as to why you’ve never talked about Aiden’s father, that’s


“The stew should be ready in another ten minutes or so. Bring the dish out later, will you?

I’m heading out,” said Amanda as she left the kitchen, not wanting to continue the

conversation with. Colette anymore.

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Although she was a decent nanny, she was very inquisitive and would often ask her about

Aiden’s father. If anything, she reminded Amanda of a busybody.

If it weren’t for the fact that she took great care of Aiden, Amanda would’ve long fired her.

It was pretty annoying when one’s nanny constantly pried into one’s privacy.

After leaving the kitchen, Amanda went to the dining room and found the little one sitting

quietly. at the table, waiting for dinner to be served. His actions were already in high

regard toward her cooking.

A chuckle escaped her as she went up to Aiden and patted his fuzzy head.


I’m famished, Mommy. When can we eat?” Aiden asked as he lay feebly on the table,

looking absolutely adorable.

“Very soon. The stew will be ready in another ten minutes. Hang in there.”


Just then. Amanda’s phone rang. She checked to find it was Elias. After taking a gander at

Aiden, she answered the call. “Yes?”

“Did you move just to avoid me?” Elias’ husky, alluring voice came from the other end of

the line.

“You can put it that way,” Amanda answered. “Did you go to my place? What for?”

“Nothing. I just wanted to see you.”

She felt somewhat speechless. The man was truly stuck in his ways, ever so overbearing.

Plus, her patience was beginning to wear thin. “If it’s nothing important, I’m going to hang

up. I’m kind of busy.”

“What are you busy with? Desperately playing the role of a stepmother? Have you

forgotten how much you enjoyed being under me? Does Nicholson know about it?”

Mockery and jealousy filled.

Elias’ tone.

“Must you make it sound so ugly? F*ck off!” Amanda ended the call at once, enraged.

The b*stard spoke so rudely and bluntly that she wanted to sew his mouth shut. All he did

was anger people.

“Mommy, who made you angry?” Aiden asked, blinking when he saw his mother getting


At the same time, Colette came over with the fish stew.

With that. Amanda smiled and said, “It’s nothing. They just called the wrong number. Let’s


The next day, Amanda headed to the law firm bright and early and left Aiden under

Colette’s care. Before leaving, she even deliberately took a gander at the adorable

sleeping piglet, whom she gave a peck on the cheeks.

However, soon after she left, Colette woke Aiden up, got him dressed, and proposed not to

go to school after he was done washing up.

Instantly, the little one widened his eyes with excitement. “Okay! Are we going out to play,

Mrs. Colette? I promise I won’t tell Mommy. It’ll be our little secret.”

It was within a child’s nature to play, so it was only normal that Aiden would be over the


after hearing he didn’t have to go to school.

“Sure. You must keep this a secret, okay?”

Moments later, Colette took Aiden out of the mansion after receiving a call, then shoved

the child.

into a caT.

As Colette watched the vehicle drive into the distance, she couldn’t help mumbling. Tve

done good, right? After all, there isn’t anything wrong with a child meeting his aunt.”

“Where are you taking me to play, mister?” Aiden asked from the back seat as he gazed at

the driving elder. However, the latter didn’t entertain him at all.

Later, a ringtone blasted, and the elder answered it. It was Grace.

“Have you picked the kid up?” she asked.

“I have, so don’t worry. What next?”

“Wait for my instructions. For now, just drive out of the city. Keep a close eye on the kid,

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

and you will get your money as promised.”

“Got it. Don’t worry, I can still handle a small matter like this. As if I can’t even keep an

eye on a kid.”

After hanging up. Dick guffawed, elated at the fact that he’d earn almost 300,000 for

nothing after this job.

That said, never would Grace have imagined the man she hired would be Amanda’s

father, and little did Dick know that the child he was asked to kidnap would be his


Meanwhile, Aiden thought the elder behaved and spoke bizarrely. If anything, he looked

like a bad guy to the little one.

Amanda had many things to handle at the law firm that day. She had a few clients to

meet, and by the time she was free, it was already near dusk.

After returning to the office, she thought about giving Simon the day’s update before

getting off work, but the man was on the phone when she entered his office with several

folders in her arms. At that, he signaled her to wait for a while on the couch, to which she

smiled and obliged with at


The phone call ended several minutes later, and Simon approached her sternly, all

business-like. “So, how did it go with the clients?”

Amanda frowned. “One of them was rather difficult to deal with, so I plan on meeting them


Just then. Amanda’s phone rang. She hung it up, deciding to reply to it after she was done

reporting. However, her ringtone played again, indicating some kind of emergency.

“Answer it,” Simon urged. “I’ve got time. Besides, it’s time to clock off. There’s plenty of


“Thanks for your understanding, Boss.” Amanda smiled helplessly, then glanced at her

phone to realize the call was from the kindergarten.